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Monday 10th October 1881

Place – the same Present – the same

Te Whakahokiatapango No. 2

James Ransfield applied to be appointed as trustee for his son Haimona Ranapiri (m) 19.


23 Pahianua

Claim of J. H. Wallace – adjourned for one week

29 Kaingaraki – W.D 591

On the matter of Kaingaraki the court finds that Kipa Te Whatanui is owner and the people represented by Ropata Ranapiri and Hapeta are not entitled to this land.

Fees charged

Hearing - £1.0.0 Order - £1.0.0 Clt - £1.0.0

Mr Carkeek applied for survey fees £4.4.0 – Granted

Kipa Te Whatanui handed in a list of names and asked an order to be issued in their favour viz

Kipa Te Whatanui, Roera Hukiki, Turia Henare, Puraihia Kuti, Ema Wuhana and Karaitiana Te Tupe, Hini Kipa, Tauhu Roera

To be registered as owners according to native custom


Fees charged

Hearing - £1.0.0 Order - £1.0.0 Clt - £1.0.0

73 Makuratawhiti

Ana Warihi – sworn

I belong to Ngati Waihurihia hapu of Ngati Raukawa. I live at Otaki.

I know the piece before the court – Tewiata has part of this land was included in this. His lands in on the south end. I cannot clearly point it out on the map. His title is through his uncle Pokepoke. He cut it up himself.

Xed by Hema Te Ao

I know that Riripeti has an interest in this piece of land on the western boundary. It ends at Tewiata’s piece.

Pene never disturbed Maharata’s occupation. Pene has not been living here long. I cannot say how many years since he returned to Otaki. It is only lately that he disturbed Riripeti.

Xed by Enoka

I knew Matiu Roroau Pahikaroroau, Ngapaki Roroau Te Ratana Roroau. They cultivated on this piece. It was on the eastern side of Rikihana’s house. They cut it up when there was trees on it.

Pene’s statement saying that Hapupu and Rangiwhaea gave it to him is false. We broke Pene’s fence down. It was through relationship to Matiu that Nuna and others broke the fence.

Xed by Pape

I know Ihaka Ngamura. I saw him cultivating wheat and potatoes on the piece next to Rikihana on eastern side. No one disturbed him. He worked after Wiremu Te Manewha and Matiu Ihaka worked on Wiremu and Matiu’s piece.

Xed by Maclean

Whose piece is the piece at the lower end of the land outside of boundary? It belongs to Ngatituera. Tewiata has no claim there. His father never worked with Wiremu on this land.

Pene’s fence is still standing on his own piece. Ihaka came under relationship to Matiu to cultivate this land. Pene was at Waikato when Maharata worked this land. Both of his parents went with him and died there at Waikato. He returned – I cannot say what year.

By Ranapire

Hapeta Rangikutakua – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Kikopiri hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece before the court. Tewiata Te Horu has land on this piece of land. It is on the south end on the rise of old course of stream. He claims through his parents who cultivated there. I saw them working there afterward Tewiata worked there.

By Hema Te Ao

I know the people who have a claim to this land.

Maharata, Wiremu Te Manewha, Hapimana, Matiu worked on this. I also heard Kaumatua worked there. Te Ratana Whakahunga, Ihaka – these are all that I know of.

I also saw Hoera living on this land. He was buried there. He died after the Otaki town was cut up. Hapimana also died there. Maharata died on the piece mentioned by Riripeti. I did not see Rikihana’s people disturbing Hapimana, Maharata and others occupation. They lived there for a long time. This was their permanent residence.

I did not hear of Pene on his return from Waikato disturbing Maharata and others in their occupation. I did not hear of Pene saying that he owned Riripeti’s land.

Xed by Enoka

There is a weather boarded house on the south side of the road. It belongs to Ratana and Matiu. It was erected for a barn to thresh wheat in for all the Ngati Raukawa. It is broken down.

I heard that Ihaka went on the land under Matiu’s mana. Matiu died on this piece.

I saw Nuna and others break Pene’s fence down, Pene having no right to erect a fence there. This piece did not belong to Rangiwhaea or Te Hapupu therefore Pene’s statement is false.

Xed by Pape

Ihaka ceased to live there long after Matiu’s death. I saw Ihaka and Matiu working on this piece. Pene erected his fence as claiming all the piece of land.

Xed by Maclean

Pene has an interest in Waiarengonui also Hapimana, Matiu and Te Whakahunga.

I cannot say if the people I mentioned claim under the titles. I was not present when Rikihana broke down the fence. This is the first time I heard of his doing so. There was a house outside of the block belonging to Wiremu Wharewhiti. It was on the west side of the woolshed.

Maharata died on this piece of land before the court. I heard so.

Pene’s fence is standing on the south side of the road.

Xed by Tame Ranapiri

After Pitama’s death Ani Kanara and Pene worked on this land. Pitama worked there after Matiu’s death.

Xed by court

I was living at the Wairenga when Maharata died.

Hekiera Wharewhiti – sworn

I belong to Ngati Moewaka hapu of Ngati Raukawa. I live at Otaki.

I know the piece before the court. Maharata on the west side - next Rikihana – next Hapimana – next Matiu and his children, Pahiko and others – Taumatua also and Te Whakahunga worked this land. I claim through Matiu being related to him.

Click on view to see genealogy line.

Pene Te Hapupu has a fence on this piece. It is the one we break down and he re erected. It was through Rawiri Wanui requesting us not to break the fence down that we did so.

Hapupu and Rangiwhaea had no interest in this land. It belonged to Kingi. He gave it to Ngati Maiotaki, Ngati Moewaka and Ngati Waihurihia – was all bush then it was after the gift that each one cut up his own piece. I did not remember.

By Hekiera

If Pene worked on the piece when Matiu was there working, I wish the court to award to me the piece of Matiu’s.

Xed by Tame Ranapiri

Tewiata Te Horu has a piece in this block on the south end. One year Wiremu Te Manewha was working on this piece of Tewiata.

I claim through Matiu. I have not worked on this piece. Ani Kanara worked on this land on the north side of the road – the part left by Matiu and Rantana.

Xed by Pape Ranapiri

I know Ihaka. I saw Matiu and others working there but not Ihaka.

When Matiu died Pitama worked Matiu’s land. After Pitama died, Pene worked there. I then commenced to disturb him. Pitama and Ani Kanara worked together. After Pitama’s death Ani Kanara and Pene worked together there.

By Maclean

I never heard that Riripeti’s piece was claimed by Te Hapupu. I heard from my father that he asked a piece of land from Wiremu. It is the piece claimed by Tewiata. William consented. Ramari worked on this piece. It was true what Hapeta stated about Marumawai and Waiarongomai.

Pene has no claim at Te Takapu. He only claims under Matiu. He is in certificate of Takapu.

Re-exed by court

Ratana was Ani Kanara’s husband who worked on this piece.

By Hema Te Ao

I cannot say if Hapimana’s name is in the Takapu Block.

Court adjourned till 2 pm.

Court resumed

By Enoka

Minate Te Taure – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Moewaka hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece before the court. Maharata owns on the west boundary, next Wiremu, next Hapimana, next Matiu and his children.

I heard that Taumatua owned next that is the eastern boundary.

I object to Pene because Pene wants to take Matiu’s piece. I am a relative to Matiu and his children.

By the court

I claim through Matiu. Pene has no interest in this piece. I do not know if he is related to these people.

By Enoka

I claim through Matiu because I am the nearest to kin.

Pene Te Hapupu has a fence on this piece. This is his second fence. The first we broke it down, he having no interest in this block. Rawiri Te Wanui ordered us to discontinue.

I heard Hekiera’s statement to the court but I did not hear that our pieces were left to Ani Kanara.

Ihaka did work on this piece after Matiu had been working there a long time.

The land did not belong to Te Hapupu and Rangiwhaea. Kingi Te Ahoaho gave it to the people I mentioned. The trees were on it at the time of gift.

By Hema Te Ao

Maharata has an interest in this piece of land.

Te Kingi gave it to her. Kingi was one of the principal chiefs. He was the most principal man of the two. Hapupu and himself. I heard that Te Hapupu was of Waikato also Rangiwhaea. She lived with Kingi.

It would not be right for Ngati Toa to give this land to Te Hapupu.

Wiremu Te Manewha belongs to Waikato principally. I do not know how Wiremu claims this piece. I only saw him working on it.

Riripeti’s piece does not extend outside the boundary. All the cultivations extended over the road.

Xed by Tame Ranapiri

Tewiata claims the southern piece of land all the other pieces abut on to his land.

Xed by Pape Ranapiri

I know Ihaka Ngamura. He cultivated on this land on the eastern side of the Rikihana stable.

I saw Matiu and others cultivating on this piece with Ihaka Ihaka worked there after Matiu’s death. He ceased to live there after his own wife’s death. Matiu’s descendents did not disturb Ihaka. Ihaka went to Manawatu of his own free will.

It was after the township was cut up that I saw Ihaka on the land. Other people worked on his land after he left. It was Pitama who was living when Ihaka left.

I remember the time Ani Kanara worked there. She was married to one of Matiu’s sons. Ani Kanara and Pitama worked together there. Ihaka did not work at the same time as they did. I heard from Ihaka himself that Matiu gave it to him.

Xed by Maclean

I do not know what year Ihaka went to Manawatu. After Ihaka left, I saw Pitama working on the land. I had not heard that Wiremu claims Riripeti’s piece. I cannot say what relation Tungia was to Te Kingi.

Xed by court

Ani Kanara married Te Ratana – son of Matiu.

I did not live with Matiu when he died. My parents and myself went to the funeral. Ani Kanara was living and cultivating there. She lived there after husband’s death. Ihaka and Matiu all worked together.

Enoka’s case closed.

By Pape Ranapiri

Ihaka Ngamura – sworn

I live at Manawatu. I belong to Ngati Waihurihia hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece before the court. I have an interest. Matiu gave it to me. He had cleared the bush before he gave it to me. I lived and cultivated on it. He gave it to me altogether. He laid down boundaries.

Matiu on the east and Hapimana on the west side. Mine was in the middle of them.

I lived during Matiu’s time and afterwards no one of Matiu’s relations disturbed me. Pitama and Ani Kanara did work on my piece. I was at Manawatu at that time. I did not have the land to Pitama.

By Hema Te Ao

I know the people who have an interest in this piece. Hapimana, Matiu, Te Ratana, Ngapaki, Taumatua and Whakahunga also Riripeti.

Wiremu Te Kingi gave it to them. Te Hapupu had no claim or Rangiwhaea. Kingi was the principal man here. He gave Wiremu his piece. Te Hapupu cultivated at Haruatui. No one disturbed Matiu and others in their occupation.

I am Maharata’s husband. No one disputed the gift made to her by Kingi.

I do not remember the year of the gift to her. Maharata and myself were living on this piece when the town was cut up. We lived there a long time. Some of our children died on this piece. Six of our children died there. My wife also died on this piece. Te Hapupu died at Waikato. Hori Te Waru is nearest of kin to Hapimana.

By Tame Ranapiri

I know that Tewiata has a piece in this land - on the south end in the hollow. Ani Kanara has an interest also.

Xed by Enoka

I do not remember the time that Matiu gave me the piece of land. There was no one present when he gave it to me. I erected a house before I was married to Maharata. It was not Matiu’s weather boarded house I lived in but a fallen Rata tree.

I did not see or hear that Wiremu gave Te Kingi powder as payment for this piece.

Xed by Maclean

I heard of Wiremu Te Hapupu and Tarure.

I never heard that they made a present to Rangiwhaea of tobacco.

Prior to Haowhenua the land was cleared. It was Wiremu and others that cleared their own part.

Pene was not tattooed there.

My house was close to Wiremu’s who had two houses on his part. Our houses was on the west side of the woolshed. It is perhaps 20 years since Rikihana built his houses. Wiremu built the house on the piece he owns almost on the western boundary. This is my permanent residence while in Otaki.

I lived in my own house. Hapimana built a house on Kipa’s land. Maharata did not live in that house. She died in our own house on the part claimed by Riripeti

Xed by Pape Ranapiri

The small house is on Riripeti’s piece of land which wasbuilt by Wiremu.

I understand the question which referred to the house Wiremu built.

Xed by court

Matiu died at Hapimana’s house.

I have not seen any other house of Wiremu’s.

Case closed


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Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 12 October 1881.


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