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Thursday 6th October 1881

Place – the same Present – the same

165 Ngakaroro No. 1A

Claim of Moroati Kiharoa to succeed Arita Parerapa.

Test order already made – Case dismissed

23 Pahianui – a0 – r3 – p13 – No. of Plan – 593

James H. Wallace – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Kiko hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece in the plan produced in court. It belongs to myself and sister Ria. We claim through Piripi Te Rangiatahu. He lived cultivated and died on it. No one disturbed his occupation of this land.

I wish the certificate t obe made in favourt of myself and siste.

Objectors challenged.

Te Puke applied to have this case adjourned till 2 pm to allow the natives to go on the ground and examine boundaries – granted.

Court adjourned for 20 minutes.

Court resumed.

208 Mangamahoe – Subdivisions – W.D. 384

Claim of Wereta Kimate – Plan produced

Wereta Kimate – sworn

I live at Rangitikei. I belong to Ngati Parewahawaha hapu of Ngati raukawa.

I apply for a subdivision of this block. We all have agreed to a subdivision. Grants produced.

No. 1 – 50 acres to be awarded to Miritana Te Rangi. It has been surveyed for a subdivision with the acknowledge and consent of all parties

No. 2 – 50 acres to be awarded to Wereta Kimate

No. 3 – 50 acres to Arapata Te Hiwi, Apia Te Hiwi and Mere Te Hiwi

No. 4 – 50 acres to be awarded to Hori Ngawhare

No. 5 – 50 acres to be awarded to Paehua Taekorutu

No. 6 – 50 acres to be awarded to Taniera Rehua

No. 7 – 100 acres to be awarded to Ehetere Matene Whiwhi <79, 78

No. 8 – 100 acres to be awarded to Rutu Te Kimate and Eruera Te Taiaho

No. 9 – 150 acres to be awarded to Keremiana Wairaka, Pirihira Wairaka and Pita Te Ahikeha

No. 10 – 50 acres to be awarded to Te Ao Te Hiwi

No. 11 – 50 acres to be awarded to Keepa Paehura

No. 12 – 50 acres to be awarded to Heperi Matiaha

No. 13 – 50 acres to be awarded to Nehe Huarau and Rahapa Te Kaka

No. 14 – 50 acres to be awarded to Hemi Rangiwhekairi

A further consideration of the case will be adjourned till arrival of succession from Auckland.

Case adjourned – see page 203.

217 Pukekaraka No. 2B - 394

T. Seymour’s claim – Plan produced

T. Seymour – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Tukorehe hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece on the plan before the court. All the boundaries now described on the plan before the court are the right ones.

We apply for a subdivision.

The case adjourned till tomorrow to give the natives time to look at boundaries of the land.

Court adjourned till 2 pm.

Court resumed at 2 pm.

23 Pahianui – a0 – r3 – p13 – continued from 128

Hema Te Ao applied for an adjournment till Monday – Granted

30 Pahianui – a59 – r2 – p16 - W. D. 592

Plan produced

Kipa Te Whatanui – sworn

I belong to Ngati Pare hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece on the plan produced before the court. It belonged to my grandmother Paranihia Whawha. It was given to her by her brother Te Whatanui. He lived on this land also. Paranihia lived and died on it.

I ask for a certificate title to be issued to myself and others but I wish to have two certificates for this piece.

Objectors challenged

Ropata Ransfield (h.c) only wanted to see the plan.

Neville Nicholson (h.c) wished to know where the dividing boundaries where going to be lining to others not being present.

The court adjourned till 10 am tomorrow.


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Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 12 October 1881.


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