Foxton Beach Butchery- Cinema Advertising Slide
- Description
At the end of intermission, just as cinema patrons were settling into their seats, the advertising slides were screened. The job of preparing, screening and storing these slides was usually the job of the apprentice projectionist. During the 'Carbon Arc' projector era (lasting until the 1960s) it took over four years to become a fully qualified projectionist so this was a job you got used to!
Each slide was only shown for a few seconds to avoid the glass cracking from the projector lamp's heat. This meant that audiences never got to ask- why does that man have so many chickens on the BBQ? Should he buy a bigger one? How many people does has he invited? Will the meat cook evenly or will everyone get food poisoning? Whatever the answers were he looks very pleased with himself....
With the rise of the supermarket the local butcheries often closed down. We have slides from Foxton and Foxton Beach butchers but neither trade in the towns today.
Companies records show that this business was registered on the 20th of June 1975 and was removed from the register on the 15th of June 1993.
- Date
- 1970s