Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 12 September 1881.
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Monday 12th September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
145 Ohau No. 3
Miriama Poutama to succeed Peneamine Te Papatu alias Pene Te Papatu.
Tame Ranapiri – sworn
I live at Otaki.
Miriama Poutama authorized me to appear on her behalf in this claim.
I knew Pene Te Papatu. He is dead. He died in 1876. I did not see his death. I heard of his death at Oroua.
Hohepa Hamuera – sworn
I live at Napier. I am Ngati Kahungunu.
I knew Pene te Papatu. He is dead. I saw him dead and I saw his burial.
Tame ranapiri – on oath
Pene Te Papatu had an interest in Ohau No. 3. He left no issue.
Miriama is his nearest relative. Poutama is also his near relative.
I wish these to be appointed his successors.
Ordered that Miriama Poutama and Te Tura Poutama ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
146 Ohau
Miriama Poutama to succeed Te Matenga Te Papatu.
Deceased not an owner.
147 Ohau No. 3
Rana Hori Tapaea to succeed Te Pirihi – a will made.
70 Muhunoa No. 4
Kipa Whatanui said – I claim this land.
Court found land to be the subject of a certificate already issued.
32 Waerenga No. 7 – continued 413
By McLean
Nepia Taratoa – sworn
I belong to Ngati Parewahawaha of Ngati Raukawa. I live at Ohau.
I know the land described in the plan. It belongs to my father alone. My father was named Nepia Taratoa. He caught this piece when Ngati Raukawa cut up this country. I am Erenora’s brother. Erenora claims this land with me. We have never disposed of this land in any way.
I remember being in Dr. Bullers office in Wellington with Ngahuka about 3 years ago. At the time of Karaitiana’s death, Atareta was also present. She died since that. Ngahuka said the land should be returned to me and my sister Atareta.
No application was then made for this land to be investigated. A lawyer made an application to have it surveyed. A claim was not sent to the court for investigation of title.
I don’t know whether a claim for this land was advertised to be heard at the last court held here. I came here and asked my son Winiata Pataka to have it surveyed. This was on the advice of Dr. Buller. Winiata did not have it surveyed because Mr Carkeek informed him that the land had been granted.
This land is mine. I don’t know the right of Ngahuka to give the land to me. He has no right from my father.
Xed by Tame Ranapiri
I know my father gave a part of this land to Horomona. It was the whole block. It was given to him as the “Kaitiaki”. I know part of the bush on this land was left standing by my father. Only the part cleared was left to Horomona by my father.
The other part was “Tapu”. The bush part was tapu. My sister was buried there.
I approve of the gift to Horomona. My fathers’ gift to Horomona is of very long standing. I was at Waikato. When I returned, I saw Horomona living on it. I have been to this land within the last few days. Horomona’s fence and cultivation are still on there.
Xed by Tiemi Ranapiri
This is my land. My father caught it, hence my claim.
All the land about here was taken by Te Rauparaha.
I confirm Erenora’s statement. We ceased to occupy this land after Te Kuititanga. My father and I went to Ohau then Hori cleared the bush after we left. After, permission had been given to him to plant his seeds there, Horomona there also, at the same time. Horomona lived there until he died there. I am not aware of Horomona’s cultivations on another Waerenga. I never knew that he worked on Te Rekereke. This land was given to Horomona for himself and myself.
I did not come to you at the hotel to ask you to put my name in the title of this piece.
I don’t know how long Horomona worked on this land. I was in Waikato.
Winiata Pataka – sworn
I am son of Erenora. I live at Manawatu.
The only part of this block I know is Horomona’s fence.
I was told by Nepia to come and make a survey of this waerenga block. This was 2 or 3 years ago. I did not survey there because Mr Carkeek informed me that it had been C. Granted to some one else. That is the reason I did not survey it. I asked Carkeek twice to survey this piece. He did not consent.
Xed by Tame Ranapiri
I myself asked Carkeek to survey this piece.
Nopera’s counter claim closed.
2nd counter claim
Hunia Te Hana – sworn
I live at Whanganui.
I know the land now before the court. I have a claim to it through my father.
Nepia Taratoa I – gave it to him. Horomona Toremi was his name. The part he cultivated was the part given to him. That part is within the block before the court. When Horomona married Amiria, I heard of this gift for the first time.
Horomona married Amiria in 1855. I saw them working there during Amiria’s life time. Horomona had cultivations elsewhere- at Te Rekereke and alongside of your garden. They cultivated in both places - Sometimes at Te Rekereke, sometimes at Te Waerenga. After Amiria’s death, Horomona ceased working at Te Rekereke. Amiria died in 1862 then he went to Te Waerenga. This was the only cultivation he had after Amiria’s death.
I heard that Te Rei gave a portion of this block to Ngahuka and Oriwia. I heard Ngahuka had given a horse to Te Rei as payment for a part of the land given to him and Oriwia. Te Rei took the horse to Nepia at Rangitikei. I did not know whether Nepia took the horse.
Xed by McLean
I have been living at Whanganui 4 years in November next. Before that, I lived at Waerenga, the land before the court.
I don’t understand this plan. Come with me and I will show you the ground.
The land is fenced. I lived within the fence. Near the lake is where I cultivated. Near the old course of the stream. I was born about 1842 or 1845. I was christened by Bishop Selwyn.
My father worked at Te Rekereke. It belonged to his relatives. He had no personal claim. He did not sell it. He had no claim to the ground beside T. Ransfield’s fence. This land was given to him by Nepia.
I heard of the gift of a horse about six or seven years ago. The horse was given when we were going to Waikato. It was seven years ago, I heard of it. I don’t know when the horse was given. I was accurate about the other dates because I have seen copies of certificates etc. We went by steamer to Waikato. Ngahuka never went to Waikato. He may have moved to Whanganui.
Xed by Tiemi Ranapiri
I heard that Te Rei had given a piece of this land to Ngahuka. I never heard that Karehana, Piripi, Kohe and others had cultivated there prior to Horomona.
I did not hear Ropata Hurumutu, Piwiki, Hoani Taipua occupied this land before Horomona or after Karehana and Piripi.
I did not hear that Horomona was cultivating at T. Ransfield’s fence while the people were at Waerenga.
I don’t know whether Te Rei has any interest in Waerenga block.
I called Riria to come to me that she might not dispute my sale to Pape.
I was not present when Horomona’s fence was put up. Coote took the timber there for him. Coote, Wi Neera and Pitoetoe all cultivated on the land outside the fence. They went under Ngahuka and Oriwia.
I never knew that they asked Riria for permission to go there. I don’t know for how many years worked at Rekereke.
Re-xed by Tame Ranapiri
Wi Neera were cultivating on Waerenga for 12 months. I then went away.
Tame Ranapiri – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know this land. It is Horomona’s – part --- out to the south. Nepia I – gave it to him. I heard so from Horomona. I saw him occupy it. When I first saw him there, there were no cultivations elsewhere on the block. I have never since seen any one else in occupation on that portion.
About 4 years ago, I first saw people occupying the east of the block. A crop of potatoes only was raised. Wi Neera and Matenga Pitoetoe took that crop.
After the king movement, Te Rei and I went to Porirua for “huahua”. It was then Ngahuka gave Te Rei a white gelding. I heard from Te Rei, it was payment for this piece of land. On our return to Otaki, Te Rei went to Rangitikei with his horse to deliver it to Nepia Taratoa II. This was the year of Te Rei’s death.
I heard that Nepia would not receive the horse.
Horomona occupied it for 15 years.
Xed by McLean
I know Maori custom re land. In some cases “kaitiaki” would be placed on land in absence from. I don’t think it is Maori custom. I was not present when the land was surveyed. I only heard of it.
Xed by Tiemi Ranapiri
It was 1873-4 that Manawatu Kukutauaki was heard by the court. Horomona was there working near my fence. I only know the cultivation was his. I know nothing of the fence. Horomona worked on Waerenga long before this time that he worked beside my fence.
I don’t know that Horomona was ordered to clear off there – go to Waerenga. Horomona was on the land when the horse was given to Te Rei. Te Rei only took one horse. The only horse he brought to Otaki. Te Rei was riding on the horse. I was on the dray.
Counter claimants (2) cases closed.
Continued to book 5.
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