Meeting 80 - 5 October 1908
- Description
Present – The Mayor (Mr B R Gardener) Crs. Douglas, Hall, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Prouse, Ryder & Williams
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed, also those of a Special Meeting held at 9 p.m on the 7th September 1908 and in connection with the latter the following resolution on the motion of the Mayor seconded by Cr. Mackenzie was passed: viz,
Confirming resolution making special order
That this Council do now confirm the resolution making a “Special Order” striking a special rate of nine fourteenths of a penny in the £ on the capital value of all rateable property in the Borough of Levin, passed at a special meeting of the Council held on the 7th September 1908, the said special rate being security for and to provide interest and other charges on a loan of £10,000 authorised to be raised by the Levin Borough Council for the purpose of erecting and establishing Municipal Coal Gas-Works.
Waterworks Loan
Correspondence was read (re proposed loan of £18,000 for water-works) from Messrs Nathan & Co Ltd. It was decided to refer the whole matter to the Finance Committee.
Queen Street contracts
The Mayor presented an estimate of work to be done in Queen Street. Cr Mackenzie moved and Cr. Williams seconded “That the matter of contracts in Queen Street be referred to the Streets Committee with power to call for tenders”. This was carried.
Fire Brigade Petition of Ratepayers
A deputation consisting of officers of the Fire Brigade waited on the Council asking on the petition of ratepayers, that a more up-to-date Fire Engine be procured for the Borough. Cr. Williams moved and Cr. Mackenzie seconded “That the matter of procuring an engine for Fire prevention, be referred to the Finance Committee to report.” Carried
Tenders for Headworks accepted
The Council went into Committee to consider tenders for various works in connection with the Headworks of the Water Supply. Mr Climie the Engineer attended and gave the Council his estimates for the several works. On resuming the following business was done:-
Contract 1 – Tunnelling – tender of E J Williams accepted – price £467.10.0 (6 tenders received)
Contract 2 – Trench – tender of David Roberts accepted – price £104 (4 tenders received).
Contract 3 – Settling Tanks – tender of D Roberts at £942.2.0 accepted by 6 votes to 2. For The Mayor Crs Hall, Hudson, Douglas, Prouse and Williams – Against Crs Levy and Mackenzie, Cr Ryder absent when vote was taken (seven tenders received for this contract.
Contract No. 6 - Two tenders received, neither being accepted. It was decided on the motion of Cr. Mackenzie seconded by Cr. Williams “That the matter of contract No. 6 (fittings etc for settling tank) be left in the Engineers hands to order the material from England.
Appointed to sign
Mover the Mayor, seconder Cr. Hall “That Crs Hudson and Mackenzie be appointed to sign the agreements with contractors for Head Works Contracts Nos. 1, 2 and 3.” Carried
Added to the Brigade Committee
Mover the Mayor, seconder Cr. Hall “That Cr. Mackenzie be appointed on the Fire Brigade Committee.” Carried.
Accounts passed
The following accounts were passed for payment:-
Loans Accounts
I Hook - Clerk of Works 12.0.0 Griffiths & Co Carters 7.11.6 F Plaster - “ 5/17/- & 1/12/6 7.9.6 S Parsons – wages 1/4/- 3/4/- 4.8.0 R Baylis 1.0.0 E Curtis 3/12/- J Carroll 3/8/- 7.8.0 W J Close 7/19/9 T Jones 13/6 8.13.3 48.2.3 General Accounts
I Hook wages 1/-/- T Gregory 10/8/- 11.8.0 S Parsons 1/8/- F Plaster 4/11/- 5.19.0 G Astridge – wages 19/6/8 – 1/14/6 29.11.2 G McCarty – Refund Deposit 5.0.0 P K Patton – Lamps 9.18.8 Horowhenua Publishers Co. Advertising 12.12.3 Forward 66.9.1 A Musgrove – 3 months salary 2.10.0 C Carmont 6 months salary etc 2.15.0 Telephone Rental to 31.3.09 2.12.9 Fire Brigade accounts Middlemiss 14/- Chapman & Co. 13/- 1.7.0 Hospital Board – 3rd Instalment 23.13.1 Charitable Aid Board “ 6.12.9 E Burke – C aid 2.8.0 I W Gibson “ a/c Mrs. Smith 1.0.0 Audit Dept. year 1907 – 8 4.10.0 Town Clerk – salary for Sept 11.5.0 G Milnes goods 11/6 A. Hook Carters 2/- 13.6 C H Williams, repairs 8/9, Prouse Ltd cement 15/- 1.3.9 J W Thompson - goods 1/6 Gallichan carters 3/- 4.6 A Musgrove – loss on sale of horse – pound 8.0 A Carson – firewood 10.0 O Walton – Hire of Century Hall – 2 meetings 1.0.0 £129.2.5 Confirmed
Basil R. Gardener
Oct 19 1908
- Date
- 1908
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