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Present, The Mayor, (Mr B. R. Gardner) Crs. Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Palmer, J. Prouse and Ryder

Recommendations from the Sanitation and Lighting Committee were first considered.

Night Soil

Cr. Hankins moved, & Cr. Hudson seconded “that the work of the removal of night-soil be taken over by this council and that applications be called for the position of Night Soil and rubbish contractor.”


Status Committee

Discussion ensued as to the disposal of nightsoil and rubbish. Discussion ensuing as to the status of the Committees set up at the Council’s Meeting on the 2nd inst & eventually the Mayor ruled that these committees would after this meeting cease to exist unless reappointed


Eventually Cr. Hankins, Moved, and Cr Hall seconded and it was carried. “That the temporary Sanitation & Lighting Committee be requested to draw up specifications for the removal & disposal of night - soil & rubbish.”

Sealed Pans

Proposed by Cr Hudson, Seconded by Cr Ryder “That tenders be called for the supply of 100 sealed-top night-soil pans,” and that specifications for same be left with the Sanitation & Lighting Committee to deal with.


Kitson lights

Councillors generally expressed their satisfaction with reports re experience regarding the Kitson lights. It was then proposed by Cr. Mackenzie, seconded by Cr. Hall and carried. “That one Kitson light be erected in the lamp at the junction of Queen & Oxford Streets the installation to be left with the Sanitation & Lighting committee and the cost not to exceed ₤15.

Recommendations from the Footpaths and Streets committee were then dealt with.

Held over

It was resolved on the motion of Cr. Hankins, seconded by Cr. Hudson “that the question (1) of making & sanding the footpath from the Weraroa Post Office to Devon Street. (2) “formation of footpath in Bristol Street from Bank of Australasia to the Court House & (3) procuring a house road berm [difficult to decipher words] be held over for future considerations.

Water-race Rate

Proposed by Cr J. Prouse, seconded by Cr. Hudson, “That the Borough Council approach the County Council with a view to have that portion of the water race maintenance rate which is raised in the Borough boundary controlled by the Borough Council “. Carried.

Tree Guards

Proposed by Cr. Levy, seconded by Cr. Prouse, “That with regard to trees planted in the streets, where such trees are 6 inches through & require no further protection, the guards to be cleared away”. Carried.

Proposed by Cr. Hudson, seconded by Cr. Ryder “That the trees in Oxford Street be removed”.

As an amendment, Cr. Mackenzie proposed & Cr. Hall seconded,” That this council plant trees in the vacant spots in Oxford Street to replace those trees that have died”.

The amendment was declared carried by the Mayor & in a division being called for the division list shows as under’-

Ayes (6) Noes ((3)

Cr. Hall Cr. Hudson

Cr. Levy Cr. Hankins

Cr. Mackenzie Cr. Ryder

Cr. Palmer

Cr. Prouse

Cr.The Mayor.

By this vote the amendment, became the question before the Council and which on being put was carried by six votes to three. The division list was as above.

Tree Committee

It was proposed by Cr. Prouse & seconded by Cr. Levy, “That a committee be set up by this council to report upon where trees should be planted or removed as the case maybe such committee to consist of Crs. Mackenzie, Levy, Hall, Palmer and J. Prouse”. Carried

Stone - breaking

Proposed by Cr. Hall seconded by Cr Mackenzie “that Mr Smith be employed to break stones in Weraroa Road at 4/- per yard’. Carried

Culverts confirmed

Proposed by Cr. Hankins and seconded by Cr. Prouse “That the repairs required to footpaths in Queen St Water table and Weraroa Road, and Boundary roads be held over, but that a small culvert be placed over the water table at Bartholomew’s corner to connect the footpath with the road opposite the Weraroa Post office”. Carried


The Finance and Adjustments Committee recommendations were then dealt with. “That the Finance and Adjustments committee consisting of his Worship the Mayor & Crs. Mackenzie, Hudson, and Hankins, be a committee to confer with the County Council re adjustments between the Council and the Borough Councils” – Proposer – Cr Hudson

Carried. Seconder – Cr Mackenzie

Proposed By Cr Mackenzie, seconded by Cr. Hall “ That

(1) the sum of £10 be paid to Mr T. Brown and also the sum of £3 be paid to Mr Dean

(2) that Nation & Co’s a/c for printing and advertising & sundry accounts in connection with the election amounting in the aggregate - to £35 – be passed for payments

(3) that the Acting Town Clerk & Returning Officer be paid the sum of £16 with an additional £1-1-0 for election day for services rendered from the 7th March to the 2nd May 1906.


The undermentioned estimates were then submitted from the Finance and Adjustments Committee. :viz

Year 1906 – 07

Estimated Income

Rate £420

Govt. Subsidy 105

Licences 180

Fees & Sundries 50


Total £755


Estimated Expenditure

Preliminary Expenses £90

Surfaceman £135 Material rc £100 235

Charitable Aid £80 Clerk rc £100 180

Lighting £100 Printing £50 150

Interest £20 Sundries £60 80




It was proposed by Cr. Hankins, seconded by Cr Hudson & carried “That the Estimates submitted by the Finance Committee be approved “

Notice - re Rate

The rate proposed to be struck for the current year was considered & Cr Mackenzie gave notice to move “That the general rate for the present year be one penny in the pound on the capital value”..

Cr Levy brought up the question of the permanent appointment of a Town Clerk, but the Council decided to adjourn.

Summary of Accounts passed for payment -.

Nation & Co – Printing & Advertising

£30. 0 .0

T. Brown – Preliminary work in forming roads

10. 0 .0

I.E. Dean ditto

3. 0 .0

E.J.Prendergast – Law costs

1.11. 6

Smith and Mudgway, Stands & fixing screens

12. 6

B. R Gardener Calico for booths

4. 6

T.Brown – Duties as Poll Clerk & assistant at count

1. 1. 0

P.W. Goldsmith – Town Clerk & Returning officer

17. 1. 0


£63 – 10 – 6


Confirmed - Basil Gardener

May 21st 1906


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