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Stamped on back with black ink: “Horowhenua Historical Society. Acc. No. 483 Date. 10/2/98”

Tins of berryfruit packed for market, c.1950. Mrs Griffiths and Joe Griffiths with the first consignment of raspberries and blackcurrants sent to the market about 1950. The truck was Jim Dobson’s1928 Fargo. The practice of sending berryfruit to market was shortlived as the local growers saw it in direct competition to their own businesses.

1 B&W photo print copy, mounted (damaged)

Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.”


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Staff (group photo), 1973
Staff (group portrait), 1952
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Official visit by Prime Minister, David Lange, 1986
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Kees van Epenhuijsen, Open Day, 1985
Jim Dobson, spraying blackcurrents
Aerial view, original 5-acre block, early 1950's
Neil Dobson, garden of manager's house, c.1950's
Dobson, Grieg & Griffith, early 1950's
Aluminium Glasshouse, c.1953


crop and food research photographs,
horticulture research,
kimberley (levin),
men costume,
motor car transport,
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Jim Dobson's farewell, 1953
Staff (group photo), 1973
Staff (group portrait), 1952
Official opening of Boyce conference suite, 1985
Official visit by Prime Minister, David Lange, 1986
Dr R.A.J. White & Alvine Marshall
Kees van Epenhuijsen, Open Day, 1985
Jim Dobson, spraying blackcurrents
Aerial view, original 5-acre block, early 1950's
Neil Dobson, garden of manager's house, c.1950's
Dobson, Grieg & Griffith, early 1950's
Aluminium Glasshouse, c.1953