Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

Written on back with black ballpoint pen: “Oxford Street, Levin. Victory Parade, 1918.”

Part of the procession during the Armistice Day Peace Parade,1918. This section of the parade features a small girl carrying a flag, Mr Rere Nicholson wearing a feather korowai (cloak) and hat, and a brass band. In the background are commercial businesses on the western side of Oxford Street

1 B&W photo print

Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.”


Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Parade in Main Street at End of WW I
Peace Parade, Oxford St., Levin, 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., Levin, 1918
Children pulling waggon loaded with children
Mr Rere Nicholson, Armistice Day Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Parade, 1914-1918 Levin
Parade, 1914-1918 Levin
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
parades & pageants,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Parade in Main Street at End of WW I
Peace Parade, Oxford St., Levin, 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., Levin, 1918
Children pulling waggon loaded with children
Mr Rere Nicholson, Armistice Day Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Parade, 1914-1918 Levin
Parade, 1914-1918 Levin
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918
Peace Parade, Oxford St., 1918