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The trawler “Gwen B” at the wharf in Hartley Street, Foxton Beach. The photograph is attached to a 6” x 8” piece of white paper which has the following inscription: “THE FISHING TRAWLER AT FOXTON BEACH. Foxton Beach is the base for commercial fishing ventures in the area. Fishing for pleasure is a popular activity at both beaches on the Sunshine Coast. From August to November, whitebaiting is the lure and several big catches have been reported this season. Boating is another sport which is a big attraction. Both Manawatu Marine Boating Club and the Manawatu Sailing Club have good memberships.”

Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Foxton Historical Society”


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Kevin and Don Morris With New Fishing Vessel "Sidewinder", 1980's-90's
Kevin and Marion Morris With New Fishing Vessel "Sidewinder", 1980's-90's
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