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Present : The Mayor (Mr Gardener) & Crs Hall, Hawkins, Hudson, Palmer, Levy, Mackenzie and Ryder.

Minutes of Special Meeting held on the 25th June & the adjourned ordinary meeting held on that date were in each case read & confirmed respectively.

A letter was read from the Town Clerk of Pahiatua with reference to a map for the Borough – Information noted.


A letter was read from the Borough Ranger complaining that he had been condemned unheard. On the motion of Cr. Hall, seconded by Cr Hudson it was resolved “That the Ranger be written to and informed that complaints are still being made to this Council as to stock straying on the roads within the Borough & that his duties must be carried out more satisfactorily in the future.”


The Surfaceman’s report was read and considered and the following resolutions bearing thereon were duly carried – Cr Mackenzie & the Mayor – “That tenders be called for delivery of 600 cubic yards more or less within the Borough to be placed in positions directed by the roadman.”

Tiro Tiro Road

Crs Hall – Levy. “That the work recommended to be done in Tiro Tiro Road estimated cost £10, be carried out when possible”.

York St East

Crs Hudson – Ryder – “That York Street East be reformed & metalled as soon as the state of the weather will permit it to be done & that steps be taken to have the water race that crosses York Street East put straight & that the culvert covering the same be removed and the race left open”.


It was moved by the Mayor & seconded by Cr Levy - “That regarding those matters for adjustment between the County and the Borough which were held over for further consideration, this Council requests the County Council to appoint representatives to meet representatives from this Council to deal with any matter yet unsettled, with a view to final adjustment, and this council further suggests that the representatives of both bodies meet for Conference immediately after the rising of the County Council at their next meeting”. Carried.

Also moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Levy, “That the Finance & Adjustments Committee (The Mayor and Crs. J. Prouse, Hankins, Hudson and Mackenzie) be the representatives of this council to meet the County Council representatives whenever a meeting can be arranged.” Carried.

Fire Brigade

Moved by Cr Hudson & seconded by Cr Hall and carried – “That the Levin Fire Brigade be informed that the Council has every sympathy with that body & will give them every assistance in their power and would request that a statement of Income and Expenditure for the current year be presented to the Council as a guide to the requirements of the Fire Brigade when the matter will receive further consideration”.

Accident Isurance

The Mayor intimated that with reference to the matter of Accidental Insurance for the Council’s employees he had authorized a policy being taken out with the N.Z. Accident Insurance Company. The premium of £4 was not passed for payment but the following resolution proposed by Cr. Hawkins and seconded by Cr Palmer was carried by five votes to three – The Mayor and Crs Hudson and Ryder voting in the negative – “That this Council notify the New Zealand Accident Insurance Coy that they desire to determine the present Accident Insurance Policy, and that the rate of 20 per cent will be paid on the amount of wages expended to date : and that the New Zealand Accident Insurance Coy and the Agents of other Insurance Companies in Levin be requested to send in quotations for Accident Insurance for 12 months wage expenditure.”


Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Hall and carried – “That this council hereby resolved to borrow from its Bankers, the Bank of Australasia, Levin, the sum of six hundred and fifty six pounds sterling (or such portion thereof as may from time to time be required) by way of overdraft – in anticipation of revenue receivable from the following sources : viz General Rate for yearly period (ending 31 March 1907 of 1 ¼ d. in the £ on the Capital value of £101,000 - £526, Government subsidy thereon £130, Total £656”

Municipal Association

Moved by Cr Hudson and seconded by Cr Hawkins – “That if the “Mayor considers the result of enquiries made are satisfactory as “regards joining the Municipal Associated that this Council “amalgamate with the Association & that his Worship the Mayor “represent this Council at the Conference to be held in Wellington “during the present month.”

The following accounts were passed for payment :

Isaac Hook – Surfaceman to 30 June £11. 14.00

Geo. Ashtridge – Nightman 16. 00.00

“ Lamplights 1. 5. 2

P Patton do 2. 1. 3

H Hook – carting 7. 1. 0

A Edwards do 1. 10..0

P Stevens – Roadman 1. 4. 0

Railway freights and cartages 13. 9

Seddon Memorial Service Exp. 1. 14. 6

P W Goldsmith, Clerk, to 27 June 16. 0. 0


£59. 3. 8


Confirmed 16/7/06

“T B Hudson”


for Mayor.



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