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PRESENT: Councillor Hudson (in the Chair) and Councillors Hall, Hankins, Levy, Mackenzie, Palmer, Prouse J., Prouse R. and Ryder.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Altering footpath

Correspondence was then dealt with. Letter from Mr W.M. Clark asking permission to alter footpath etc. was first taken. It was reported that the Mayor had practically sanctioned the proposal and on the motion of Cr. Hall seconded by Cr. Mackenzie it was resolved “That the Mayor’s action in this matter be approved.”

Held over

A letter from Swanson and Bevan Ltd re asphalting footpaths adjoining their property and asking if the Council would bear half cost was read but after some discussion the matter was held over.

High pressure water scheme

A letter from the District Health Officer urging upon the Council the advantages of a high pressure water scheme and recommending the Council to get an engineers report thereon. A motion to the effect that steps be immediately taken to obtain an engineers report was moved by Cr. Mackenzie and seconded by Cr. Hall but was lost.

Cr. Levy then moved and Cr. J. Prouse seconded, “That the matter of a high pressure water scheme be referred to the Sanitary Committee for consideration and that the Clerk gather all necessary information”. This was carried.

Kent Street extension

Messrs Harris and Sussex - agents for W.G. Adkin - submitted specifications of work to be done in connection with forming and metalling new road in a line with Kent Street. Moved by Cr. Levy and seconded by Cr. Hall and carried “That specifications of road and footpath work through Section 44 be approved by this Council”.

Recreation Reserve

Cr. Hudson and Cr. Ryder “That this Council is prepared to accept the care of the Levin Recreation Reserve Section 24 upon its being delegated to this Council by Government authority and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Commissioner of Crown Lands”.

When this was put by the Chairman, a division was called on its being declared carried. The result of the division was that all voted with “ayes”.


Crs. Prouse and Mackenzie “That this Council draw the attention of the Police to the fact that flowers planted upon graves by friends and relatives of those interred there are being removed, and that the Police be asked to take such steps as will lead to a conviction so as to make an example of the depredators. Carried.

Mayor’s expenses

Crs. J. Prouse and Palmer

“That the Mayor’s expenses in attending the last Municipal Conference be put on the next pay sheet”. Carried.

Nuisance reported

Crs. Hall and Levy

“That the Inspector be requested to visit the sale yards of Abrahams and Williams to cause the nuisance to be removed. Dead calf”. Carried.

Repairs needed

Crs Hall and Mackenzie

“That the attention of the roadman be called to attend to the Maka Mako and Seddon Streets to effect repairs”. Carried.

Telephone exchange

A proposal that the Borough Council become connected with the telephone exchange when formed and if possible get the County Council to share half costs and benefits, was made by Cr. Hankins and supported by Cr. Mackenzie. All other councillors were against the proposal.

Sanitary Committee

Reports – The Sanitation and Lighting Committee recommended that the charge to owners for sanitary pans be 7 shillings each. That notices be served upon those persons whose premises need improving as recommended by the Public Health Department.

Reserves Committee

The Reserves Committee reported upon the steps taken towards providing a rubbish and gravel reserve for the Borough and also recommended the Council to express its willingness to take over the Trusteeship of the recreation ground Section 24 Levin Sub.

Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws Committee recommended certain amendments to the Bylaws to be considered before the final adoption of the said bylaws.

The reports of these committees were unanimously adopted.

In Committee

The Council then went into Committee to consider tenders for road formation and metalling etc. On resuming it was resolved that the contract be dealt with as follows:


Contract No 3 – supply of screened metal.

No tender accepted.

Bartholomew Road

Contract No 4 – (Bartholomew Road) tender of Edwards and White

Accepted – price thirty pounds and three shillings

Mako Mako Rd and York St East

Contracts No 5 & 6 (Mako Mako Rd and York St East respectively)

Tender of N. Akenson accepted – price £43.16/-

Notice of Health Officers Report

Moved by Cr. Hall seconded by Cr. Levy and carried “That immediate notice be given to those persons mentioned in Health Officers Report to effect alterations and necessary works required by the Department of Public Health. Failing immediate compliance the matter be placed in the hands of the Council Solicitor”

Accounts passed

The following accounts were passed for payment:

R.J. Jones contractor for supply of 300 sanitary pans £ 81.17.6

Whitcombe & Tombs Ltd 1.13.7

Gardner & Co Goods 10.0

Municipal Assn Levy 10.8

C. Wilson – Rangers Sal for 1 month 8.4

A. Musgrove – Poundkeepers Sal – 3 months 2.10.0


£ 87.10.1


Basil R. Gardner

1 Oct 1906




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