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Thursday March 27th 1873 p.250-259

Place The Same

Present The Same

Horowhenua (continued)

Major Keepa continued -

At Kohutere - The houses are erected there for when we went to cultivate the adjacent land - and for catching pigs. Nobody interefered about this place - and the road which belonged to our ancestors - up to this time - This is the Road - Whakapapa to Kaihinu - This is the principal road used from our ancestors downwards to the present time This road was used for many purposes to go to cultivate and for war purposes to go to Manawatu and for going to the other side and from it are............. Roads into Horowhenua - This is a road called Aratoaka used for getting food on the mountains - birds - commencing at Te Kauiru on to the mountains - goes on to Te Arapaipai The ancestor who ............. off this road was Haeretuterangi - when he arrived at the top he selected a place for snaring birds - the place is known now as Te Arapaipae-a-Heretuterangi - the road goes over to Ngakahikatu There is a cultivation there called Okumu belonging to Noa - These are places where birds are caught - Kiwis & Wekas and gathered Hinau berries - Moku - Pitau - the road goes on to other places on Tararua for similar purposes - roads branch off to other places - I do not allude to any places outside the boundary described on the map - We also went to catch mountain trout in the Ohau Stream - and its branches - Keri is an old cultivation of Muaupoko at Makaretu - Waitahina is its name - I went there once - the I heard of them going on to the Maupoko resident there - myself and my tribe I alone saw and we went to this land - It was in 1843 when I went to Makaretu Io Haroa is the name of this place - they lodged here - Hamoana is a cultivation of Muaupoko. This was used for similar purposes to the other places - There are many other places on this land further up - of Muaupoko which I need not mention At Hamoana there is an old clearing - Ngati Raukawa or any others have never cultivated there but my own people - Ngati Raukawa are not a people given to catching birds - It is of late years in the time of money that they have gone over these places - Te Awapaki is following on Ohau - Another witness will speak about this portion (pointing to the north of the block) Heteriki is the Kahikatea tree which our ancestor Waitupaoa climbed up for the purpose of escaping from the enemy. He was up the tree gathering berries his wife and child were at the foot and were _____________ he took off the branches and threw them down on the enemy. Waituparoa went from Papaitanga - This land was off our own people.

Paenoa is a cultivation of Muaupoko Te Maire is a great Muaupoko cultivation of the present time Mahoenui is a very old cultivation of Muaupoko When we were in the Waipata pa the parents of some of the people here came ("Tupaia") from Papaitanga to work at Otauhao - The ancestor of Kawana Huri (Te Rangihouia) drove him away and he never came back - Tupaia was a Ngati Raukawa - afterwards Otawhao was unoccupied - Te Ua o te Kahu is an eel lake of Muaupoko

Kohenga is here - a cultivation of Muaupoko Okotere is the name of this ridge - thence is a burial ground on the hill at Kohenga Kawana Huria's mother is buried here - Of the places I have spoken of is of my own knowledge other persons can speak of the rest no other persons ever cultivated here or caught eels and ate them on this land The year that Hukiki commenced to sell this land boundaries were commenced to be laid With the commencement of letting the land to Europeans commenced the trouble - Thence Ngati Raukawa commenced to clear and cultivate at Mahoanui This was in the year where I was fighting amongst the Hauhau - trouble was also in Whatanui's time - My tribe saw these cattle cows and sheep of Lt. Macdonald who leased from Ngati Raukawa and drove them off they continued to do so and constantly asserted their right to the land - Whatanui also asserted high right to deal with the land - then went forth my word that there cattle should be killed to ascertain whose was the land - the cattle were killed - the cattle belonged to Hector McDonald. The Whatanui I allude to is the last one - Muaupoko trouble commenced at the last Whatanui The government heard of our work and I directed them to cease killing the cattle.

Ngati Raukawa came and planted food at Mohoenui - Heta a messenger came to me at Whanganui - and told me a bout this trouble - I sent him back without a message - Heta went back to Horowhenua and Otaki where he saw Karanama who said let us go to our Kanga - Heta refused - Karanama said I will dig this field at Mohoenui and plant the seed - Heta replied - your friends will then notice your work (alluding to Kawana and me) - Karanama then replied lest blood should be spilt at Mohoenui - Heta returned to Whanganui and told what I have related relative to Karanama - I said let the potatoes grow - with me is the word - when I see Karanama's face then I will say something or express my opinion - Mr McLean was at Whanganui at the time We sailed away together to Wellington - when I returned to Whanganui I said knock down the fences and pull up the food - This was done That dispute ended and I began at the sheep (H McDonald's) - I gave directions through Heta that all should be driven off - not one left Muaupoko then drove the sheep away - Heta is in Court - Some of the Muaupoko from affection to Hector said let the sheep remain and then they began to quarrel amongst themselves - Hoani Puihi wished them to remain - when k....... kept the sheep then some Muaupoko went to Whanganui to have a lease prepared. We had a conversation & I consented to it - McDonald was sent for - I then agreed what portion should be leased Commencing from Hokio to the boundaries of the lake to the boundaries on the plain - Kawana Huria and I were supposed to be outsiders - and watch this matter - I sent a letter to Karanama telling him what I had done - This leasing was done for a purpose - to see who was in the right - whether Karanama's protection was greater or less than mine - Ngati Raukawa's have never interfered since I leased the land and we alone have had the rent - £105 was deposited with Mr Kalse at Wellington where it now is - Lease put into Court - dated April 19/7..... boundaries therein read & nobody has ever interfered in this particular piece with the other part there is and will be trouble - The pas on the islands in the lake were the principal fighting places of Muaupoko - I have been in one - At the time peace was made Ngati Tu Namuiti is a very old one - my father erected the posts there - at the time of coming of Christianity then they came to the shores of the lake at Otoi - This is a disputed boundary from Nga Tokorua through Oroau to the sea - our possession of these four pas has never been disturbed - The dispute of the boundary line at the south and commenced in the time of Hinuoria and continued to the dispute of Nga Huria about 1869 during this dispute - I heard of Heta's danger - I spoke to the judge of that Court and said I would go and fight about this matter - I was advised not - but to write to the Government - which I did - the govt wrote to the Hoi Kingi which I now have - At the time of the squabbling a pole was put in at Nga Mana Muaupoko pulled it up - then it was put in again by Ngati Tuia - and in consequence of letters by myself and the fact it was allowed to stand - Muaupoko were ...................... in consequence - latterly it was burnt by Muaupoko.

Court adjourned until 2 P.M>

At 2 P.M. The Court resumed

Te Keepa Rangihuirinui - no attempt has been made to restore the post at Nga Mana - The first post was put up at Nga Mana and thrown down in the same day. The second post was standing about a year. It was standing at the time of Mr Richmond's visit. There are eel lakes and wild duck ponds belonging to Muaupoko between the disputed line commencing at Nga Mana and the line fixed by the Court One lake is called Kaimakariri - Oioas lake is not rightly named - it should be Paekiatari - a place where we snare wild ducks - This a sandy place adjacent to the seashore where we got fern root & birds.

Whatanui senior was only two years there and then went away - He was not at Mahoenui at all - It was at Kohuturoa he stayed 2 years - Maunu who lived there and Hanita also (Muaupoko) - these were friends of the Whatanui senior and they entertained him as a guest. Watene lived at Mohunoa and committed adultery with Whatanui's wife Riria and Watene was driven away at Whatanui's death Watene returned and lived at Raumatangi - Watene disputed with Muaupoko then Kawana Huria and I desired to come but my word to Kawana was send letters to Muaupoko that I am coming - when we were at Rangitikie Watene heard and left for Kohuturoa to build a house there Kawana arrived first and found Watene had gone Kawana was angry - he thought Watene had gone to take possession of Kohuturoa - Kemp tried to pacify Huria - Huria would not listen - we then crossed the lake to Kohuturoa - Kawana had asked for guns. Maunu the ancestor of Kawana was there Heteriki also Kawana pulled Hatuikis hair out because he was so friendly with Watene We then to Watenes place - Paki drew the things out of the house and then burnt it down - there were two houses burnt one an old one and the other a new one nearly finished - the Pa at Pipiriki was built as a fighting pa against Ngati Raukawa in consequence of the burning of the houses I received a telegram from Mr McLean about this burning of the house and the abuse of a woman I answered him that it was quite correct - the line laid down by Whatanui has never been surveyed - it cuts right through Taengaehi I never saw any person come to drive my father or myself off this place. Whareotaura is another cultivation he cultivated all round the borders of the lake by the Muaupoko tribe and still is so - It is not possible for any person to come and burn my house there because it is mine I would rather shed my blood than give up any right to that land - I never heard of any other Ngati Raukawa than Whatanui Watene ever being on this land - Te Manihara was at Ngati Raukawa he still lives with us and ...... was son in law of Maunu he soon returned to Ohau - Manihara lived with us for a ...... & with our permission - there were no other persons of Ngati Raukawa After Te Kuititanga Tawhati a (Muaupoko) fetched Ngarepo from Otaki and Te Hoea and others in 1841 - that is the year they came to Porotawhao - They lived at peace and afterwards trouble ensued relative to the boundaries

Xed by Mr Buckley -

You were from at this side of Manawatu? Yes. I do not know in what year - at Tawheke I think I am about 48 - at the time of Haowhenua I was strong and able to go about.

How long since Muaupoko ceased to cultivate at Orotitakiroa? We have not ceased.

Have they the exclusive right to fish pipi on the beach? The Ngati Raukawa go.

Have the Muaupoko ever prevented them? All I know is they go there.

Where is Otaewa? I was wrong on the other map. I have placed it correctly on the sketch.

Who planted the trees? Riwiri Anita Hatukituki.

Do you occupy that place still? Yes. The houses are still standing.

Was it not by Whatanui's permission that you lived near Pipiuki? Was it Whatenui's land that I should get his permission.

Were they a strong tribe then? They were not very big.

Were the Muaupoko a very formidable tribe in the time of the 7 at Whatanui and able to maintain their own independence? I was strong at that time.

Were you able to resist Rauparaha Ngati Raukawa Ngati Toa Ngati Awa?

Did not Whatanui take Muaupoko under his protection and save them from Rauparaha & others? I was killed by Whatanui by strategy.

Did not Whatanui mark out a place for you? No.

Did Whatanui mark out that land and allow you to live there? No.

Whence did you cultivate outside that line? They cultivated years ago and do still outside.

Is there any one outside now? Kouteroa is one but they are all ours (partly).

Did Whatanui lease any of this land? Yes and cattle were killed.

How many years ago? I told you.

While Whatanui was alive did you disturb this? Yes it was while Whatanui was alive.

Why did you not give Macdonald a lease of all the land he had under the first lease? Because there was trouble.

Is not Whatanui buried there? Yes. Whatanui Haua asked to be buried there.

Watene lives where? On the south side of the stream.

Has not Watene lived 26 years on the north side of Hokio? Yes.

Did the Muaupoko ever disturb people who had leases under Whatanui?

Did any Ngati Raukawa live at Papaitorua? Yes. Te Paia Hukiki was outside - Tawhakairo.

Did any Ngati Raukawa live on this land?

Why did you not build your pa outside that line when the houses were burnt? Because I chose the best place.

Did the Ngati Raukawa lease this land to McDonald?

Xed by the Court

Muhunoa is just outside the boundary of this block and Watene lived there on account of his relationship to Ngati Raukawa

Case adjourned until tomorrow


James Thompson - I am a licensed surveyor - I can furnish the areas of the subdivision of this block.

the area of Lower Aorangi is 5.....50 acres

" " Middle " is 7256 "

" " Upper " is 7256 "

My computation has been tested by the Office in Wellington and found correct.

Court adjourned until tomorrow at 10 am.



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