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Thursday Dec. 5th 1872

Present - His Honor Judge Rogan

" " " " Smith

Interpretor - T Young

Clerk - M Grey

Assessor - H Tautari

Court opened at 10. a.m.

Cross Ex'd H. Meihana (Watini)

We have not murdered any Europeans.

Some members of our three tribes committed a murder and he was hung for it. I don’t recollect his name. He was Ngatiapa and partly a Taranaki. He was not a chief. I thought you referred to an old event. I do know Whaka man who committed the murder. He was a Ngatiraukawa.

I have heard of a murder committed by Pitama who was not given up by Rangihaeata.

All the tribes have been implicated in the murder of Europeans.

I dont know the reason Rauparaha was taken prisoner by the Europeans. I dont know that it was a murder that led to the fight between the Europeans and Rangihaeata at Hokokiru. These murders were committed after the establishment of law. The Oroa was Rauparaha's Pakeha. Oroa provided him with guns. He did not go with him when he went to fetch Tamaiharanui who was hanged & whose blood was drank. I don’t know that the reason you killed Oroa was because he supplied Rauparaha with guns and ammunition. Te Oraoa was killed before the establishment of law. We had not put an end to cannabalism at the time of Oroa's death.

Watanui fought against the three tribes after he came here. He fought 5 times with Ngatiapa, Muaupoko and Rangitane. There were no Pa’s for him to take and no battles for him to fight. These people were killed outside. He hunted for them in the rubbish. That affair at Karekare where the women were killed was one of the Watanui's fights. He killed Paipai Rautakitahi and Takari. I swore yesterday that they were killed by Rauparaha but the fighting was by Watanui. A party of Ngatiraukawa began to fight. Their chiefs were Te Puke and Aperahama. Te Ruru Watanui was too old to go.

I did not hear that a party of Ngatiapa, Muaupoko and Rangitane went from Horowhenua to Karekare to fight against Watanui. I heard of what was called a peace making at Karekare. It was not a peace making simply an act of kindness. I heard of the generosity of Watanui. I only admit that he showed kindness to these people. He could show kindness without making peace. If they had an open fight it would have been right to make peace but as no fighting took place no peace could be made. Peace making shows a cessation of hostilities. Te Watanui was the person who made peace with these people at Karekare.

I deny that there was any peace making by Rangihaeata and Muaupoko. I did not hear of it. I don’t know how Karanama heard about it. If Ngatihuia and other tribes have heard of it well & good but if I have not how can I help it.

I heard Ihakara's evidence on Monday and Tuesday. It was correct. He was correct when he showed the boundaries of the land we gained by conquest. All the hapu's of Ngatiraukawa, Ngatitoa and Ngatiawa agreed to the boundaries.

Ngatitoa have more mana than the other two over this land. Ngatiraukawa and Ngatama and with the superior mana of Ngatitoa. These boundarieswere fixed by as before the Ngatiraukawa arrived. These boundaries were fixed by Rauparaha and Rangihaeata and Watanui's accepted them. I swore yesterday that Wangaehu was the boundary and includes all the land shown on the place.

I have heard the 5 tribes constantly dispute with Raukawa from the time of Wakefield up to the present day. I have not heard of your objections to our dealing with this land by sale or by lease I have not heard that you sent letters to the Government protesting against our dealing with the land.

Government has stated to us that the land belongs to the five tribes. All these tribes knew when I was to dispose of the land Wellington & Otaki there were meetings of the five tribes when I notified I was about to sell land. A meeting was held in Otaki in 1842.

Those who were there were the persons to whom the land belonged. Not the five tribes.

It was through my consent being given that you were able to notify. You were about to sell land. I did not object to your sale at Rangitikei. I heard you had notified to other tribes that you were going to sell. To show your objection to our holding any mana over the land, I have heard you state your mana (5 tribes) stopped at the red boundary - the North one on this plan. Huru said my mana stops at this end of the block. He told me this last October. I heard only from Huru. I know the five tribes object to our claim to the land.

Re Ex'd by H Wirikaki

Huru is a chief of Rangitane. Hoani Meihana is a Rangitane. Huru is as important in his own right as Hoani Awe Awe is the principal chief of Rangitane,Hiriwanu and Hiaro - these three were the principal chiefs. They are dead. Hirawanu agreed that the boundary should be the boundary of Muaupoko, Ngatiawa & Rangitane. I am not clear of Hoani having joined with Raukawa to protest against the sale of Rangitikei Manawatu Block by Kawana Huria.

Henare Te Herekau - Sworn

I am a Ngatiraukawa, Ngatitoa and Ngatiawa and live at Manawatu. I know the land described on the plan now before the Court.

We Raukawa were fighting with the Waikato's. After the fighting was over, we made peace.

After this Ngapuhi came down to fight Waikato. A Pa was taken named – Watakitake. Waikato fled to Taupo and lived with the Ngatiraukawa. We lived in peace together for a year without suspicion. The Waikato's then went away to their own place.

After that Ngatimaru fought at Taupo. A war party came down and attacked Rotoira. One of the war party went out to hunt. His name was Wharehuruena. He went out to hunt men. He caught his man on Tongariro. Motunga was the name of the man caught. Motunga turned on Wharehuruena and killed him. He was assisted by his wife. Motunga was younger brother of Wharerangi. The war party went away again.

Afterwards another Ngatimaru war party came down and they attacked Whangamata on the North side of Taupo. Rangitamata, a chiefteness of Taupo was killed there (an aunt of Wharerangi's). The war party came to Te Rapa south side of Taupo. Wharerangi had a battle with them and beat them. Four were killed, this and the killing of the man on Tongariro led to his death. Afterwards the war party then went away home. They came down again with Ngatipaou to Te Rapa. They had a war dance and Wharerangi gave them the challenge. In the evening when the dance was over, Wharerangi retired into his Pa.

After this the war party went up to his Pa. They fired into and took it. There were 60 chiefs killed. Wharerangi ran into the water and was chased by a canoe of Ngatiraukawa, the hapu of which is now in Court. He was spared and dragged into the canoe. The war party retired.

The same hapu who killed Wharerangi came down to Whanganui. Ngatiwhakatere a hapu of Ngatiruakawa also came down to Whanganui. They came down with the intention of coming to Kapit.i While engaged in getting their canoes ready, they were treacherously attacked by the Whanganui's. Hikitana a chiefteness of Raukawa was killed. In the morning the Ngatiraukawa attacked them. Hekeawai chief of Whanganui was killed. The Taupo and Whanganui tribes formed together to fight the Ngatiraukawa on account of Wharerangi's death. They attacked the Ngatiwhakatere Pa first. Turua's section of the people went into the Pa to assist others (Raukawa) - Ngatitama and Puaho joined the Ngatiraukawa.

Court rose for 1/2 an hour at 12.30

Henare Herekau (resumed)

They were four days and nights attacking the Pa but did not take it. Onepoto was its name.

Two of the Whanganui's were killed, 1 shot and the other spared. Hore Te Honaawa went into the Pa to see Purangi Puoho and Turoa. That was all.

The Ngatiwhakaere went North by the coast with Puaho. My ancestor Purangi went about as he pleased. The Ngatiwhakatere, they came accompanied by Ngatirarua and Ngatitama. They came to Manawatu and stopped at Parekau. We found the Ngatiapa, Muaupoko and Rangitane here. The party went up the Manawatu to a place called Totara on the south of the river where they caught Rangihiwinui - a Muaupoko chief.

They went up Te Piaka and they caught Maru there and killed him. He was a Muaupoko chief and they killed Rangihurinui. They came then down to their encampment and then up to Orowa. They caught Mokomoko there a Ngatiapa man. His life was spared. They went on to the Orawa. Tekatea was the place. They took a Pa there. The people ran away from the Pa and two were captured - Rairua & Kaiawa (Huria's mother).

Hakeke escaped from the Pa. The party then went to Kapiti. When they reached Ohau, they went inland. Rangitaiki was killed by Takare. They went on to Kapiti and came back and killed Taheke at Horowhenua. They killed many others but he was the principal chief. He was caught in the bush. The party then went away.

All these killings were after the battle at Waiorua. At the time of the first expedition of Ngatiraukawa, we made another attack on Horowhenua and killed Te Haha. Others were killed but he was the chief and his slab of green stone called Peho Peho was taken.

After that another attack was made. The party killed Matapihi and a lot of others at Horowhenua. There was no one in the Pa's at this time. These people were killed in the bush. The party then went on to Rangitikei by the beach. They attacked the Awamate Pa and killed Rangihauta. It belonged to Ngatiapa. They took a Pa called Pititara belonging to Ngatiapa.

They then went down to Kapiti.

They then came back to Horowhenua and killed Tuwharopaki at Wairarua. They had come out of the bush to catch white bait. The party then remained at Horowhenua where they sent out parties exploring the country. When they could find no more people they went back to Kapiti. They then came back to Horowhenua. The country about there was much broken with these expeditions. They could not find anyone. Not finding any one, they went to the base of the hill and followed it to Manawatu. They came to a place called Katiheko at Manawatu. Tthey made an attack. Whareke escaped. Hinerangi saved him by coming in front of him. He was caught by Hori Waharoa. He is present now. The people who were in the expeditions are also present.

They went on to Tokomaru. The party were going up the river when they saw a duck. They judged a canoe, not be far off and had frightened it down. Puaho went on one side of the Pa and Tahoro on the other to watch for the canoe. When the canoe came in sight they seized her. Three women, their names were Toko, Motukaraand Inahiria. The party then got into the canoe and went on to Makarahau and attacked it and captured 20. Awahi was spared. Kiori then ran into the water. Hori Waharoa spared him. These people were Rangitane.

The party then left off killing and returned to Kapiti and then came ashore again. There, built their Pa on a hill on the south side of the river. They waited for some one to come and get satisfaction for the killings . Tapahaka was the name of the hill. Some portions of the Pa are still to be seen. Ngatiraukawa and Ngatiwhakatere built the Pa. They waited for years for some to come and drive them off they thought that Muaupoko would come but they did not.

We, then on board a canoe and went up the Manawatu. We cut up the land as far up as Tokomaru. It was all ours. The original owners were away in the bush somewhere.

At this period, Watanui had arrived. He came out to Wangaehu and Turakina and found it reeking with the blood of Ngatiapa who had been killed by Mahuria. The other side says the five tribes are one. It is not. They used to eat one another. In order to endeavour to drive us away, they united and that is the first time they were so. ___________

About Watanui

Te Watanui killed the people he found on his way, as far as Manawatu. Ngatiawa, Muaupoko and Rangitane were the people he killed. Only these three tribes. The last he killed was Paipai and Takere. They were killed at Papitonga. The last killed was Nohoia a Ngatiapa woman for which no satisfaction has been taken. She was shot by Taratoa at Rangitikei. We never heard this story about Hotoki until we heard it in this Court.

Watanui then went over this land and then went to Hawkes Bay and Toroatara. He found that the Pa had been taken by Ngapuhi under Te Wera and Ngatikahungungu. It was a Ngatiraukawa Pa. Watanui killed two at Pakiaka H.B. He came to a place on the other side of Tararua Ranges and attacked some of the Ngatikahungungu. They killed them at Porangahau. There were 300 killed in revenge for this. They killed Paratana and Parearua of Ngatiraukawa. Wantanui came here and raised a war party to go and get satisfaction for these two women. He attacked the Ngatikahungungu and killed 50 at Mataikona at Castle Point. Their chiefs were Patuatini & Anarongomai. Patuatini was a big man and was caught by Reihana Te Piki a very little Ngatiraukawa.

Watanui then came back here. A war party of Hamua then came to Waikawa and killed a woman there (a Ngatiraukawa). Hamua's party retired and were pursued and were caught up to at Ruamahanga. Te Matai..., Titi and a lot of Hamua were killed. The other party then attacked the Raukawa and killed an inferior chief and the other slave.

Watanui then went to Maungaraki. I am speaking of all these things. I say it was Watanui who directed all these things to be done although he did not always go with them. Muaupoko, Ngatiapa and Rangitane were at the time completely under Watanui's feet. When the Ngatiraukawa captured Papaitonga and have remained in possession ever since, when they took all this land, they have kept it ever since. Had it not been for this interference of Watanui Muaupoko would have all been killed by Rauparaha. Watanui, spared them so that they might be his slaves. Would slaves give land to a chief like Watanui? The Muaupoko, Rangitane or Ngatiapa never gave only land to Watanui. I swear these three tribes were taken prisoners and treated as slaves.

Cross ex'd by H Meihana

The evidence I am giving is in favour of Ngatiraukawa alone. Rauparaha gave me the land and so has nothing more to do with it. I heard Watini’s evidence. He is a Ngatiraukawa.

I don’t consider that Ngatitoa or Ngatiawa have any mana from Tuwhakatupua to Kukutawaki.

I heard Ihakara's evidence. They are correct in saying that we have the mana over the land but it was at the time of the conquest. I uphold Ihakara and Watini in what they have said. The three tribes conquered the land and have since divided it. I object to what Watini and Ihakara said Ngatitoa, Ngatiawa and Ngatiraukawa have mana over the land shown on the plan. I am not driving off the Ngatitoa and Ngatiawa from Tuwhakatupuru to Kukutawaki. We are in Court as co claimaints. Watini gave evidence in some of the kills and some he omitted. I have heard that Watanui's Pa was taken and that his wife & children were taken prisoners. It was not done by Muaupoko, Ngatiapa or Rangitane but by Ngatikahungungu at Hawkes Bay.

I gave evidence of the defeats of the Ngatikahungungu by the advance of Watanui. I have given evidence more particularly about those of Ngatikahungungu now in Court. Omakukara was not a Pa. Besides this affair was not gained by the Ngatikahungungu but me and Te Heu Heu. They never went to Taupo. Ngatikahungungu returned Torori - a woman - to me. They also returned Arapata,Te Whitu and his wife to us. They also returned Tuangahuru to us. The Hawkes Bay Ngatikahungungu also returned Watanui Tutaki to us. They also returned Watanui Tahu. These were very old affairs. They had fights afterwards and nearly all the chiefs of Ngatikahungungu were taken prisoners.

I don’t know who sent Hona Taupo back. There was no satisfaction taken for any of these killings.

I am not aware that you gained the victory in all the fights, if you had. I would have been away at Taupo Maungatautari or somewhere else.

I did not hear that you killed Kapiti Oterangi and Te Nohi . I dont know who they are.

I dont know anything about your returning Tuariki. He may have been a rat caught by the road side.

I heard you gained the battles at Tu Rotohau and Puweawa and we gained another which was satisfaction. I was at Wairarapa at the time it was fought at Turuturukake at Wairarapa.

I heard you gained a victory when Wharepouri's children were taken. This battle was fought long after the affair of Watanui's children. There was a remnant of Ngatikahungungu at Wairarapa.

I know the time when the boundaries on the plan were fixed. In the year 1842 we commenced to talk about the boundaries. Watini and Ihakara were here at that time. The boundaries were settled long before 1840. When I said 1842, I meant this small piece but not the big ones, years before.

Wakefield came here in 1843. Muaupoko were at Horowhenua in 1842. Ngatiapa were at Rangitikei and Rangitane were up the Manawatu river at Puketotara. There were Ngatewehiwehi and Rangitane (pages 161 on) there living further up the river. There was a large Ngatiwehiwehi Pa in the next land of the river, beyond Rotopiko. I don’t know when I saw them there first, but I saw them there in 1856.

Court adjourhed at 3.30 pm.


December 5, 1872


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