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Monday 30th March 1874

Place – the same Present – the same

George Gray – sworn

I have lived at Otaki about 17 or 18 years at the mouth.

I know the land under investigation.

I have been along the line of clearings. The first time is about 2 or 1 years since.

I know the natives who then occupied the clearings. They were Ngati Huia. Never saw any Ngati Pare but have seen fences which they said were theirs.

Aperahama Te Ruru, Topiora, Manahi and others lived on the other side of the river when I came here. Topiora, Rakapa and Matene were the principal people there then. Several Ngati Huia lived at Katihiku then.

I know Piri – have been there several times. A swamp is near – eels are caught – have seen Moihi catching eels there. I heard what was said about Piri on Saturday.

Xed by Hapi

I don’t know Ngati Mataio. I said a pa at Waopukatea people were there whenever I was there – frequently. I have heard that Rauparaha has a right to some portions that would have been cleared.

At Mangaone, I saw Moihi and Manahi. I went to Pahiko to get some sticks. Ngati Huia saw me returning and objected to my cutting poles there. I did not pay for them. I understood they were Rakapa’s.

I did hear that Te Rauparaha’s sheep were driven off the land outside of Te Horo but they still remain on the land.

At Te Horo I saw a village of Ngati Huia’s.

Xed by Hoani Taipua

I saw fences of Ngati Pare at a little clearing beyond Mangaone. There were old fences on all the clearings along there but no one lived there.

I was told by Moihi that they were Ngati Pare’s.

Pipi Kutia – sworn

At the old pa Otaki, all the clearings outside were ours. Tauteka surveyed them (Matene’s wife). These clearings were from the coach road to the beach. There is now a new fence of Ngati Huia’s there (Manahi’s). This i the piece said to be Tamehana’s. It is not true – it is a large piece.

This fence (has been renewed), is since the Waikanae court. I went to break it down. Found Manahi and Hoia and many others there. When I took hold of the fence, Hoia got up and told me not to break it down. I took no heed and pulled up a part of it. The only man who attempted to strike me – I warded off the blow – had I been a man we should have fought. Manahi said take no heed, this fence is for cultivating food for the court – Tamehana has an equal right with his co claimants – to the land there.

Although I have said not – thes are the results of an ill feeling – Tamehana’s houses there and at Te Horo – I don’t know that Tamehana has ever been expelled from this land or that any one has the powere to do so – I admit Ngati Pare through Hoani Taipua’s grandmother and some Ngati Huia and others have ceased occupation long ago.

Aperahama is not Ngati Turanga. He is a relative of mine.

Xed by Hape

I know where the fence was put up – at an eel pa. Whakapawaewae is the name. The stream bears another name. I cannot remember it. I know that Tauteka surveyed that land but it is not his.

Xed by Hoani Taipua

I admit Ngati Pare, you, your grandmother and your brothers – on Wahootemarangai (outside) O Tuwhatu, Apa, Paotaonui. I went with your mother and I think at Makahuri.

I don’t admit Tamehana’s and Matene’s claim to these places width you.

Tahitangata – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land before the court. I have no claim to it - since Haowhenua, Whakapawaewae was my brothers. It is now Matene’s.

After Haowhenua, I had claim at Te Horo. Matene, Tamehana and Ngati Huia have that now.

I was expelled for Ngati Huia, Ngati Turanga and Ngati Parekohatu. Aperahama represented Ngati Turanga.

Rakapa’s statement that Otaki is the boundary is correct. This was an established boundary of Ngati Raukawa’s.

Ngati Kauwhat have a claim at waitaheke. Waitaheke was given by Pokaitara to Te Wharepakuru and Ropata Hurumutu. All these hapu’s remained in possession from Haowhenua up to this time. Ropata can say relative to the place at Waitaheke given to Ngati Kauwhata.

I don’t know about Matene’s boundaries or Ngati Huia’s or Ngati Turanga or Ngati Pare’s.

I know Hairuha of Ngati Kauwhata. I heard he had given Waitaheke to Matene. Matene’s right has not ceased from Waitaheke to Otaki.

Xed by Hapi

Ngati Huia have a right through a long occupation and Ngati Turanga and Ngati Kauwhata.

Hoani Taipua

Otaki was fixed a boundary after Haowhenua.

Ngati Huia is a sub tribe of Ngati Raukawa and theirs occupy Rahui. Matene has a right at Rahui through Uriroa – (Rahui is this side of the river)

Ngati Turanga, Ngati Kauwhat and Ngati Huia are of Ngati Raukawa and Rauparaha’s particular hapu’s.

Ngati Pare, I know have crossed over and cultivated. When Matene and Hakaraia went to lay off a boundary – I heard that you were in dispute with Ngati Huia at the time of the sale. I heard that you disputed with Ngati Kapu relative to Whakahokiahiahia. I said, I only heard of Ngati Pare once because all the land the other side was Ngati Parekohatu’s and Ngati Huia’s.

Haven’t you heard that Ngati Kapu have come to me so by word? Yes. Lately some Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Kapu have.

Are you not paid for giving evidence? No but you are.

Hoani Te Okoro - sworn

Ngati Toa.

I live on this land at Katihiku. Mahurenga came and lived at Puruaha Ngawhakngutu near Tamehana bridge was Rangihaeata’s.

Mahurenga is a relative of Tamehana – of mine – of Topiora. Mahurenga was from Puruaha to Waitaheke. Waitaheke to Rereamanuka is Matene’s. Whakapawaewae is Rauparaha’s. I catch eels now at last place. We have never given up possession of these places.

Ngati Huia have never occupied this – this is rich land where the eels are caught and only there. The rest is sandy and stony or swampy. A hill divides Matene’s claim from Rauparaha’s. Rauparaha’s claim takes in part of Taranaki. There is no fixed boundary at the back between Ngawhakangutu and Wataheke. It goes right away to the mountain.

I don’t know anything of Ngati Pare.

Te Piri takes in all Taranaki and is Matene’s.

I know Ngakaroro proper thence Waitaheke Piri Taranaki.

Rereamanuka to mouth of Otaki is under the mana of Ngati Parekohatu.

When I came from Porirua, Topiora told me that Ngati Huia had gone off the land and ceased occupation. That block belonged to our party. I know Te ----. The mana of the land from Ngakaroro inland thence to Otaki thence by the sea is Ngati Parekohatu’s but Ngati Pare and Ngati Huia have some clearings within that.

The land back of this to the mountain is Ngati Parekohatu’s.

Xed by Hapi

Didn’t Pokaitara give Waitaheke to Ngati Kauwhata? He had no right there that I saw.

Didn’t you hear that Epiha and Hoia had given land from Ngawhakangutu to Harakeke to Matene? Yes I heard.

Didn’t you hear that Topiora said to me to turn down Tamehana’s ---? Yes I heard so. Not by any right of Ngati Huia’s but because of the quarrel between Matene and Tamehana.

Didn’t you hear that Ngati Huia consented? No. Ngati Huia did not go.

Did you hear what Gray said about Piri? The people went there for pipi’s and eels.

Didn’t you hear of Rakapa’s and Matene’s division of Karamu? I am not clear about it.

Do you know Ngati Pare’s boundary was Te Puoho’s? No.

Xed by Hoani Taipua

All the bush inland is yours? Yes.

Do you let the tees on the other side of Otaki at Otuwhatu? I don’t know.

Where were the boards got for Tamehana’s house? Wahaotemarangai.

Are you owner by conquest? Yes.

Haven’t Puoho and Ngati Whakatere a right by conquest? Only latterly.

Didn’t Puoho live on that land at Te Horo etc? Yes, as a stranger.

Have you cultivations from Wahaotemarangai to Makahuri? I killed men there. I am Ngati Toa, Ngati Kimihi.

Tamehana Rauparaha’s statement read.

Court adjourned until 2 pm.

At 2 pm the court resumed.

Tamehana Te Rauparaha

Xed by Hapi

Whose are the cultivations examined on Saturday week? The little places are yours.

Did you cultivate at Pahiko? No. It is Rauparaha’s land and now belongs to Rakapa, Matene and me.

Have you cultivation at Mangaone? Ngati Kauwhata cultivates there – ¼ acre – all the fern is mine.

Were you angry with Ngati Huia for cultivating on these places since the Treaty of Waitangi? Matene and I objected.

Did you know Topiora was pouri about your house Ngawhangutu? No. She is my sister.

Didn’t you hear Matene say that he offered the land for sale because he was pouri on your account? No. I did not hear.

Did the tribes within your survey consent to your lines? You and all the tribes saw I was surveying my /our land.

Would you have authority over this land if Ngati Huia were not on it and Ngati Raukawa were? Yes and Ngati Raukawa were --- away by me.

Do you not get your right through Ngati Huia? I have nothing to do with Ngati Huia and what they to do with me. I have a right through Rauparaha and Rangihaeata. I am Ngati Toa.

Is not Parekohaty your ancestor? Yes.

How many years has Ngati Huia lived on this land? Previous and after Haowhenua.

Why was Ngakaroro boundary laid off? I don’t know.

Has Ngati Huia occupied this land since Haowhenua up to this? Yes. You occupied without any right and was driven off.

Have you heard the boundary (Puoho) spoken of by Ngati Pare? No. I have not heard or seen.

You have seen the persons occupying since Haowhenua? They were only travelers of Ngati Pare.

Have you seen Ngati Whakatere on this block since Haowhenua? At Haowhenua – since they were driven to Manawatu.

Isn’t it because this land was withheld that Ngati Raukawa have divided? No. They (Ngati Raukawa) went on our land as travelers.

Was Hao whenua only play that Ngati Raukawa have no right to this land? Ngati Raukawa would have a right through Rauparaha.

Xed by Hoani Taipua

Have you the right over all the land south of the river? Yes and you on your small pieces.

Have you the right over all the bush there? Yes.

Do you rent totara trees to pakeha’s or Maori’s on that land? I can’t answer that question.

Didn’t you get timber for your house from my pakeha’s? From your land.

Is it you alone, leased Otaki at the mouth? Yes, mine only.

Have not Ngati Raukawa as a tribe? No.

Didn’t you give them some of the rent? Yes out of affection.

Was it you only ordered that house to be built? Yes.

Is all that land within the map for you only? Yes.

What do you say about the houses and cultivations of other hapu’s there? I have admitted them to the small pieces.

Were those boundaries old ones? Topiora and I arranged that.

Didn’t you come to lay off small portions for me? Yes I did.

Close of claimants’ case.


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