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Present: The Mayor (Mr B.R. Gardener Crs. Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, Mackenzie, Ryder, Cr. J. Prouse arrived later & an apology was received from Cr. R. Prouse.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly confirmed.

Adjournment & Special Meeting

Inward correspondence was read and at this stage of the proceedings on the motion of Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr. Hankins it was resolved “that this council do now adjourn”. A Special Meeting of the Council then took place as recorded on pages 50 & 51 of this Minute Book. After the conclusion of the business of the Special Meeting the council resumed business.


In reply to a request for work to be done in Mako Mako Road it was moved by the Mayor & seconded by Cr. Levy “That Messrs. Boggis & Sigglekow Be informed that the “Thirds” available at present have been spent in Winchester Street but that Mako Mako Road will receive attention as soon as possible”.

Ballinger Bros.

In answer to a letter from Ballinger Bros. asking for payment of 15/- the price of a sample night-soil pan on the motion of Cr. Hankins seconded by Cr. Hudson it was resolved “That Messrs. Ballinger Bros be informed that this Council do not recognize any claim made by them for construction of sample can & that no order was given for the same.”


Moved by Cr. Hall & seconded by Cr. Levy “That the matter of improvements to footpaths be referred to the Streets Committee for consideration.” Carried.

Private Street

Mr. R.R. Harris on behalf of Mr W.G. Adkin waited on the council & asked what conditions would be imposed with regard to a street proposed to be made in Sec 44 Levin Suburban. Moved by Cr. Prouse & seconded by Cr. Hankins “That Mr Adkin be given notice that he may construct the road clear level & metal the same, subject to the work being carried out to the satisfaction of the council’s Engineer and that plans & specifications be submitted to the Council before the work is proceeded with.” Carried

Fire Brigade

A deputation from the Levin Fire Brigade consisting of Messrs. Anstice, R.J.Jones & Bowen waited on the council & asked that a Small Committee from the Council be appointed to meet the Fire Brigade representatives & discuss fully the financial position of the Brigade. On the motion of Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr. Hankins it was carried “That a sub-committee consisting of The Mayor, Crs. J. Prouse, Ryder & the mover be appointed to meet the Fire Brigade re necessary help to the Brigade and that they report to this Council.”


Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr. Mackenzie “That in accordance with the arrangement with the County Council, a proper agreement be prepared dealing with the lease of the Council’s Offices, the Water Races, and any other necessary matter, the agreement to be submitted to next meeting.” Carried

Metalling Grant

The correspondence from The Chief Engineer of Roads & the District Road Engineer re vote of £150 for metalling Levin streets was considered.

Works authorised

Tenders to be called

The Mayor explained his action in the matter which met with the full approval of the Council when on the Mayor’s motion which was seconded by Cr. Mackenzie it was resolved :- “That tenders be called

For the formation & metalling of the unformed portions of Bartholomew and Mako Mako Roads, about 20 chains.

Metalling York St East, about 10 chains (more or less) together with such reformation work as may be necessary.”

Supplying 100 yards (more or less) of screened metal on the various footpaths of the Borough”.

Rate demands

The Mayor stated that the demands for the General Rate had not yet been sent out, as it was advisable if the Council had to strike a Water Race Maintenance rate for one demand to serve for both rates.

Accounts passed for payment


Mrs Smart – Stationer 14..9

C. Wilson – Ranger 1 month’s salary 8..4

Petty cash (for postages & stamps) 2..0..0




(Signed) TSB Hudson



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