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PRESENT: The Mayor (Mr B R Gardener) Crs Hudson, Hankins, Hall, Palmer, Levy, J Prouse and R Prouse.

Leave of Absence

Cr Hudson presided at commencement of the sitting, the Mayor being unavoidably detained, but Cr Hudson vacated the chair on the Mayor’s arrival. An apology for non-attendance was received from Councillor Ryder and leave of absence granted.

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

Correspondence –

Referred to Committee

A letter from Mrs Carroll complaining of the rate charged for removal of nightsoil was referred to the Sanitary Committee. A letter from Mr R Jones as to the state of footpath opposite his shop was left to the Streets Committee to deal with.

Municipal Association

A letter was read from the Secretary of the Municipal Association of New Zealand stating terms of membership and giving information regarding the Association and the next Conference. Moved by Cr Hall, seconded by Cr Levy and carried “That this Council become affiliated with the New Zealand Municipal Association”.

Mr C William’s Deposit

A letter from the Auditor General was received concerning the return of a candidate’s deposit. Moved by Cr Levy and seconded by Cr Hall and carried “That the information in letter from Auditor-General re Mr C William’s deposit be conveyed to him by the Town Clerk”.


A letter was read from the Secretary of the Kitson Light Company regarding matters connected with Lamp erected in the town. Mr Patten was also in attendance and gave the Council information as to the Kitson and other lamps. It was then moved by Cr Levy and seconded by Cr Hankins and carried “That the matter of lighting be referred to the Committee on such matters to deal with”.

Mrs Seddon

A letter was read from Mrs Seddon notifying her appreciation of the Council’s sympathetic references to her late husband and his work.

Accident Insurance

A letter was read from the agents of The New Zealand Accident Insurance Company requesting that the Company be allowed the refusal of the Insurance of the Councils employees at the rate of the lowest tender received. It was moved by Cr Hankins and seconded by Cr Hall “That the letter from the N Z Accident Insurance Company lie on the table”. On a division this was carried by four votes to three – viz:

Ayes Noes

Cr Hankins Cr R Prouse

Cr Hall Cr J Prouse

Cr Levy and the Mayor

Cr Palmer

On the Mayor’s ruling Cr Hudson was disqualified from voting upon this question in accordance with the terms of “The Municipal Corporations Act 1900 section 68”


Weraroa Library

Library Committee’s report contained a recommendation of a grant to the Public Library at Weraroa.

Moved by Cr Levy and seconded by Cr R Prouse “That this Council vote the sum of Five pounds towards the funds of the Library at Weraroa”. Carried.

The Finance and Adjustments Committee report was considered and the following resolutions were carried:-

Public Cemetery

Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Hall “That the Colonial Secretary be advised that this Council is willing to take over the“Trusteeship of the Levin Public Cemetery.”

Gravel Reserves

Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr Hudson “That (1) This Council intimate to the Crown Lands Commissioner its willingness to have the gravel reserves (1) Sec 32 Levin Suburban and (2) Sec 8 “Block XI Levin Township vested in the Mayor Councillors and inhabitants of the Borough of Levin instead of in the Horowhenua County Council as at present and

“(2) that further the Commissioner be requested to change the dedication of the sections aforesaid so that they become in the future Municipal Reserves instead of Gravel Reserves as at present”.


Moved by R Hudson seconded by Cr J Prouse “That in response to the request of the County Council this Council hereby appoints His Worship the Mayor to act with a delegate from the County Council in consulting a leading solicitor as to any matter affecting financial or other adjustments between the Council and the Borough.”

Sanitation Public School

Sanitation Committees report intimated the nature of an interview with the Levin School Committee with regard to the removal of night soil from the Public School. It was recommended by the Committee that the sum of six pounds per annum was a fair and reasonable one for the School Committee to pay for this work. Moved by Cr Hankins seconded by Cr Palmer “That the report of the Sanitation Committee be adopted.” Carried.

Night-Soil Deposit

Moved by Cr Hall and seconded by Cr Levy “That the Sanitation Committee be requested to thoroughly investigate the question of allowing night soil to be deposited within the Borough and that a report be furnished at the next ordinary meeting.”

As an amendment Cr Hankins moved and the Mayor seconded “That the opinion of Dr Valentine be obtained as to the Sanitary manner in which the Council is at present disposing of night soil”.

The motion on being put was lost and the amendment carried.


Moved by Cr Hankins seconded by Cr Palmer and carried “That Mr Melton be permitted to crack stones on the Mako Mako Road under the supervision of the Surfaceman and that payment for the same be at the rate of 3/6d. per cubic yard.”


Moved by Cr R Prouse seconded by Cr Hankins that carried “That Mr C Williams be requested to see that the Boarded Fence facing the Main Road Weraroa gravel reserve be made secure against high winds”.

Overhanging Trees

Moved by Cr Hall seconded by the Mayor and carried “That the owners of sections in Petersen's Estate be requested to remove the trees facing Oxford Street to allow the sun in the afternoon to get on the path”.

Permanent Committees

Permanent Committees for the year were in the Motion of the Mayor seconded by Cr Hall set up as follows:

Finance Sanitation and Lighting

The Mayor Cr Hall

Cr Hankins Cr Hudson

Cr Hudson Cr Hankins

Cr Mackenzie Cr Mackenzie

Cr J Prouse Cr J Prouse

Cr Ryder

By-Laws Library

Cr Hudson Cr R Prouse

Cr Levy Cr Hall

Cr Palmer Cr Levy

Cr R Prouse Cr Palmer

Streets Reserves

Cr Hall The Mayor

Cr Palmer Cr J Prouse

Cr Ryder Cr Hudson

Cr Levy Cr Ryder

Cr Hankins

Cr R Prouse

Fire Brigade

The letter and statement furnished by the Fire Brigade (the

letter at the Council’s request) were considered. It was decided to ask the Brigade for information as to Income as well as Expenditure.

Tender for Metalling

The Council went into Committee to consider applications for the supply of metal and offers from the Insurance Companies for Accidental Insurances of the Council’s employees. On resuming it was reported that four tenders were received for Metalling the roads and in the motion of Cr J Prouse and seconded by Cr Palmer it was carried “That the tender of N Akenson for 600 yards of metal according to specifications of 2/6d per yard be accepted”

Accident Insurance

Re-Accident Insurance – Three companies made quotations. On the motion of Cr Hall seconded by Cr Palmer it was carried “That the tender from the Ocean Accident Insurance Company of nine shillings and 4d. per cent per £100 wage expenditure be accepted.”

Councillor Hankins asked for leave of absence from the next meeting.

The following accounts were passed for payment:

S Harris - Nightman 28 May/4 June £ 3 0 0

Whitcombe and Tombs – Rate book 1 17 9

Gardener and Co, - tools 1 6 3

Poundkeeper – loss on cattle sold 3 0

Nation and Co.- Prints/Adverts –May/June 12 0 0

NZ Kitson Light Coy – Lamp fixt & Extras 19 7 8

E J Prendergast- Legal costs – formation of

Borough 10 11 2

Grant to Weraroa Library 5 0 0


53 5 5

Municipal Association of N Z fee 2 2 6


£ 55 7 11




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