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Chairman: Mr. W.S. Salmons

Toast List:

To Pro. Res.
1. The King Chairman
2. Early Settlers Mr. H. McDonald Mr. W. Clark
3. Levin and Districts Mr. P. Bertram Mr. H.B. Burdekin
4. Early Pupils of the School Mr. H.J. Jones Mr. E.M. Ryder
Mr. N. Winiata
5. Headmasters and Teachers
(Past and Present)
Mr. V.J. Bateman Mr. H.F. McClune
6. N.Z. Parliament Mr. J. Allen Mr. J.J. Maher
Mr. M.H. Oram
7. School Committees
(Past and Present)
Mr. F. Carrington Mr. A.C. Kennerley
Mr. H. Denton
8. Wellington Education Board Mr. D.P. Todd Mr. D. Guy
Mr. A.E. Robinson
9. Absent Friends Mr. C. Wallace
10. The Press and Artists Mr. G.C. France


February 25, 1950


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