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This recipe was given to me by my friend Brian who had lived in South Africa where he had been a ballet dancer.

I believe Sosaties are a South African version of a marinated kebab – originally made with Lamb. He used Apricot Jam (or marmalade jam if that was not available).

They are delicious at a BBQ.

The recipe:

Approx 1kg chuck steak

Salt and pepper

1 lemon, squeezed and thinly sliced

A pinch of chilli powder

1 tablespoon curry powder

1 cup cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons brown sugar

4 onions

2 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons jam (apricot or marmalade)

Cut meat into small squares and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Put into deep dish, adding lemon juice and [lemon] slices + garlic + chilli powder.

Brown the thinly shredded onions + add to dish.

Mix curry, cider vinegar + sugar + boil up with jam.

Pour over meat when cold.

Cover dish and let stand at least a day before using (2-3 days is best).

When required put on skewers, alternating with a piece of onion (about 4 pieces of meat per skewer – makes about 20 sosaties).

Boil up the sauce in which the meat has steeped and thicken with flour.

Barbeque meat or brown in a pan. Serve with the sauce.


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August 2009


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