Foundation Pupils
- Description
Photo B35 in album. Similar to #.0004-B33 & #.0004-B34 Negative of this photo is B35 (in negatives envelope).
Memo written with blue ink pen beside photo - Foundation pupils
Printed on white board in wooden frame in photo, as group identification - Taitoko School 25th Reunion FOUNDATION PUPILS
Foundation Pupils, group photo. 1 colour photo print (Similar to #.0004-B33 & #.0004-B34)
Left to Right - Back Row: Nigel Smith, Kere Gripp, Michael Herewini, Denis Welby, Noel Humphrey, Keith Taylor, Linda Norfolk (nee Norman). Centre Row: Carol Mill (nee Dowd), Pauline Williams (nee La Roche), Wendy Windley (nee Bell), Sonia Barton (nee Lacey), Caroline Powley (nee Bell), Donald Bell, Rosalind Marshall (nee Pratt). Front Row: Christine Ellery (nee McDonald), Sandra McKenzie (nee Millard), Lorraine Harris (nee Jones), Michelle Marshall (nee Carrick), Kay McGregor, Barbara Wilson (nee Jones), Jeannette Gregory, Lynette Ruddle (nee Welby), Janice Dewar (nee Millard).
Saturday at Taitoko School 25th Reunion, July 1994.
Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.”
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