Minutes of Council Meeting 15 October 1906
- Description
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr Merret’s drainage
Correspondence – A letter from the Public Health Department was received making certain suggestions as to drainage of Mr Merret’s property, Weraroa Road. It was resolved on the motion of Cr J Prouse, seconded by Cr R Prouse “That a permit to install a septic tank at Mr Merrets be granted subject to the inspection and according to the recommendations of the Health Department.”
A letter from Mr Tuohy claiming £35 for damages was received.
Leave of Absence
A letter was received from the Town Clerk asking for leave of absence for a time. On the motion of Cr Hankins seconded by Cr Hall it was resolved “That the Town Clerk be granted the leave of absence on account of illness.”
Mr Hitching’s drainage
The Public Health Department wrote that they could not recommend a septic tank on Mr Hitching’s Queen Street and Oxford Street properties unless the same could be placed on the W. & M. Railway Company’s reserve.
Inspector’s levies
The Department also wrote offering the services of one of their officers as Health Inspector for the Borough at the rate of £25 per annum. On the motion of Cr Levy seconded by Cr Hall it was resolved “That the Public Health Department be offered £12.10/- for the balance of the present financial year for the services of their Inspector”.
License applied for
Mr W C Nation, President of Levin Spiritualists Association applied for a licence for a newly erected room in Oxford Street as a place of
Public worship. Application was granted subject to Inspectors approval.
Business arising out of the reports of Committees –
Tender accepted printing by-laws
Crs Hall/Levy “That the By-laws Committee’s action in accepting
W C Nation Company’s tender for printing By-laws be confirmed”.
Re – Purchase of gravel reserves
The Mayor/Cr Hudson “In accordance with the recommendations of the Reserves Committee the necessary steps be taken for raising a loan of £ 750 for the purchase of properties under offer to the Council viz: (1) from A Corson, pt.sec.26 BI Waiopehu S.D. containing 3a.1r.28p. with buildings and improvements thereon, for the sum of £350, and (2) G.C.A. Lange’s Section – i.e., pt. sec. 67 Levin V.S. containing 10 acres for the sum of £350.”
The Report of the Street’s Committee was received and adopted.
Kitson light
Moved by Cr Ryder and seconded by Cr Levy “That Mr Perry be asked to take over the lighting of the Kitson Light at the same terms as given to Mr Patton”.
Notice to strike water race maintenance rate
Moved by the Mayor and seconded by Cr Levy “That public notice be given that in accordance with the Statutory provisions under the Rating Act 1894, and the Municipal Corporations Act 1900, that it is the intention of the Council at its ordinary meeting to be held on Monday 4th November 1906 to strike a water-race maintenance rate within the Borough of 3/10 of a penny in the £ on the capital value for the period commencing 1st April 1906 and ending 31st March 1907 the same to become due and payable in one instalment at the Borough Council Office on the 1st December 1906”
This was carried, the voting as under:
Ayes (6) Noes (2)
The Mayor Cr Hankins
Cr Ryder Cr Hudson
Cr Hall
Cr Levy
Cr Prouse, J
C Prouse, R
Agreement with H.C. Council
Moved By Cr Hankins and seconded by Cr Hudson “That the Horowhenua County Council be asked whether they will complete the agreement submitted to them by this Council and if they do not intend to do so will they suggest what steps they consider advisable to finally settle and adjust all matters between Council and the Horowhenua County Council”.
Accounts passed
Accounts Passed for Payment.
N Akenson (Balance on Contracts 5 and 6) £18.13. 5
A Tomlinson (trim and plant trees) 15. 0
Thompson and Palmer (stationery etc) 1.12.11
Kitsons Light Company 1. 5. 1
Nation and Co (Printing/Advertising) 7.15. 0
E H Snow (Map Borough) 6.11. 0
W Melton Sr. (Stonebreaking - 14yds 3/6d.) 2. 9. 0
£ 31. 1. 5
Confirmed Nov 5th 1906
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