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Monday December 2nd 1872. P124-132

Present His Honour Judge Regan.

“ Smith

Interpreter - T Young

Clerk - Mr. Grey

Assessor - H. Tautani.

Court opened at 10 a.m.

Ihakara Whakamaru (sworn) (evidence continued from statement given on opening the case-)

About Tuwhakatupua.

In the year 1835 we put in the peg at Tuwhakatupua, this was a boundary to show the boundary between us, and the hapu’s of Ngatiraukawa, Ngatiwehurehi, and Ngatikaiwhata.

My hapu’s are named


Patukohuru, Ngatirakau, Ngatituranga, the two former hapu’s were my opponents.

I did not see Rangitani come forward as my opponents, on account of this boundary, my opponents were Ngatiraukawa.

At that time Rangitani were not in a position to come forward and oppose me because my yoke was very heavy on their necks. Their old Chiefs Tewheta and Aweawe were there, but not able to come forward and oppose me.

I did not hear Meihana Puti or any Chief of Rangitani say stand on one side and let us lay off our own boundary, because they were afraid of me and my mana was over them.

In Mr ((Tearauke’s)spelling) time we were at Raukawa Hirananui’s place, that was the time when the Mangawharawhara boundary of the Awaturanga Block was fixed by us and Rangitani and Hirawanu.

I stood up to speak on that occasion. I described the boundary is as are now shown on the plan before the Court.

The part which I see on the plan belongs to me, the part I cannot see belongs to Rangitani, as for the Rangitani you must not come upon mine.

Mangawharawhara Tuwhakatupua is the boundary between Ngatiwewehi and myself.

I did not hear Rangitani object to the boundary I made along the Tararua Ranges, they were silent. All the things said in my evidence have given openly.

I commence about the Court, which sat at Otaki about the Rangitikie case. The Court said all the land on the north side of Manawatu has been consumed. I said to the Court, I have land left. The boundary commences at the mouth of the Manawatu and I described the boundaries of the Block, which is now before this Court. I never heard Hoani, Kawana, Hunia or Pute get up and object to the boundary. When described they were silent.

I will speak of the sale of the Awaho Block by me.


I sold the land to Europeans, there was no secret about it, it was done openly. I did not hear Muaupoko and Rangitani object to my selling the land.

About Rangitikie

I agreed to the Rangitikie land being sold for fear of evil happening to the three tribes, Ngatiraukawa, Ngatiapa, and Rangitani.

A dispute was raised by Mihana on account of a difficulty about some money. I stopped that dispute it was about rent.

We proposed to sell the land immediately and I asked ₤22,000 for it at the meeting at Hikaiatu the Raukawa asked for an additional sum of ₤3000 making ₤25000, it was then agreed to sell the Rangitikie Manawatu.

If I had held on it could not have been sold. It was sold with the consent of Ngatiapa, Ngatiraukawa, and Rangitani.

I am going to give evidence on certain matters in Kupa and Hunia’s evidence.

About Hingakuku.

Kemp states that it is at Kawau that Raukawa fell, there he is wrong, the place is at Maungatautari I Rangiawhia District.

The Ngatiraukawa Ngatitoa and Ngatirua were defeated there by Waikato. I did not hear that Muaupoto or Rangitani went there.

About Hameowhenua.

Kemp stated that his father followed Tawhare to Whanganui and was killed there. Tuwhare went away home and Ngatimaniapoto have a chief of theirs, asked him to come down as a Ngatitama had been murdered, and when he arrived at Whanganui, was killed by them and Ngatiwhakatere hapu of Raukawa.

Kemp says we were defeated at TeWhetu o tu.

The tribes who were defeated Ngatituwharitoa, Ngatituopokohiri and Ngatiruanui. Kemp’s own tribes Ngatiroi and Ngawhare were the names of the chiefs of the Ngatiruaka. Kemp’s statement is false that we fell at Whetu o tu. Raukawa were defeated at Hawkes Bay at Pukenoanoa and then there was war between them and Ngatikahungu at H.B.


We fought on and we captured a Pah called Pakeke. We beat them there. All their chiefs were taken prisoners to Maungatautau and other places further north but were afterwards released and allowed to return home.

After this a chief of Raukawa named Momo went to H.B. were he was killed by Ngatikahungu District to Hawkes Bay where he was killed by Ngatikahungu. A war party of Raukawa went from Manawatu District to Hawkes Bay. They killed Kutia and Paeroa women of rank in the Ngatikahungu. They then set out for Maungatautau there was a fight at Omakukara the Ngatikahunga returned from there. Raukawa from Maungatautari set out and attacked the last named tribe, beat them and killed two chiefs. Whakaurua and Au my friend Kapuku obtained the land and beat them in fighting and that is the position the matter stands in at present, they have done nothing to us since.

Kemp makes a statement about the Otatu, and says after my defeat by him, the survivors escaped Rotoira where they were killed by Wharerangi, Chief of Taupo. Wharerangi was dead long before this, besides this, the survivors who escaped were Ngatituwharetoa. Wharerangi would not have killed his own people he was a Ngatituwharetoa himself and this is a hapu of Ngatiraukawa.

Kemp has stated that he and I were friends but when Ngatiraukawa came to Whanganui a woman named Hikitana was killed.

Raukawa separated from the Whanganui’s and were antagonistic towards each other, they fought one against the other.

This party that I am referring to came from Maungatautari, and were attached by the Whanganui’s.

This is time Kemp speaks of when he said: the woman and children were sold for potatoes, and (indecipherable). They were sold.

Ngatiraukawa then came from Maungatautau to this District and they found out where Whanganui was and, then started off with a war party, they went from here to Whanganui. They reached Putikiwharanui and took the Pah there were 1000 men in it, it was occupied by Keepa’s people the dead one drifted out to sea some were taken on shore by people.

Parematau Kurukahanga’s mother was killed. Kemp and Tahana were put on board canoes like sharks and paddled away and then put on shore. I mean the Whanganui not these two individually.

I gained the victory over them at Putikiwharanui they did not come against me after that they have never taken revenge for that defeat up to the present time.

About Horowhenua.

Kemp states he came down there to save me. It was through Kemp and Heu Heu that this fight commenced. Heu Heu and Turoa came from Whanganui to Otaki where the Ngatiraukawa Tamati Te W was the name of their expedition they went back to Whanganui when they got to the place where they left their canoes they found that Ngatiaira and Ngatiraurnui (?) was party on the other side.

Turoa and Heu Heu were angry about their canoe’s and they had a battle on the north side of Whanganui River. Popo of Ngatitawharetoa was killed. Rangiopukia Whanganui was killed Hone Mihi of Ngatirawa was killed the party of Ngatiraranui and Ngatiara went to Otaki and consumed our food.

Ngatiraukawa were angry about their food and the consequence was the fight at Horowhenua. Heu Heu heard that Raukawa had commenced fighting and he came down to take the opportunity of avenging Popo’s death. Turoa came for the same reason on account Rangiopukia’s death.

Muaupoko joined me on account of the death of Ngaweki and Tawhekerua who was killed by Ngatiawa. Hoani and Puti (Rangitanui) joined us to avenge the death of Mahari Rangitami and Muaupoko could not have taken revenge for these murders without the help of Raukaura. My object to fight was different to the others, it was about food and very little cause, none of Rangitani or Muaupoko were killed or Whanganui’s all that were killed belonged to Ngatiraukawa and Ngatituwharetoa Papaka of this last tribe was killed.

Muaupoko and Rangitani had not sufficient mana to fight in separate bodies, it was different about the Whanganui’s.

The Tribes who came to assist me not having any cause of their own but simply out of regard for us were Ngatimaniapoto Ngatimaru under Taraia and Tuhourangi we fought for some time with Ngatiawa but no victory gained on either side.

In 1839 the battle of Kakuitetanga was fought between us and Ngatiawa this was also a drawn battle and the result eventually was that we laid down our boundary between our land and that of Ngatiawa at Kukutawhaki.

A fight took place at Waikanae and the Raukawa retired as far as Kukutawhaki and Ngatiawa did not follow. Kukutawhaki was the winning post.

Court rose for ½ an hour at 12.15.

About Ngatikahungu (with reference to Keepa’s evidence)

The boundary of the Country in which I defeated the various tribes commences at Whanganui and runs across to Nukutawua.

Pekenui was the place where we fought against the Ngaipouru Rongawhakatat Ngatikahunga.

Those tribes were defeated by Ngatiraukawa and the Chief Te Hikituoterangi was taken prisoner. There were 40 men and a green stone meri given to them as a ransom for him. The Ngatiraukawa have the Meri now (Meri produced) the Kauoriori is its name. They did not avenge that defeat of theirs.

This is all on that point the Ngatikahunga came from Wairarapa to attack Ngatiraukawa and a woman named Huia was killed at Waikawa. We pursued them as far as Ruamahanga. Titi, Te Matua, Te Huahua, Te Ngawaki, We gained the victory there and they never came after us to gain satisfaction.

We continued to occupy this land we conquered the tribes we had the best of it the other tribes never got satisfaction for the defeats they suffered we have continued to occupy the land ever since. After this battle at Ruamahanga Ngatikahunga went to Nukutanirua.

Now about the murders:-

Kemp’s party committed a murder at Whanganui on a Maori man and on a white man and Kawaeiirangi a Maori of Ngatirawa they cooked and eat them.

When Turoa was speared by the Whanganui he sent a message down to Ngatiraukawa and they sent a War party. They arrived at Rangitikie and Kemp states that Amorangi was on the their side of Rangitikie he says that a fresh was on the river the day has was there and it was very heavy. Amorangi was drowned he was not killed by the Ngatiraukawa. They went on then to Wanganui and saw Turoa he had asked them to go and fight against the Wanganui’s.

When they came to Putikiwharanui after seeing Turoa they found Ngatiruanui there under Te Putakanua was killed by Raukawa.

About a Whanganui lunatic named Korowa who was going there from Waikanae on his arrival at Rangitikie he was caught by Ngatiapa he was killed by Tahataha and Hakaraia Poure they eat him.

About Hotoki a Ngatiraukawa a relative of mine he went away like a lunatic and the fairies eat him (I suppose) Hotoki and Hurihunga. Hurihanga appeared at Porirua a woman made an incantation over him and made water on his head that cured him and he came back again. Hotoki never turned up again.

Now in this Court for the first time I hear that Hotoki was killed by Kemp and Hunia. If they had stated this formerly they themselves would have been taken in payment. Kapera Hau a ? was lost Manaihoia at Rangitikie and Manawatu.

I think Ngatiapa killed him because they now state publicly they killed Hotoki.

In 1867 a son of Hohaia’s disappeared between the Ngatihuia land and that of Muaupoko. Kemp has stated that he killed Hotoki and therefore I accuse him of killing this boy.

About Takare

At the time of the party called Hamewhenua on their arrival at Horowhenua a piece of wood wrapped up in leaves to represent a green stone and Pohutuhutu came he was killed by Muaupoko after this was the time of the heke of Ngatiraukawa.

Pohutuhutu belonged to Ngatipaua, Ngatimaru, and Waikato tribes. Te Teu a member of the same tribes who accompanied the expedition and when he saw the Muaupoko he said this is the tribe who killed Pohutuhutu, and he entered into a plot with Rauparaha and Rangihaita the Chiefs who were opposed to peace with Muapoko.

Takere was killed in revenge for the death of Pohutuhutu.

Kemp says when he got guns I was frightened of him but I say I’m not afraid. My only fear of Kemp ? was not the guns but the fear of breaking the law of God. Kemp cannot kill my soul.

Now about Wangaehue. Mangaehu is a place taken by Turoa he brought seed there to plant. Nepea Taratoa went and burnt his seed. After this the Ngatiapa sought the assistance of Raukawa to go to Whanganui for the purpose of avenging their losses they returned without doing anything.

The Whanganui pursued the Ngatiraukaw and there was a fight in which Takarangi was killed at Wangaehu. This was the last I did at Whanganui. Whatanui came here on invitation by Rauparaha the peace making between the Ngatirukawa and the five tribes was made as the (five big?) the inferior and the Ngatiraukawa being the superiors.

I don’t know that the five tribes assisted Raukawa in their fights against Waikato. I don’t know whether it is time that the five tribes went to Taranaki to protect Rauparaha.

I am not aware that 60 Muaupoko attacked and defeated Waikato at Horowhenua. None of these 8 fights referred to ever occurred and I have no knowledge of being beaten if they had fought against us we would have fought them. Muaupoko always, always obeyed the commands of Watanui.

Court adjourned at 2pm




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