22nd March 1873
- Description
Saturday March 22nd 1873 p.232-242
Place The Same
J Rogan Esquire Judge
T H Smith Esquire Judge
Hemi Tautari Assessor
Upper Aorangi
Hoani Meihana said I hand in a list of the names of persons interested in the lower part of this block - list put in by Kerei to Panau being the names of persons interested in the middle portion of this Block list put in yesterday by Koro (N'Kauhata) read -
Reweti Te Kohu said I object to the list put in by Te Kooro - the list agreed upon by the tribe consisted of the names - my name is not in that list. It is prepared by Te Kooro alone - I think he was assisted by Mr Macdonald - and it is sanctioned by the court Confusion will ensure
Te Kooro said I object to Reweti's name - he was admitted by the Tribe - and his name was included in the first list - but now his name is included in the list of the Tribe put in.
Eru Tahitangate - I object to the list put in by Te Kooro The persons named by him as owning that land are not correct There are only a few persons to my knowledge which should be admitted - The tribe who owned that land is here and we have a list Mr Macdonald is the cause of our confusion I wish to put in the list that the Court may see who we think should be recognised
List put in by Eru Tahitangata
I live at Foxton - Otaki - I lived at Oroua and my friends live there
___'d by the Court Where do the persons live enumeration your .......
They live at Oroua
Te Koro said I admit Eru's relationship but he has no house at Oroua I am his relative
Hoani Meihana - said I live near to the land in question I heard the list of Kooro (N'Kauhata) read I think the statement by Te Koori is correct - and if persons went there they would see for themselves - Kooro's list read again - during which Eru Tahitangata and friends left the Court - and certified to as N'Kauhata by Hoani Meihana - I live at the junction of Oroua and Manawatu - but I am constantly in the habit of visiting these places as a teacher. The statement of Kooro is quite correct - they are all N'Kauhata - I have not heard any ............ that belong to Waikato - except those that are of N'Kauhata .....others
The Court decided to make a tribal Order in favor of N Kauhata for Upper Aorangi in accordance with the list of Kooro Te One - No Restrictions
Lower Aorangi
Mar 23/73 List put in by Hoani Meihana - Rangitane - read
Te Reihana said I am a N Wehewehi my name is not in the N Kauhata list - I want it put in this list I live on the land
Ani said I am a Rangitane - I want my name put in
Hoani Meihana said - when we divide the land these people shall have their share
Kawana Huria said that 30 Ngatimairehau had been excluded
Peeti Te Aweawe said I have put the names down the list because they are the persons who have lived permanently on the land There are a number of relatives whom we admit but their interests are provided for by their relatives who are in the list. When the land is divided the residents will then call these relatives. I admit the old men and we will consider them.
Lower Aorangi
Court decided to make an Order (tribal) for the lower portion of Aorangi - excluding the portions already dealt with Ngaihakaraua No. 1, Ngaihakaraua No. 2 in favor of Rangitane - in accordance with the list put in by Hoani Meihana No Restrictions
Fees charges
Hearing £1
Certificate 1
Middle Aorangi
List put in by Kerei Te Panau (Ngatitauira) read -
Kerei Te Panau said these are other persons who _______ through us who do not reside on this block - these are the names of all the persons living there
Kawana Huria - said Harei said those were the names of N'Tauira - Kerei should state that he lives at Oroua and the others live at Rangitikie - I live at Rangitikie too
Court decided to make an Order (Tribal) in favor of Ngatitaura for the Middle Aorangi in accordance with the list put in by Kerei Te Panau - No restrictions
Fees charges
Hearing £1
Certificate 1
Harehana Tauranga
Te Ara Takana
Erina Kooro
Rhira Kahuhui
Tainaona Pikauroa
Maraki Te Rangikaitu
Teieti Turanga
Mekruki Te Aewa
Epiha Te Moanakino
Ruira Te Kawa
Tura Kahuhui
Mokena Pahuraki
Retimana Te Hapoki
Hakaroia Whakaneke
Pape Titaha (halfcaste)
Hepi Kahuhui
Merehira Tauranga
Hepi Te Mooro
Hara Tauranga
Ramari Kahuhui
Matiria Te Kawa
Wiremu Karamoa
Hore Te Hapoki
Moringa Te Hapoki
Wiremu Hohimi
Metapere Kahuhui
Pirihira Kahuhui
Marara Kahuhui\
Tupataia Kahuhui
Mata Kahupureke
Riria Te Moanakino
Ataneta Paretwhaki
Te Wari Turanga
Harata Kiore
Raupena Te One
Tiuiotangata (half case)
Haimona Tapa
Wetini Tangata
Tapa Ahitana
Raika Kereana
Herewini Kerama
Te Otane Kereama
Weti Pekama
Wriemu Pekau
Noa Pekamu
Ratina Pekamu
Metapere Tapa
Arena Koreana
Raimapaha Ahitana
Rawinia Tareti
Raiha Paoe
Ruiha Pere
Kooro Te Wharepakaru
Miriama Pape
Iwi Kereania
Mereaina Kereana
Makereti Ahitna
Tahana Te Kawa
Turuhira Pekamu
Mihirangi Ahitana
Mereana Hapoki
Maraea Wetini
Tapa Te Whata
Kooro Te One
Takana Te Kawa
Kereama Paoe &
Hoeta Te Kahuhui
Middle Aorangi
Ordered that a Certificate of Title of the Ngati Tauira tribe be made and issued when the under named parties shall furnish a proper survey thereof - No Restrictions.
Fees charged
Hearing £1
Certificate 1
Hamuera Te Raikokiritia
Kerei Te Panau
Kawana Ropiha
Te Teira Te Panau
Hoani Hakaraia
Hemi Te Rangitakaru
Turei Te Whairepo
Wiremu Hoera
Karitaiana Tuweta
Hoani Hoera
Mohi Ropiha
Wirihana Pairoa
Maihi Te Atua
Hirini Mohuia
Hone Waitere
Wirihana Te Rangipunahauea
Nahona Te Rangipoua
Retimana Hirea
Watene Kauki
Tipone Morumaku
Pateriki Te Kihi
Kingi Te Hanea
Hori Ngaurupa
Te Rangirerekau
Te Watene Te Ranginui
Tamati Te Panau
Eruini Te Auohi
Kaka Tuahoea
Piripi Te Rangikapake
Paora Pahana
Ruka Hanuhanu
Iria Tamaraku
Ratiua Potau
Wiremu Ratana
Te Roku Rophia
Tamati Karatau
Timoti Tairuhi
Te Waka Te Kawairiki
Harepata Te Rota
Taraua Marumaru
Timu Te Rangikatokona
Hona Kahukuki
Te Rangi
Anihaka Waaka
Hanapeka Te Rangiputangatahi
Weretene Te Pana
Roka Parae
Arihia Maipanga
Kataraina Te Rakitoitoi
Ngahuia Te Rangipunaheuea
Rihi Marumaru
Court adjourned until 10 A.M. on Monday
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