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Present – The Mayor (Mr. B. R. Gardener) & Councillors Hankins, Hall, Hudson, Levy, MacKenzie, Palmer, Prouse R. & Ryder. An apology for absence was received from Cr. I Prouse

Minutes confirmed

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed


Special Order Confirmed

The Special Order made at a Meeting held on the 19th Oct 1906 was also confirmed.

Correspondence – A letter from Mr Prendergast on behalf of Mr T.W. Levin asking on what terms the Council would consent to the construction of a road through Sec 3, Levin S. from Weraroa Road to Tiro Tiro Road.

Proposed New Road through Mr Levin’s property.

Cr. Hudson moved, & Cr. Ryder seconded “That permission be given to Mr Levin to make the road connecting Weraroa Road with the Tiro Tiro Road, providing the same is properly formed & metalled in accordance with the instructions laid down in the case of the road & footpaths through the Winchester Block”.

As an amendment The Mayor moved & Cr. Levy seconded “That permission be given to Mr Levin to make a road through his section from Weraroa Road to Tiro Tiro Road providing the same is properly formed and metalled also the footpaths formed, metalled and curbed”.

The amendment on being put was declared lost on the following division


Ayes (3) Noes(5)

The Mayor Cr Hudson

Cr. Levy “ Hall

“ Hankins “ Palmer

“ Prouse R.

“ Ryder

Cr. Hudson’s motion was then put and carried.

Mr Carson’s Building Permit

A Building permit was applied for by, Mr A. Carson for a dwelling house on Sec 26 (late Petersen’s Estate).

Moved by Cr. MacKenzie seconded by Cr. Levy “That Mr A. Carson be informed that the bye-laws relative to buildings must be complied with otherwise he will be proceeded against”.


Overhanging Trees - Weraroa Rd.

Mr S.J. Gittins wrote re overhanging trees & stating that his lease did not allow him to trim the trees upon his property. Moved by Cr. Levy, seconded by the Mayor and carried. “That the owner of the property occupied by Mr Gittins be requested to give permission to him to cut down trees overhanging Weraroa Road”.

In answer to a request from the Commissioner of Crown Lands re Sec 24, Levin Domain, the following resolution on the motion of Cr. Hall, seconded by Cr Hankins was carried.

Levin Park

viz, “That Levin Park” be the name given to the Domain ground to be taken over by the Borough Council & that this Council sit as a Domain Board on the first Monday in each Month at 8 PM”.

Cottage moved to York St.

In regard to the cottage moved from Queen St. to a section in York St. by Mr J. Davidson, after an explanation from the Mayor who stated that Mr Davidson was willing to pay the permit fee, no further action was taken.

Clerk to sue for License Fees.

The Clerk reported that several license fees were still unpaid & read correspondence re the Town Hall. Moved by Cr. Ryder & seconded by Cr. Hudson, “That the Clerk be instructed to sue for license fees outstanding after the 20th inst”


Kent St. Extension.

A report from the Surfaceman showed that the Kent St Extension had been constructed according to specifications. Cr. Hankins moved & Cr. MacKenzie seconded, “that the Report of the Surfaceman be received, relative to Kent Street



Cr. Hudson moved & Cr. Hall seconded “That Kent St. Extension be taken over by this Council”. Carried

The division on this resolution was as under:

Ayes (5) Noes (4)

The Mayor Cr. Hankins

Cr. Ryder “ Levy

“ Hudson “ Palmer

“ Hall “ MacKenzie

“ Prouse R


A petition was received from certain ratepayers, presented by Cr. Hankins, asking that a public meeting be called re proposed loans to purchase gravel reserves. The Mayor stated that the petition was not in order as it was compulsory that a public meeting of the ratepayers should be held according to the statute.

Mr Tuohy

Moved by Cr. Hankins & seconded by Cr. MacKenzie “That Mr Tuohy be informed that his letter has been received”.


Enforcing By-laws

Moved by Cr Levy & seconded by Cr. Hall, "That Constables Gray & Kirby and all employees of this Council be empowered to take steps to enforce the Borough By-laws & that the seal of the Borough be attached to the By-laws”


Re Levels – Tender accepted

Tenders for taking the levels of the Borough were considered in Committee. On resuming Cr. Hall moved & Cr. Hudson seconded “That the tender of Mr Charlesworth be accepted – price £72 - 12 – 0 “.


Accounts passed

Accounts Passed for Payment

Nation & Co – Adverts & C £5 -11 - 0

Petty Cash 2 - 0 - 0

C. Wilson Ranger – Sal 1month

To 18th Nov 8 - 4

Gardener & Co Goods 14 - 0

Horowhenua County Council 2 - 13 - 9

Refund of rates paid into Levin Borough

Council (in error) into Levin Borough Council

District Trust A/C at Bank. (Stuckey’s Estate) _______

Total £ 11 - 7 – 1


Nov 06

Notice of Motion by Cr. Hankins

Notice of Motion

“That the resolution passed by this Council on the19thNov.1906 in regard to the taking over of Kent Street be rescinded as such resolution was not legal under Sec 233 “Municipal Corporations Act 1900”.


Basil R. Gardener Mayor

Dec 5th 1906



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