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Adventure park attracts travellers from all over Spooner family from Manurewa The Spooner family from Manurewa In Auckland played on the swings at the Levin Adventure Park on their way to Dunedin. "We all had a stretch at the rest stop further up the road and only stopped here to use the toilets' Melanie Spooner said.

Catching a glimpse of the park, the family decided to stay In Levin a bit longer. "This is one of the most awesome adventure parks I've ever Seen' she said. "We'll definitely stop on the way home:'

Pictured left: From front left is four-year-old Torre!! (with back to camera), father lane, seven-year-old Jayden and
mother Melanie.

Adventure park attracts travellers from all over - Weary travellers Marilyn Taylor and mother Betty KalePictured at right: weary travellers Marilyn Taylor and her mother Betty Kale from Hastings took a break at the Levin Adventure Park on their way to visit Mrs Taylor's daughter for Christmas in Wellington.

Photos: Colleen Sheldon


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Multi-Page Document
December 29, 2003


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