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  • History of the Foxton War Memorial
  • History of the Foxton War Memorial


Description of Monument:

The foundation of the Fallen Soldiers’ Monument now being erected in the triangle by Messrs FJ and WH Jones, monumental masons, of Feilding, consists of five reinforced concrete and plastered bases, the first, or lower base being well embedded below the ground surface, is 10ft square, with reinforced ties or bars running cornerwise. Each base in turn being reinforced.

The whole of this concrete work stands over 7ft in height.

Next above these bases comes two huge bases in grey New Zealand granite, the lower of these two bases has four polished pillars, and the top base has all four sides polished. This grey granite is worked and polished in Auckland, and is found to be equal to the well know Scotch granite, and is absolutely imperishable.

Above these New Zealand granite bases is the monument in Red Scotch granite, a circular and very highly polished piece of stone in three pieces. The bottom base has four panels, on which are inscribed, in bold letters, four mottoes: North side, “For Freedom’s Cause.” East side, “Greater Love hath no Man.” South side, “For God, King and Country.” West side, “Their Duty Nobly Done.”

On the main circular shaft are four panels, and the inscription, “To perpetuate the memory of the following, who gave their lives for God, King and Country in the great war 1914-1918,” inscribed on the East panel, then follow the names of the men who made the supreme sacrifice, divided between the north and south panels. The surmounting cap is finished with four gables and is traced with a design in each gable. The completed monument will stand 18 feet above the ground surface, and has a very handsome appearance, and will show to great advantage facing down the Main Street.

Manawatu Herald 28 April 1920.



ELSEWHERE in this issue will be found the full list of contributors to the Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Fund. So far no canvas has been made for the fund, and those contributing have done so voluntarily. Owing to the holidays, many have overlooked the fund, and will no doubt send along their contributions before the fund closes at the end of this month.

The objective aimed at was £500, and surely this is little enough to put into a lasting memorial for those who paid the supreme sacrifice. There has been a difference of opinion as to the form of this memorial, some advocating swimming baths, and others a band rotunda in Easton Park. Anyhow, the meeting decided to erect an obelisk in the Triangle Reserve in Main Street, and all, we feel sure, will fall in with the proposal. To those who desire to assist we make this appeal to send in their contributions as early as possible, in order that the memorial may be erected and unveiled on Anzac Day.

Manawatu Herald January 13, 1920



The following is a complete list up to date of donations to the above fund:-

A Friend £10.10.0 Ed Newman MP £5. 5.0

John Chrystall 5. 5.0 Frank Robinson 40. 0.0

HF Gabites 1. 0.0 John Smith senr 2.10.0

Miss Agnes Smith 2.10.0 A & A Alsop 1. 0.0

WS 1. 0.0 JH Robinson 10. 0.0

A Hawke 1. 1.0 W Nye 1. 1.0

Fred Rout 10.0 CE Robinson 5. 0.0

Dr Wall 3. 3.0 FH Crawley 1. 5.0

RJ Thompson 1. 0.0 A Jagger 3. 3.0

Thos Henderson 10.0 H Hillary 10.0

W Riddle 1. 0.0 AN Smith 1. 0.0

Dr Mandl 3. 3.0 MH Walker 1. 0.0

O Robinson 10. 0.0 James Barber Estate 20. 0.0

WE Barber 3. 3.0 GO Barber 2. 2.0

Mrs WE Riddle 1. 1.0 DH Campbell 1. 1.0

Mrs Honore 1. 0.0 Miss Honore 10.0

Geo Hughes 1. 0.0 John Neil Rider 1. 0.0

W Derrick 1. 0.0 Mrs Thynne Senr 10.0

Surplus Returned

Soldiers’ Function 2. 8.4 Foxton Racing Club 26. 5.0

AH 1. 0.0 Pupils of State School 6. 0.7


Acknowledged 152. 8.0 Mrs M Frankland 1. 1.0

Mr H Frankland 10.0 Captain Goffin 1. 1.0

Mr JW Bowe 1. 0.0 Mr Thos Bowe 3. 3.0

Ernest Healey 2. 2.0 Maurice Hartley 5.0

Hilda Hartley 5.0 Mr SJ Hartley 10.0

John Robinson 5. 0.0 Mrs JL Harvey 1. 1.0

RN Speirs 2. 2.0 JG Williams 1. 1.0

SE Cowley 10.0 HA Ingle 1. 1.0

Geo Huntley 10.0 HJ Claris 1. 0.0

W Bock 5. 0.0 FE Jenks 1. 1.0

C Peterson 1. 1.0

Manawatu Herald 15 January 1920



There can be two opinions as to the wisdom of the public meeting on Thursday night in deciding that Foxton’s tribute to local soldiers’ who made the supreme sacrifice should take the form of a suitable monument in the main thoroughfare. Provision has been made to do the right thing by those who came through the war with their life, and large sums of money are held in trust to assist the sick and wounded and dependants, but the honoured dead must not be forgotten. In speaking on this point at the public meeting, one returned soldier said: Those of us who came through the ordeal of war were fortunate, and are glad to be back with our loved ones and friends, but we can never forget our comrades who fell, and what we saw, and what they did for us.

The returned soldier, while grateful for all that has and is being done on his behalf, would willingly sacrifice much to keep green the memory of the honoured dead. This applies with greater force to all who remained at home in safety, and we feel confident that a generous public will give the Mayor and his Committee, who have the details in hand, practical support in erecting a suitable memorial.

The site chosen for the monument is the Triangle at the north end of Main Street, and the memorial will take the form of an obelisk rising from a suitable base. We have no doubt that a generous public will subscribe freely and liberally to the movement.

Manawatu Herald November 6, 1919



A meeting of the Committee of the above Fund was held in the Red Shield Club last night. It was decided to circularise the public, soliciting funds for the proposed memorial, and matters in connection with same were discussed. A further meeting is to be held next Friday night.

Donations may be forwarded to the Mayor, or to the Fund Secretary, Mr Hornblow.

November 15, 1919



A PUBLIC meeting is convened by the Mayor for Tuesday evening next, at the Council Chambers to discuss ways and means of erecting a suitable memorial to those who took part in the Great War, and to commemorate the signing of Peace.

The Mayor has given this subject a good deal of thought, and has been in communication with monumental masons to ascertain the cost of a suitable monument: Mr Chrystall is anxious that Foxton should not be behind other towns in doing something which will mark the great sacrifices made by our boys – many of whom made the supreme sacrifice and to inspire a feeling of loyalty and patriotism in generations to come.

The first point to consider is the nature of the memorial and its location. It has been suggested in these columns that an obelisk be erected on the commanding site in the old cemetery. Other suggestions are memorial gates leading to the ground donated by Mr Easton as a park, and a Band Rotunda. With respect to the site we believe the old cemetery should be chosen for obvious reasons.

The acquisition of this site by the Council is a mere matter of form, and claim to ownership if any, by the Natives, could be easily adjusted. Details of this nature will be discussed and settled at Tuesday night’s meeting, when it is hoped there will be a large and representative gathering in attendance.

Manawatu Herald Thursday October 30, 1919



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