Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
manawatu herald -anne hunt collection,
morris marion,
people - m,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Jamie Moir
Anthony Morris
Nina Rotherham
Melva Jenkin
Joy Cowley
Kevin and Marion Morris With New Fishing Vessel "Sidewinder", 1980's-90's
Philip Murphy, 1980's-90's
Dr John Mole and Wife Elizabeth, 1980's-90's
Kevin Morris with the Designer of his Fishing Boat "Sidewinder", 1980's-90's
Foxton School Calf Day
Ivan & Viv Payne
Connie Joseph