Minutes of Council Meeting 3 December 1906
- Description
Present – The Mayor (Mr. B.R. Gardener), Crs. Hall, Hawkins, Hudson, Levy, Palmer, Prouse R. & Ryder. Leave of absence was granted to Cr. Mackenzie.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Intimation was given by the Chief Engineer of Roads that the Government Vote of £150 for construction Kawiu Road was now available.
Moved by the Mayor & seconded by Cr. R. Prouse “That Mr Charlsworth be requested to draw plans & specifications for the formation of the Kawiu Road 50 chains more or less & that he also supervise the carrying out of the work. The question of fees to be left in the hands of the Mayor to arrange.
Mr Astridge’s wages
The Finance Committee reported that the application of Mr Astridge had been considered, and an increase in wages was recommended. Moved by Cr. Hall & seconded by Cr. Hudson & carried “That Mr. Astridge’s wages be increased £2 per calendar month from the 1st Dec. 1906 to the31st March. 1907.
Loan proposals
The Mayor reported that in connection with the Loan Proposals to purchase gravel reserves, the statutory Public Meeting of Ratepayers had been held on Thursday evening the 29th Nov. 1906, when resolutions approving both proposals were carried. The poll was fixed for the 12th Dec. 1906.
Change for By-laws
The following resolutions were carried: - Crs. Levy – Ryder. “That the sum of 1/- be charged for a copy of the By-laws to any person wishing for a copy of the same & that free copies be supplied to the Police Dept., the Manawatu Farmer, the Horowhenua County Council, the Members of the Borough Council, the Public Library & Town Clerks of Boroughs who may apply for the same.”
Signing Rate Book
Crs Palmer – Levy. “That Crs Hudson and Hall be appointed to sign the Rate Book for 1906-7.”
Mr Charlesworth’s Agreement
Crs. Hall – The Mayor. “That on behalf of this Council, Councillors Hawkins and Palmer be appointed to sign the agreement with Mr. Charlesworth for taking the levels of the streets of the Borough."
Weraroa Library
Crs Palmer- Hawkins. “That the question of the Council taking over the Weraroa Library be considered by the Library Committee.”
Grazing Roads
A deputation introduced by Mr J.F. Smith waited on the Council & requested that the roads should be at once opened for grazing. The wishes of the deputation were met by the following resolution: viz.
Moved by Cr. Hudson & seconded by Cr. Ryder and carried “That the Roads within the Borough be opened for grazing from 4th Dec. 1906 from 6a.m. to 6p.m., until further notice.”
To rescind a resolution
Cr. Hawkins moved the motion of which he had given notice, viz. “That the resolution passed by this Council in the 19th Nov. 1906 in regard to the taking over of Kent Street be rescinded, as such resolution was not legal, vide sec. 233 Municipal Corporations Act 1900.”
This was seconded by Cr. Levy, but on being put was declared lost on the following division list: -
Ayes (2) Noes (6)
Cr. Hawkins The Mayor
Levy Cr. Hall
Prouse R
Accounts passed for payment
The following accounts were passed for payment: -
J. Hook - Road overseer wages £ 11/14/-
T. Gregory Surfaceman wages £ 3/ 4/-
A. Edwards Carter £ 1/16/-
G. Turner Stonebreaking £ 6/18/3
Nation & Co Printing Bylaws £ 14/11/-
A. Musgrove Poundkeeper to9Dec.3mths salary £ 2/10/-
G. Astridge 4 wks wages to 1st Dec. £ 6/-/-
P.K. Pattin Lamplight “ £ 5/1/9
Kitson Light Co. Goods £ -/9/9
Thompson & Palmer – Stationery £ -/10/11
Hire of Public Hall – Levin Proposals Meeting £ -/10/-
P.W. Goldsmith. Clerk re Salary £ 8/-/-
£ 71/5/8
(Signed) Basil Gardener
Dec 17th 1906
(These minutes signed retrospectively)
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