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This photo was used by Corrie Swanwick in his article 'Stories Abound of Old Hotel'.

The caption with it read:

' The plant box recently installed on the footpath in front of the New Levin Hotel could only have been sited there because the hotel is not built right up to the front boundary. All business sections on the west side of Oxford Street from Stuckey Street to York Street have their front lines at an obtuse angle to their south side lines - that is not at right angles.

'As the Oxford Street pit widened from its apex at the Liverpool Street crossing to its full width opposite Stuckey Street, Oxford Street had to have a bend there. The pit was excavated by the Wellington Manawatu Railway Co. about four years before Levin existed.

'All the buildings are built to the front lines of the sections except the hotel which is built entirely square leaving a strip starting at nothing at the south corner of the hotel to about 10 feet wide at the north corner. This strip is hotel land. The plant box narrows the legal footpath to about five feet wide.'


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