Bert Denton's Diary 1927.
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Jan. 1 Sat. Shirley, John and I and children went to Fox-ton Beach for a run. Enjoyable day. Big crowd there - must have been nearly 400 cars there. Jan. 12 Wed. Fine. Shirley and I went to Wellington by 1st train. Left car at Sawtells for repairs to door. Difficult to get accommodation but eventually put up at the 'Arcadia' Only fair. Wool sale in evening. Bidding spirited on the whole, but I was disappointed with price - realized by my wool - only one bid 13 pence and it was knocked down. Surprised that wool was knocked down as Mr Bannister reckoned that it would bring 14 pence when I saw him at woolstore. Mr Hutchinson kindly took us around the woolstore and showed us everything of interest. Jean and Helen Stewart stayed here all night to help with the children. Jan. 13 Thurs. Windy and rough. Shirley and I roamed round town most of the day. Called on Mr Walker and had morning tea with him. Saw Murray Roberts and Mr Hutchinson said that he would endeavour to have my wool withdraw from yesterdays sale. Bought by Hill. Met Billy Wilson and he came home with us and stayed the night. Exciting experience with fiendish woman and her husband on the train. Jan. 14 Fri. Took Billy Wilson to Napier Mail. Visited Stuart MacKenzie for repairs to my bridge. Jan. 15 Sat. Shirley met Napier Mail and brought home Mr & Mrs Collins and Marion and Frank of Whangarei who are coming to stay for a while. Jan. 16 Sun. Afternoon took visitors for a drive through bush to Papaitonga Lake and afterwards to river at Kimberley Rd. Jan. 17 Mon. Showery. Odd jobs - made bathing hole ready for swimming and had a bathe. Afternoon we all went to Hokio Beach for a spin - very enjoyable. Home 7 pm. Jan. 18 Tues. Evening Charlie Collins took us to the pictures - only fair programme. Jan.19 Wed. I went to working bee of A. & P. Assn. Collins family left for Auckland. Jan. 23 Sun. Shirley and 1 took children to church. Brought Mrs & Miss Hitchcock home to dinner. Took them home at 5 pm. and brought home Doris Beckett who is staying with us for a while. Jan. 25 Tues. Fine and very hot. Up 5 am. Shirley drove to Levin show ground about 6.15 am. Acted as sheep steward under H.J. Richards. Worked solidly until 1 pm. when my duties finished. Show very successful. Fair crowd and good competition. I was steward on fat sheep and southdowns for which Mr McLeod was judge. Wed. Show Day. Very hot. We all went to Levin Show. Big crowd. Tremendous tot of tars. Shirley and George both entered in car competitions and George did fairly well in driving competition. Jan. 29 Sat. Doris, Jack, Lois, Anne and I went to Levin in morning - bank and shopping. Jessie Craig left us tonight to be married an Feb. 9th. Jan. 30 Sun. Fine and very hot. Did not go out. Spent most of day in our bathing suits. Jan. 31 Mon. Up at 5am and got everything ready to go to take John to the Agricultural High School where he is spending year. Left Dick in charge of Tui and Cliffe. Left Doris in Levin where she caught motor bus to Wellington. Took 2 hours to go to Feilding arriving there at 11 am. Shirley, Lois, Anne and Buster stayed at Mrs Hassalls and John and I took Alb Kellow to lunch. Afterwards Shirley and I took John down to the school and interviewed the Director, Mr Wild who showed us round. John compared very favourably with rest of new boys. Afternoon tea at Mrs Hassalls - called at Park and Vi Kellow and the children. Left Fending 5 pm. arrived Levin 42.45. No accidents either way. Ray Jones turned up and commenced to repair verandah. George assisted him. Feb. 1 Tues. Ray turned up and continued the verandah. I assisted him a little before going to sale. Decided to go on with small room on verandah for sleeping porch. Feb. 2 Wed. Ray came and we put in all day at the building. George and I put down the west verandah. Ray put up frame and started on ceiling. Feb. 4 Fri. George and I practically finished rustic. Ray finished ceiling, put on inside lining (3ft) I put down part of front verandah. Stewart girls over and Willie came over for them in evening. Feb. 6 Sun. After dinner we had a visit from Mr & Mrs M. Port Percy, Cecil and Miss Friend who came up from Wellington to see us. They stayed about 3 hours. Feb. 7 Mon. Ray did not come to work. George and I finished front verandah and then commenced to paint and made fair progress. Feb. 9 Wed. We all went painting most of the day. Ray did gables and afterwards window sashes. Shirley took Lois and Anne to D.S. MacKenzie. Treatment for Lois.
Feb. 10 Thurs. We all painted most of the day. Ray and George started on the roof. I did side and front verandahs. Afterwards we had a visit from Auntie Ralph who drove over with Mrs Smith, Mary Broomfield and baby. Feb. 12 Sat. Afternoon we drove to town. I went to baths. Shirley had the two boys. Two girls went with Stewarts to beach. Sent John's bike to Feilding. Repairs 7/6. Feb. 14 Mon. Put 2nd coat on new part. Ray put 2nd coat back verandah. George an base boards. Evening meeting of A. & P. Shirley at Beryls. Feb. 15 Tues. Finished putting an 2nd coat. Only doors and window frames to do now. Ray here all day. Shirley and George and Jean Stewart went to pictures. Jean staying here while her- mother and Helen in Wgtn. Helen underwent operation for tonsils - successfully. Feb. 16 Wed. Ray repaired whare and finished woodwork in new room. Feb. 17 Fri. Ray finished job. Repaired washhouse and George began to paint it. Evenino took Willie S., Cyril Batholomew, Mr Redmond, Croniole reporter, Mr 0.P. Lynch to Ohau t-o Farmers Union meeting. Mr Lynch gave address. Good meeting, supper at Mrs Batholomews where I had left Shirley. Feb. 20 Sun. Dull at home all day. Shirley took Lois and Anne to christening at Tully's at Broom-Fields house. I looked after two boys. Feb.21 Mon. Rain started in morning and continued all day - just what was wanted. George and I spent day inside. I painted new and old ceiling and woodwork. George painted bathroom. Feb. 24 Thurs. Met 8.30 train and brought Laurie home to spend the night. Feb. 25 Fri. Took Laurie for walk around "Low Hill" Afterwards took him to station to meet Napier Mail. George finished second coat on shed. (Trap). Feb. 27 Sun. Afternoon Mr and Mrs. Jack and family drove up to see us. Feb. 28 Mon to 2 March Dipping. March. 4 Fri.
Evening Granma and Win Beckett arrived from South Island. March. 5 Sat. Went with Harold McLeavey to Palmerston Nth to meeting of Manawatu Executive of Farmers' Union. Back at 3.30. March. 6 Sun.
Fine. Shirley, Gran, Lois, Anne and 1 went to Church of England. March. 7 Mon.
Went to station to meet Mrs Wattle Booth who did not turn up. Took Shirley and Win to pictures. (Good). March. 8 Tues. Fine and hot. Picked rest of plums and pears. Shirley went with me to station to meet Mrs Wattie Booth who stayed with us for the day. I went to sale and met Wattle in Levin and came home with him. He collected his wife and family and took them home. Cliffe sold ewes 14/1, lambs 7/6. Adkin failed to sell two tooth ewes. March. 13 Sun.
Home all day. Helen and Gerald Beckett paid us a flying visit for about 10 minutes on their way to Napier. March. 14 Mon. First practice Choral Society "Merrie England" March. 17 Thurs. Mr W J McCuLlock and Mr Greig paid us a visit in morning enquiring about hill top dressing. March. 20 Sun. Showery. Church in morning. Dr and Mrs Hunter came in afternoon. March. 22 Tues. Mrs Vickers and Norman up in evening. March. 27 Sun. At home all day. Clare and Marjorie and Katie D. came over to see us in afternoon. March. 28 Mon. Took Shirley to Napier Express for Wgtn. en route to Christchurch. Shirley took Anne with her. Received 'wire' from Percy to say that my 12 bales of wool which was passed in at January at 13 pence was sold for 16 114 pence. Great win. Choral practice. Took Mrs Vickers and Mr Rochel April. 2 Sat. Went by train to Palmerston Nth to Farmers' Union. Travelled up with Clifford of Manakau also A3 Cox of NZFU. Business in connection with conference also on orders for subs - which have been collected. Some confusion in. Called at D. S. MacKenzie on way home and he tried to relieve pain in tooth without much success. Bed early - seedy. April. 3 Sun. Tooth bad. Mended puncture in tyre. Took asprin after dinner, had sleep - a good deal better. April. 7 Thurs. Afternoon I took W. G. Adkin. and Willie Stewart to town on Deputation to Railway Officials re having more trains stops at Levin. Officials anxious to get business - in future 'up' train to Auckland will stop here about 4 pm. April. 10 Sun. Took Gran and Lois to Church in morning. Took Lois and Bill for walk in afternoon. April. 12 Tues. Fine, up early, George took me to 8 o'clock train to Wgtn. Travelled a good way with Dennis. Edith, Rob and Carrie had arrived from England and Australia via Maunganui at am. I met W.H.D. and walked with him to Percys - Oriental Bay, where I saw Edith looking very well but lame with varicose veins which have troubled her most of the way back. Edith, Kate, Willie and I stayed at Alices for team afterwards going home in taxi, I left them at Cuba St and walked up to see Carrie, the girls and Rob. Rob walked home to Fern Hill with me. April. 13 Wed. Came home by Napier Mail. George and Lois met me. April. 14 Tues. Wet morning. Mended puncture in tyre of car but had to get Sawtell to fix the rim. Old post in clothes line broke so had to repair it. Afternoon I met Napier Mail and brought John home for Easter holidays. Paid a lot of accounts and bought John gumboots and new shoes. April. 15 Fri. Good Friday. Fine. I took Gran, Lois, John to church. At home rest of day. April. 17 Sun. Easter Sunday. Fine, Lois and I looked after house while the rest went to church. Afternoon I took Win, John and family for a run in car down past Manakau. April. 19 Tues. George took Gran and Win to card party at Mrs Smaill's in aid of Plunket Society. April. 20 Wed. F.R. Wright and I toured round collecting subs. for Farmers' Union. George railed empty lime bags back to Mauriceville, also saw Jack on train for Feilding. April. 2 Sat. Annual meetino Levin Branch F.U. About 2t present. I read W.J. Poison's address on general conditions in NZ. I was again elected President for ensuing year. F.R. Wright also re-elected Secretary. April. 24 Sun. Did not go out till evening when I went to Church of England and afterwards to practice choir for Anzac Day. April. 25 Mon. Anzac Day. Fine. Afternoon attended parade of R.S.A. to Cenotaph and after to Town hall. Very good service. Hall practically full. About 70 returned soldiers present. Evening Anzac Service Century Hall Choral. May. 3 Tues. Took the ladies to town. Home early as had to milk for George who went to camp at Levin Racecourse. May. 5 Thurs. Met Napier Mail when Enid arrived from Wgtn. where she has just finished a case - Mrs Salmon. Enid looking very well and seems glad to be home. May. 6 Fri. I took Enid to Golf Dance at De Luxe. Big crowd. May. 7 Sat. Fine. Went to Palmerston Nth with Eric and Mrs McLeavey monthly meeting. Manawatu Provincial F.U. I was placed in charge of arrangements for social to visiting delegates. On my return to Levin I arranged for printing 150 tickets for social. Saw Williams re supplying refreshments, probably about 2/- per head. Not more. May. 8 Sun. Fine. Early dinner - drove to Racecourse to see Military Camp. Afterwards short drive and then home. Enid took Win to 'Kirk', and afterwards to supper at schoolroom. May. 9 Mon. Evening I took win to see 'Abie's Irish Rose' – packed house and very fair show. John returned from
Feilding.May. 12 Thurs. Afternoon took Enid, John, Lois to Military Sports. Evening singing at Mrs Vickers. Practice for basses.
George returned next day.May. 15 Sun. Enid took Gran and Lois to Church. Afternoon Stewart family visited us. May. 16 Mon. Afternoon I went to town to meet delegates for F.U. conference. tomorrow. Willie Stewart, Harold McLeavey and met Napier Mail but there were no arrivals. Mr Lynch and I finally met Wairarapa delegates, also Wanganui’s and took them to their hotels. Wellington did not roll up. May. 17 Tues. Williams, F.H. Wright and I made early start (8 am.) to prepare room for conference which was opened by the Mayor Mr T. Hobson at 9 am. About 60 delegates. Mr I. Currie, Wanganui in chair. Successful day. Evening 'Smoke concert' in concert chamber. Very successful. Lot of townspeople attended. Home 1 am. May. 18 Wed. Conference continued and finished about 4 pm. I took load of Wairarapa visitors to C.D. farm. Also 2 other car loads went. Delegates, much impressed by possibilities of the farm and considered it an excellent site for the Agricultural College and having never visited the farm before could not understand the Government passing over Weraroa as a site for the College. Home 5.70 pm. Very tired. Had many compliments passed to me over the successful running of the conference. Letter from Shirley saying she is leaving Lyttleton Friday. May. 19 Thurs. Afternoon I went to Wgtn. by Napier Mail. Stayed at 'Allenville' Denton clan there for the evening. May. 20 Fri. Round town all day. Evening took Perc and Alice to De Luxe theatre. Good music on big organ. May. 21 Sat. Fine. Up at 5.45 am. and walked to Ferry Wharf to meet Shirley and Anne who came up from Lyttleton on 'Maori'. Shirley looking very well. Took her to 'AllenvilIe' for breakfast and then to Fern Hill. Lunch with Percy and afterwards Auckland Express to Levin. May. 22 Sun. Fine, up late. Took Lois and Anne for walk up hill in afternoon. Shirley, Gran, Enid and George to C of E. May. 25 Wed. I went to Levin to meeting of 'Patriotic Assn' Criticism by R.S.A. May. 28 Sat. Wet day, felt seedy so did not get up. Attack of flu. May. 31 Tues. Fine day. Got up after dinner. Bit 'wonky'. Young Jack Duthie and his wife came to spend the evening. Sat around and talked. June. 4 Sat. Shirley and I went to Palmerston Nth with Harold and Mrs McLeavey. Meeting of the Provincial Executive of Farmers' Union. Fixed up conference accounts, etc. Exec. pleased with result. Considered best arranoed conference for some time. Shirley did shopping. Gathered swedes - for Plunket Society from Mr Bechers. Evening went to Palmerston Nth with G. D. Hamilton to Wgtn. Mounted Rifles Reunion. Very enjoyable evening, about 130 present. Met Wattie Booth, Brig Young, Bill Orton, Basher. Preston, Nash, Walter Ross, Sangster and many others. June. 9 Thurs. Shirley took Gran and Win to meet Auckland Mail when they went on to Feilding to stay at Mrs Hassell's. Evening Shirley, Enid and I went to see 'The Volga Boatman' good. June. 11 Sat. Town in afternoon. Football Wanderers v Country. Wanterers led first spell by 9-0 but Country eventually won 11-9. June. 12 Sun. Maxwell and Cyril Bartholomew spent day with us. Mrs Vickers, Mrs Reid and Norman also up in afternoon. June. 13 Mon. 1st concert of season by Levin Choral society. Only fair audience, but concert proved very successful, although some of choruses rather weak. Very good soloists - Miss W. Lalley soparano Miss Nora Greene (contrallo) - (tenor) and Jack Brown (baritone and F. C. Lemmon (bass). Very good supper. Entertainment afterwards. June. 14 Tues. George worked at drain. I took Lois to dentist and afterwards went to Levin sale. Poor entry. Evening Annual meeting R.S.A. About 20 present. Has spirited discussion re Secretaryship of Patriotic Soc. Eventually recommendation passed that applications should be called for position of Secretary. June. 15 Wed. Evening Shirley, Enid and I went to an evening given in honour of Enid's departure for Christchurch to go to public hospital as a nurse. Very pleasant evening. Enid received present of a nice fountain pen. June. 17 Fri. Fine. Palmerston Nth Winter Show. Shirley and I went to Palmerston Nth by train. Travelled with the Vickers family. Went to Collins= and Cunninohams and bought carpet runner for hall, also curtain for arch. Also suitcase and macintosh for Enid. Afternoon we went to show for a couple of hours. Aunty Edith over to see Enid and children. Enid getting ready for her departure for Christchurch. June. 18 Sat. George went to Shannon to see rep. football Horowhenua 16 beat Manawatu 14. I went to funeral of Mrs Harry George.
June. 19 Sun. Cold and wet. At home all day. Enid packing. Shirley, Enid and I went to church in evening and called in at Vickers on way home. June. 20 Mon. Wet. Took Enid to first train on her way to Christchurch to enter public hospital. Norman Vickers went as far as Wgtn. with her. Couldn't do much work so helped Shirley in house taking up linoleum and re-laving it. June. 21 Tues. Choral Society in evening. First practice - 'Tale of Old Japan'. June. 22 Thurs. Met Napier Mail brought home Gran and Win Beckett who returned from Feilding. Levin R.S.A. reunion in evening. June. 25 Sun. Took Gran, Lois, Anne to church. Very wet rest of day. June. 29 Wed. I went to see football Horowhenua v Dannevirke for Bebbington Shield. Fast game which Horowhenua won easily by 3S-17. Evening Shirley had small party of ladies for bridge. Mesdames MacKenzie, Bartholomew, Smaill, Hunter, Vickers. Spent enjoyable evening. July. 2 Sat. Farmers Union in afternoon. Small meeting. Afterwards Ladies meeting to arrange for visit from Mrs W.J.Polson re Women's Branch F.U. Football Country 11 Weraroa 3. Poor game. July. 7 Sun. Fine, took Gran, Win and children to church. Communion. Brought Mrs Hitchcock and Mamie to spend day. July. 6 Wed.
Annual meeting A. & P. Assn. in afternoon. Re-elected on committee. Shirley, Win and I went to pictures. July. 8 Fri.
Shirley, Win and Gran went to Maxwells in evening to play bridge. Win won prize. July. 12 Tues. Took Win and Gran to town and they stopped at Hitchcocks till evening when Shirley called for them and they spent evening at Mrs Smaills and played bridge. July. 13 Wed. George. and I went to see Bebbington Shield match Horowhenua V. Bush Union. Ground very sloppy after heavy rain. Our boys won by 20-.14. Met Mick Galvin who captained Bush team and played good game. July. 14 Thurs. Afternoon I took Shirley to town to a meeting of ladies called to form Womens Branch of Farmers Union. About 30 ladies there. Mrs Hobson in chair. Mrs W.J.Polson addressed meeting and started new branch with close to 30 members. Meeting very successful. July. 15 Fri. Fine, George and I spent day at racecourse at working bee for A. & P. Assn. Willie Stewart also came with his dray. Others there W.J.Richards, Harold Lancaster, Bob. Evans. Did good work 23 loads carted to cattle sheds. Evening Mr & Mrs Park up for bridge. July. 16 Sat. Took Gran and Win to town for shopping. Home early. Win, Shirley and I went to G. Tullys in evening to hear wireless. Opening new station Wgtn. 2YA Good concert - very plain. July. 17 Sun. Wet. Took Gran, Shirley, Lois, Anne and Paul to church. Paul's first appearance and he behaved very well. At home rest of day. July. 19 Tues. Wet. Pulled up floor of woolshed and blocked floor where pile had rotted away. Ross of 27th Wgtn. Mounted Rifles called to see me. I went to opening of new sale yards situated on Tararua Rd. Everything very sloppy and everyone disappointed at position of yards. July. 20 Wed. Shirley and I took Maxwell to Ohau Dance run by Ohau Branch. Farmers Union. Very successful and enjoyable. July. 25 Mon. Afternoon, Shirley and I went to Wgtn. by Napier Mail. Much delay at Otaki where the Auckland Mail was derailed close to station. No one hurt. Arrived nearly 2 hrs late. Stayed with Percy and Alice at Oriental Bay. July. 26 Tues. Went to Dominion Conference of Farmers Union as del-gate for Manawatu together with Messrs O.P. Lynch and Harold McLeavey. Big crowd of delegates. Opened by Mr Coates followed by Presidents address. I was put on Land Committee which sat in afternoon. Evening till 10 pm. July. 27 Wed. Wet and miserable. Saw Laurie also Len Daniell. July. 28 Thurs. At conference all day and in evening. July. 29 Fri. Conference finished about 6 pm. – most successful. Delegates more unanimous than ever before. Likelihood of farmers taking political action in the future. Spent evening at Rob and Carrys. Most of the clan there. July. 30 Sat. Very rough and wet day. Round town with Shirley in morning and went to Winter Show in afternoon. Very fair. Evening took Percy and Alice to picture - 'Oh What a Nurse' Poor turn out. July. 31 Sun. Awful day, rain from the south. Shirley and I went over to Eastbourne by bus to visit Mr and Mrs Walker, friends of Shirleys. Spent a very enjoyable day and found them fine people. Home at 6 pm. Evening by fire. Edith and Will over, also Rob later. Aug. 1 Mon.
Fine. big dip on railway line near Kaiwharawhara so we were delayed starting until 1.30 pm. when we had to take a bus to Ngaio and catch the train there. Did not leave until 3.30 pm. and arrived Levin 6.15. Found everything alright. Aug. 5 Fri. I went to Levin in morning to attend first monthly meeting held in Levin of Manawatu Provincial F.U. I was elected to chair in the absence of Mr O.P. Lynch. A dozen delegates present and Mr Budden Sec. Good meeting over at 1.15 pm. Afternoon I took Shirley, Mary B. and children to town. Went to football Weraroa 3 Wanderers 3. Ranfurly Shield match at Masterton ended Manawhenua 16 Wairarapa 14. Aug. 8 Mon.
George received wire from Gordon Vickers to go to Taihape at once to take up position on J. Duncan's run. Aug. 9 Tues. George preparing for journey. Took George to town where he bought suitcase and clothes to take away. Advanced him 7 pounds to carry on with. Young girl Elsie Rogers came today to work at one pound per week. Lunn and Henley put light in pantry. Aug. 10 Wed. Afternoon I took Auntie Win and George to town. Win went to Maxwells to stay with her and I took George to the station to catch the Auckland express to Taihape where he is to take up a position an J. Duncan's run. Wrote to Immigration Dept. re youth. Aug. 11 Thurs. Wire from Immigration Dept. offering boy. Accepted. Aug. 12 Fri. Cleaned up where and woolshed and odd jobs. Evening went to Miss Middlemiss' concert in aid of school. Aug. 13 Sat. Lois and I went to station to meet boy sent by the Immigration Dept. name Charles Fouracres. Seems decent chap. He spent most of afternoon fixing up where etc. He milked the cows. Aug. 19 Fri. l attended Chamber of Commerce Lunch club at Oxford Tearooms. About 20 present. Address on Farmers finance by Dr W. Williams (late Jerusalem) Interesting speech. Willie S. and I were only representatives of Farmers present and I proposed vote of thanks. Evening Shirley and I took Mrs Tully to pictures. The Sea Beast.' Charlie went to surprise party at Mrs M. Gorringes. Aug. 21 Sun. Nurse Norris came up to see us and stayed for evening. Aug. 23 Tues. Went with Shirley to town to assist with shop day run by Womens Division F.U. Very successful - took over 16 pounds. Aug. 26 Fri. Took Mrs Tully, Win, Shirley, Will S. Jean and Helen to pictures. Harold Floyd in 'College Days' not bad. Aug. 28 Sun. Shirley, Win Gran and children went to church. Aug. 29 Mon. Anne and Shirley both off colour. Shirley stayed in bed and afterwards Anne was put to bed as she was running a temperature of 103.2 Dr Hunter came up and prescribed. Aug. 30 Tues. I went to Levin but not to sale. Met John from Feilding 2 pm. train. Home early. Met Gordon Vickers and paid him 10 pounds on behalf of George. Aug. 31 Wed. Willie Stewart and I want by train to Palmerston Nth. Willie registered some stud heifers before we went to see the Ranfurly Shield match v. Taranaki. The fine weather at opening was soon changed. A tremendous thunder storm which lasted about 3 hrs. The ground soon became like a lake and extremely heavy. However, an excellent game resulted in a win for Manawhenua 9-3. Sept. 2 Fri. Shirley's throat still bad, so had Dr. Hunter up to see her. She is to stay in bed for a few days. Anne better. Sept. 3 Sat. Beautiful day. Caught early train to Palmerston Nth. Went to monthly meeting of F.U. Afternoon went to RanfurIy Shield match with Bernard Gower. Manawhenua won 25-6 over Wanganui. Good forward game. Sept. 6 Tues. Shirley slightly better still in bed. Sept. 7 Wed. Went with Willie Stewart to Palmerston Nth to see Shield match. Canterbury v. Manawhenua. Ground in good order - 8000 spectators. Canterbury won 17-6 after - good game. Their backs much superior. Sept. 13 Tues. Charlie and John carted firewood. I went to Levin sale. Called at Grand Hotel to see Charlie Sontag late Sergeant 2E1 NZ Mounted Rifles who is Captain of Otago football team to play Manawhenua on Wednesday. Net Charlie's friend, Mr Stevens, and took them for a run to the C.D. farm and afterwards brought them home to tea and they stayed till 9.30 when I drove- them back to the hotel. Sept. 14 Wed. Afternoon Shirley, John, Charlie F. and I went to Levin to see football Manawhenua v. Otago. Very fair game which Otago won 12-11. Exciting play at finish. Otago won on call of time. Charlie Sontag captaining Otago and played a good game. Sept. 15 Thurs. Mr Gibbs brought Mr P. Connell who is newly appointed instructor in agriculture up to see me and we took a walk around 'lowhill' to look at top dressed pastures. Had an interesting talk. Sept. 16 Fri. After dinner I left for Wgtn. by Napier Mail to attend family meeting which took place at Rob's house in Thompson St. Present Percy (in chair) Will, Rob, Bert, Edith. Kate and W.G. Adkin. Meeting practically terminated about midnight without definite decision concerning disposal of Fern Hill. However, we finally re-opened the subject and eventually NOS. 2, 3, and 4 of the Fern Hill estate were offered to W.H. Denton for 4000 pounds cash, together with the first option over Sect. 1 which is to be held by the family in the meanwhile. Will decided to accept offer and we were all pleased to have finalised another portion of the Estate. Stayed at Fern Hill. Sept. 17 Sat. Visited X-ray specialist (Mr Litchfield at Molesworth St) and had three teeth x-rayed. Paid 15/-. Met Rob on the way home and called to see his office where I met Henderson late 27th NZMR now secretary for R.G.D. Afternoon Will and I went to Athletic Park saw football Wellington B 32 v. Marlborough 20. Very fair game. Evening went with Percy to Savage Club. Sat with Edgar Wylie. Sept. 18 Sun. Fine. Woke with sore throat - gargled. Went to Taranaki Street Church with Edith. Dinner at Robs and back to Fern Hill where. / picked up Will and Percy and we walked over to see Wgtn. College grounds and buildings. Memorial Hall Just about completed. Fine building. Will, Edith, Kate and I at tea at Allenville. Rob turned up later in evening. Walked home calling on the way to see Garrett Emergency chemist in Cambridge Terrace who gave me some gargle. spent rotten night. Sept. 19 Mon. Fine. Went down to Fowlds and looked at some evening suits. Afterwards to Ballinger Bros. where I met Phil Bennett who quoted me for sanitary utensils as follows: white pedestal - 41/-, single seat - 6/-, double seat - 11/-, hush flusher - 4/4/-, must have 9 foot fall from cistern or tank. Low down cistern - 3/19/6 to. 6/2/6, low pressure stops 1/2" - 4/6, 3/4" - 5/-, 1" - 7/3. Feeling pretty seedy, left for home by Auckland Mail. Shirley met me - took me to see Bill Donnelly who prescribed and advised bed where I went as soon as I reached home. Sept. 20 Tues to 24 Sat. In bed with flu and very seedy for first three days. Throat extremely sore, unable to swallow. Shirley decided to call Dr. Hunter on Wednesday night. Lot better Friday. Up after dinner Saturday. Sept. 26 Mon. Feeling rather groggy. However, I took Shirley to Choral society Concert - 'Tales of Old Japan'
Was not able to sing so sat in audience. Fair audience and the entertainment went very well, although not so popular with audience as it's predecessors. Went to social afterwards. Home late.Sept. 27 Tues. Fine. Not too well so took things easily. Charlie went round stock. I did very little all day. Sept. 28 Wed. Had trouble with separator which delayed us so I had to deliver cream. Took machine to pieces and cleaned it out thoroughly and got it going successfully. Afternoon Charlie and I planted macrocarpas in plantation – front 12. Oct. 1 Sat. Went to Levin to meeting of F.U. Afternoon I presided at meeting of Levin Branch. Fair attendance including Messrs 0.P.Lynch and Harold McLeavey. Big discussion on Country action in contesting Raglan by election. Branch does not support this mode of political action. Afterwards brought home Mamie and Miss. Hitchcock and two Cantly children up for tea. Had quite a jolly evening. Oct. 2 Sun. Fine. Wattie Booth and wife and sister paid us a visit from Feilding. I brought Fred Bartholomew up from Levin to to see them. Had a walk around terrace. Mr and Mrs Tully and children also came up in afternoon so we had a house full. Took Fred home about 9.30 pm. Oct. 5 Wed. Found dogs worrying sheep. I took gun up and shot one (slut) others only pups which I drove over the hill. However, in afternoon during my absence the pups returned so Charlie took the gun and wounded one of the pups and brought it home. Afterwards the remaining one re-commenced chasing sheep so he ran it down and brought it home. I went to C.D. farm to sale of Friesans and Red Polls. Sale not very brisk. Friesans up to 45 gns and red polls up to 32 1/2 gns. Boys from Feilding Ag. High School attended sale, John being among them. I brought him home to stay the night - he is returning with Mr Wild in the morning. Called at D.S. MacKenzies and saw x-ray photographs of my teeth which "Mac" considers unfit for further treatment. Oct. 9 Sun. Fine. Shirley, Lois, Anne and I went to church in morning. Hugh MacDonald came home from town with us yesterday and stayed for tea and evening. Oct.13 Thurs. Shirley, Charlie and I went to Shannon in evening to local Choral Society's 'Merrie England' Charlie went to see his cousin Miss Nora Greene who was taking the contralto part. Concert went off very well. Tenor soloist rather weak. Social afterwards when we were introduced to Miss Greene. Home about 1.30 am. Charlie stayed in Shannon. Oct. 16 Sun. Fine. At home. Visited Tui in afternoon. Oct. 18 Tues. Sold cow at sale 8/10/- 'Buster' (Paul) not very well. Dr Hunter came up to see him. Oct. 20 Thurs. 'Buster' still off colour. Dr up to see him again. Oct. 21 Fri. Shirley and I went to see Levin Operatic Society's play 'The Show Girl'. Good house and a good turnout. Oct. 22 Sat. Afternoon I looked after children while Shirley went to town. Kids not very well. Oct. 23 Sun. Frank and Ethel Denton arrived in morning on their way to Wgtn. Frank just completed sale of his business in Wanganui. They stayed till 4 pm. when they left for Waikanae. Oct. 24 Mon. Very cold and showery. Labour Day. Elsie went to Foxton Motor Sports. Others of us stayed home and worked in garden. Oct. 26 Wed. Morning - met Adkin and discussed position concerning Fern Hill and Laurie's criticism. Decided to go to Wgtn. next Friday to meet family. Oct. 28 Fri. Left for Wgtn. in afternoon by Napier Mail. Tea with Perc. and Mr Waterworth. Met F.J. Denton and he took us in his 'Liz' up to Robs where a family meeting was held, mainly to confirm sale of Fern Hill to W.H.D. and to discuss criticism by L.A.D. Slept at Allenville. Oct. 29 Sat. Up late and had to rush to catch train. Adkin and I came back together. Lunch in town. I afterwards presided at meeting of ratepayers to discuss over-expenditure of loan money by Horowhenua County council on Main Highway amounting to 14,000 pounds. About 60-70 ratepayers present and a good meeting resulted in which a detailed explanation was given by County Chairman. Mr Monk combatting criticism by several ratepayers. Motion carried asking council to remedy matters. Oct. 30 Sun. Mr & Mrs Tully came over and spent afternoon and evening with us. I had to go to Levin to sing in sacred concert by Choral Society. Good house and successful turnout. Netted 11 pounds. Nov. 1 Tues. Went with Shirley to Levin. Called on Dr Hunter who considers that Willie Stewart is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Nov. 2 Wed. Fine. At 6.30 Peter Stewart arrived with the news that his father was much worse and asked me to go over immediately. I rang Dr Hunter and Shirley drove me over and brought Helen back. I found Willie in a bad way and on the Dr's arrival we decided to take him away immediately. About 9 o'clock his reason seemed to have quite gone and we had to get some assistance from Constable Bagrie who engaged Tantrum to go to Porirua. Bagrie and Fulton looked after Willie while' Dr Hunter and I followed in Dr's car. Arrived 11.30 am. and after examination was placed in 'Raotu' for observation. Fulton and Bagrie returned to Levin with Tantrum while Dr Hunter and I went to Wgtn. Had lunch with Perc. and after one and a half hours stay we returned to Levin. Home at 5.30 pm. Mrs S. bearing up wonderfully and Miss S. and Jean arrived from Wanganui. I felt pretty done up and had a miserable night. Nov. 3 Thurs. Up late. Went over to Stewarts and then on to Levin where I interviewed Manager of Bank of Australasia re state of finances of Mrs S. which was satisfactory. Home 4 pm. Mr & Mrs Vickers called in evening. Nov. 4 Fri. Very wet day. Took Mrs & Miss Stewart to Palmerston Nth by car. Went to see Mr Innes about Mrs Stewart's affairs and he advised us to carry on as usual at present. Left Miss S. there and brought Mrs S. home again. Called at Shannon School and brought home Miss V. Sinclair to stay for weekend. Water lying everywhere. Some doubt as to whether we could get through. Mr Todd came with us from Shannon and we found road clear. Nov. 5 Sat. Wet. Town in afternoon. Pictures in evening. The car slipped us on the way home so we left it at Sawtells and he lent us Mottershead's Sedan which was rather 'wonky'. Nov. 6 Sun. Fine. Afternoon I went over to Stewarts and had a walk around with Peter. Seems to be fair amount of feed. Nov. 8 Tues. Wet. Bought distributor from Stewarts and put it under cover. Went to Levin. Bought dress suit from J. Innes Co. Paid accounts. Went to Smellies re Stewart's affairs. Nov. 9 Wed. Miss Stewart over for tea. Adkin also over in evening and we discussed position of Mr S. Nov. 11 Fri. R.S.A. reunion in evening. Good crowd and successful gathering addressed by Col. Essen. Crowd up from Otaki. Nov. 14 Mon. Very wet. Took Mrs Stewart to town to fix up maintainence papers for Willie. Bagrie filled in particulars from my figures. Odd Jobs in woolshed. Nov. 15 Tues. Wet. I went to town shopping. Called to see E.H.R. Gorringe re Stewart's business. Nov. 16 Wed. Visit from Rev. Davies. Nov. 26 Sat. I went to town with Shirley to meet members of Wgtn. Royal Choral Union who are to assist us in 'Messiah' on Monday. Brought Mr W.J. Harland home to stay with us. Nov. 27 Sun. Fine. Up late. Took Mr Harland to orchestral practise while Shirley and I and children went to church. Afternoon Mr H. and I went to full rehearsal of 'Messiah'. Nov. 28 Mon. Very wet and windy. Afternoon Shirley and I took Mr Harland and two ladies for a drive around Levin and to the C.D. farm. Weather very boisterous. Evening we took Mrs Tully to performance of the 'Messiah' Mottershead (tenor) Walters (bass) Mrs Porter (soprano) Mrs Ramsay (contralto). Fair house considering rough night. Music went well. Social afterwards. My first appearance in new dress suit. Nov. 29 Tues. Feeling very seedy so did not get up all day. Slight touch of 'flu. Shirley took Mr H. to train at 8.10 am. Dec. 3 Sat. Fulton finished sowing Stewart's paddock. Peter S. drove bush harrows. I had to go to town to Farmer's Union Provincial meeting. Paid in cheque from Estate for Fern Hill. Home 1.30 pm. Fulton meanwhile had finished rolling. I sowed super on rough corners and edges of plowing and finished job. Mrs Stewart received word that Willie is improving. Valuations of wool AA hogget 17 and a half pence, ewe fleece 17 - 17 and a half pence. Dec. 4 Sun. Shirley and I took Mrs Stewart and Jean by car to Porirua to visit Willie. Beautiful weather and had a good trip down. Doctor advised us to see Willie before he gave an opinion so we went down to 'Raotu' where we talked to Willie for nearly half an hour. Found him very much better and looking fit except for restless looking eyes. We were very agreeably surprised in the improvement in his condition. Doctor said it will be some time about 6 months before he will be able to do anything. Reached home about 7 pm. without mishap. Dec. 6 Tues. Received news that my wool was sold yesterday. Hoggets 19 and a half pence and ewe 17 pence - very satisfactory. Brought Miss Stewart and Helen home from train. Evening Shirley and I went to Mr & Mrs Denis' for recital. Quite a good turnout. Dec. 7 Wed. Afternoon Mr Trotter - a cousin of Mr & Mrs Stewart came over with Miss Stewart to see me re Mrs Stewart's affairs. He considers that the property should be leased without delay. I eventually took him down to see Mr F.H.R. Gorringe and we talked the matter over and decided that things should be carried on as usual until the end of the present season when an effort should be made to lease the farm and sell the stock. Evening meeting of the A & P Assn. and afterwards to see Mrs Cyril 'Barty' (Bartholomew). Dec. 9 Fri. Fine. Worked at Stewarts in morning. Afternoon I went to Wgtn. with Levin Choral Society to assist with the 'Messiah' by Wgtn. Society. Mager and I only men about a dozen ladies. Stayed at Fern Hill. Rehearsal in evening. Maughan Barnell conducting. I sat by Jack Alcorn. Good practice. Charlie Shaw shouted supper. Dec. 10 Sat. Beautiful day. Was to have gone to visit gas works with Shaw but he failed to appear so I went to Lower Hutt to see T.H. & Mrs Powles. Jack & Mrs Brown staying there. Lunch and then to Petone beach where I bathed. Saw start of boat race. Home to tea. Performance of 'Messiah' in Town Hall. Met Mrs McIntyre and Miss Sutherland at Town Hall and walked home with them. Dec. 11 Sun. Fine but windy. Church with Edith in morning. At Fern Hill in afternoon. Evening Edith and I walked up Mt Victoria. Dec. 12 Mon. Fine. sorted out a lot of gear from 58 Willis St to bring home. Came up by Auckland Express. Shirley met me. Dec. 14 Wed. Showery. Met first train from Palmerston Nth and brought home Gran and Win who are returning southwards. Worked at Stewarts ensilage all day. Dec.19 Mon. Fine. Took Shirley, Gran, Win, Lois, Anne, Bill to Palmerston Nth to see Father Xmas and do some shopping. Had an enjoyable day. Home 7.15 pm. Dec. 21 Wed. Fine. Shirley and I spent all morning in town on business. George turned up in evening having returned from Taihape to spend Christmas with us. Found him looking well. Weighs 13 stone 4 lbs. Dec. 22 Thurs. Fine and very hot. Took Shirley, Win, John and George to town shopping. Called at Mr Blenkhorns re loan on mortgage. Dec. 23 Fri. Beautiful day. We all excepting George and John went to Paraparaumu for the day. Had a good run and a most enjoyable day. Visit Mrs Stewart at Miss Dalrymple's house which we engaged from caretaker for two weeks commencing Jan 21st at 5 pounds per week. John and Charlie at Stewarts and Adkin at hay. Dec. 24 Sat. Fine. Morning we freed up bathing hole. Town in afternoon. Dec. 25 Sun. Beautiful. We all excepting George went to 8 am. church. Round house all the rest of the day. Children got a big lot of presents. Dec. 26 Mon. Beautiful day. We drove to foxton to see the Wanganui Dentons who are staying at the beach. Enjoyable day. Dec. 27 Tues. Afternoon we drove up Ohau river for swim. Nearly eaten by sandflys. Dec. 28 Wed. George returned to Taihape to work. Shirley took him to the station.
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