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Wednesday March 13th 1873

Place - the same Present - the same


Claim read - Tracing produced

Kerei Te Panau said - I apply for an adjournment until tomorrow when we hope to have our dispute respecting this block arranged.

Claim adjourned until tomorrow


Claim read - tracing produced

Hoani Meihana said - We would like Ngatikawhata to arrive before this claim is investigated

Case adjourned


Mr Buckley said he would like to be informed when the Court would probably be at liberty to proceed with the investigation of the Title to the block of this name which was excepted from the land in respect of which judgment was delivered yesterday

Court adjourned until 2 P.M.

The Court resumed at 2 P.M.

Hare Wirikake said I apply to have the Title of Ihakara Tukumaru to Koputaroa situated on the south bank of the Manawatu river investigated

Koputaroa - or Manawatu Kuhutauaki No. 1

James Thompson - Sworn

Tthe boundaries of this land commence at Te Maire on the Manawatu river thence in the creek to Otauru thence to Opaka thence southward along the claim of Ihakara to Te Pora thence 34 claims by a line not marked on the ground (sealed distance) thence westward 162 claims 80 ...... (sealed distance) thence northward to the Manawatu river 127 claims (sealed distance) thence along the Manawatu river to Te Maire I am a licensed surveyor.

Hare Wirikake said this is a portion of the land which has been before the Court - my knowledge is that Ihakara desires that a Certificate for this land should issue to him alone

Ihakara Tukumaru - Sworn

I have heard this statement made by the Hare Wilcox to my knowledge and belief this land is mine alone. I am the chief of the tribe This land is owned by myself and my younger brothers - I do not know of any body who would interfere with our claim to this land - We have arranged between ourselves that a Certificate should issue to me alone for this piece of land

Objections challenged

Henare Te Herekau said - I substantiate the statement made by Ihakara

Ordered that a Certificate of Title in favor of Ihakara Tukumaru to the block of land known as Manawatu Kuhutauaki No. 1 containing 2000 acres be issued when a Certificate plan thereof is finalised to the Chief Judge - No Restrictions Estate to ......t from to day

Fees charges

Hearing £1 Cert £1 Cr Grant £1 Total £3.0.0

Court adjourned until 10 A.M. tomorrow


November 13, 1872


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