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  • Page 45 - Levin 75th Jubilee Supplement

Te Kama-Last link with bush-clad area:

A stand of bush on the property of landscape artist Mr E. B. Lattey is the last link with one of Levin's earliest settled areas.


Mr E. B. Lattey
Te Kama Clearing
Mrs E. B. Ostler
Mr J. E. Bolderson
Helen Ostler
Women's Division of Federated Farmers

Nora Matewai McMillan.

Organiser and administrator of high ability, Nora Matewai McMillan QSM, J.P., was held in high esteem by Maori and Pakeha within the wide range of interests to which she gave outstanding service.

But one would just as often encounter her "with an armload of pots and pans" as was the case on the day she received her high honour from the Queen. She was helping clean up at Kawiu Pa after a New Years gathering and had not had time to sit down and celebrate.

That is the spirit in which Mrs McMillan will long be remembered, by the community and particularly the large gathering that attended her funeral on February 8, 1980.

Church of Christ:

The Church of Christ, a group of Christians who wish to restore New Testament Christianity, first began meetings in Levin in 1908.


The Church of Christ
Mr I. James
Mr C. Sims
Mr Herbert Grimstead
Mr Brian Kirby
Clive and Nola Grundy
Graeme Benjamin
Ralph Bradley
Girls and Boys Brigades
Happy Hours
Sunday School
Bible Club
Youth Club
Mrs Roe
Mrs Taylor


March 1981

Related items

75th Jubilee Supplement front page
Levin School jubilee cake 1965
Opening of Stage 1 of Horowhenua Hospital 1967
Mr RJ Hay at opening of Stage 1 of Horowhenua Hospital 1967
Despatch Riders (Don Rs) perform for 1956 jubilee crowd
Mrs M S Bartholomew and grandson Ian in 1974
First Horowhenua A and P Show Committee 1906
Father Christmas, Levin 1957
Mine washed up on Hokio Beach, Levin November 14 1918
Plunket Appeal Levin 1957
Grand Hotel, Levin after renovation
Grand Hotel, Levin during disastrous fire


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Related items

75th Jubilee Supplement front page
Levin School jubilee cake 1965
Opening of Stage 1 of Horowhenua Hospital 1967
Mr RJ Hay at opening of Stage 1 of Horowhenua Hospital 1967
Despatch Riders (Don Rs) perform for 1956 jubilee crowd
Mrs M S Bartholomew and grandson Ian in 1974
First Horowhenua A and P Show Committee 1906
Father Christmas, Levin 1957
Mine washed up on Hokio Beach, Levin November 14 1918
Plunket Appeal Levin 1957
Grand Hotel, Levin after renovation
Grand Hotel, Levin during disastrous fire