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The Mayor (Mr B.R. Gardner) presided and there were also present Crs Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, MacKenzie, Palmer, Prouse J., Prouse R. and Ryder.

Confirming by-laws

The Meeting was held for the purpose of amending (if necessary) and of confirming the by-laws for the Borough. The first business was the confirming of the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 20th August 1906.

Sanitation charges – re hotels etc

A letter was received from Messrs Phipps & Collins complaining that the rates proposed for the removal of nightsoil were too high.

The Mayor moved Cr Hankins seconded and it was carried that a proviso be added to the by-law after the scale of fees, in the following words: “Provided however that the Borough Council shall have the power to vary the charges (more or less) in the cases of Hotels, Boarding Houses and Public Schools”.

New clauses

The followjng amendments were sanctioned by the Council:

A new clause in respect to erection of urinals to be added in Part V and known as Clause 11a.

A new clause providing for the breadth of tyres of wheels of licensed and unlicensed vehicles to appear in Part VII as Clause 53 thereof.

Sundry amendments

In Part IV Clause 20, the words “Beach Road” were struck out and the words “Keepa Street” inserted.

In Part XII Clause 3, the rate of fees was amended to read as follows: “for every traction engine £4.10/- per annum. For every 4 wheeled wagon or 2 wheeled carriage engaged in heavy traffic £4 per annum. £2 per half year and £1 for every three months.”

In Part X Clause 1 whenever the words “six or more persons” occur the same to be struck out and the words “three or more persons” to be inserted in the place thereof.

Special Order confirmed

Moved by the Mayor (Mr Gardner) and seconded by Councillor Hudson “That whereas this Council did at a Special Meeting held on the 20th August 1906 under all powers given and conferred by The Municipal Corporations Act 1900 and the Acts amending the same and by powers conferred by “the Public Health Act 1900” and the amendments thereof and in pursuance of all other powers and provisions contained or implied in any statute or ordinance enabling the Borough Council in that behalf create by Special Order By-laws for the Borough of Levin. Now this Council do hereby confirm the aforesaid Special Order and the by-laws with the amendments there of, due public notice having been given in accordance with Section 73 and 407 of the Municipal Corporations Act 1900”.

Confirmed Basil R. Gardner, Oct 1 1906




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