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Monday Nov. 25th 1872


His Honour Judge Rogan presiding

His Honour Judge Smith

assessor: Hemi Tautau

Clerk to the Court: M Grey

Native Interpreter: T Young

Court opened at 10 a.m.

Kawana Hunia: They then returned to Horowhenua and remained there quietly. Whatanui and all his people were at Otaki. After some time Rangihohia went to Huritini and then to Pukehou. They saw Te Awaho, Te Puke. Te Otaki. Muaupoko saw these people but they did not want to see them. They watched and when they saw one apart from the others they chased him. Otaki was caught and killed.

Muaupoko returned then to Horowhenua. Ngati Raukawa looked for Otaki as he had been missing for some time. Afterwards they found Muaupoko had killed him. Whatanui then came, Awarata Puke, Waipata were with him. They came to Horowhenua. Waipata was the place, a pah at Horowhenua. Whatanui and this party went off in a canoe and landed at the pah. Whatanui stood up and said I have come to see you Muaupoko and Rangihohia. Ngati Raukawa are looking for their dead man and want to know if he is with you, Rangitane or who. If you are seeking payment for anything inform us openly.

Rangihohia stood up and said it is well you've come because my skin was sore Whatanui. We made peace together (you and I) and it is right you come. We killed Otaki. You do come frequently to Horowhenua. But while you were engaged in peaceful relations with us Takiri and Paipai were killed. It is not clear to me that it was done by Ngati Toa. I thought it was done by Ngati Raukawa. You said to the tribes that you were a man of authority and would prevent disturbances between us and Ngati Toa but I do not consider you have carried that out.

Whatanui stood up again and addressed his own party. He said I think that what Rangihohia says is clear. While I'm trying to keep peace amongst these tribes you are upsetting them. Evil has been done in different places and now all you have to think about is peace. This party had no arguments to bring forward. They agreed with what he said. Whatanui went on to remain here. Muaupoko my peaceful relations towards you will not be abandoned. They then went away.

After this interview these tribes lived quietly. After a long time it came to the time when Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui and Ngati Awa tribes came down. While those tribes were coming down Rangitane, Muaupoko, Ngati Teupokoiri and Ngati Apa were just going to Waikanae. One member of the Ngati Awa tribe was with Rangitane and living on friendly terms. The four tribes went according to the peace laid down by Puaho. When they arrived at Waikanae they were killed as stated by Kemp. I forgot to say Whatanui told them to go back but they did not listen to him. When he warned them to go back they wondered what he meant. They considered Whatanui was keeping peace of which he had spoken before.

During next year the Taranaki tribes arrived. Wharepouri settled the trouble of these tribes on account of Karawa. They came down here. They stopped at Rangitikei. They lived also at Ohau, Waikawa, Otaki. Ngawhakangutu, they lived all over as far down as Waikanae. Hokotirangi had stated that his tribes were to occupy all the land over which his father Te Pehi had travelled.

Taranaki tribe were living at Rangitikei. Kopeka was their chief. Ngati Haumea was the hapu. They lived there and cultivated. There was yet another lot of the same tribes coming down after them. They were travelling all months of the year. Taranaki and Ngati Awa were in permanent occupation of the rivers.

Ngamahanga hapu next came down to the mouth of Manawatu. Some of Ngati Apa saw Putakama a day or so afterward. Putakama and some of his people killed some of Ngati Apa near this place. Te Pai was killed, also a woman.

Taranaki tribe were living in peace with Hakeke and all Ngati Apa. They had agreed to live there and if Waikato came down had agreed to fall together. Hakeke told Kopeka to go away. This was after these people were killed. He said we have no evil intentions against you at this time.

Some more of the Taranaki tribes were coming down to Otaki. They saw an old man of Ngati Apa called Tahataha. They were seen by Tahataha and he said to his people let us kill these people. And it was they who commenced murdering. 10 of them were killed before Hakeke heard of it. They were killed in revenge for a former murder. The heads of the killed were brought to Oroua and shown to Tiwheta. My father said take the heads to Rangitane and Muaupoko that they may see that this will be the cause of men being killed.

Ngati Ruanui, Taranaki and Ngati Awa were at this time plundering the provisions of Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Uopokohiri. Ngati Raukawa thought that trouble would come and commenced in building pahs with this last named tribe. One of the Ngati Awa was very sore and followed the example of Tahataha. Taurake was killed by him. I have not heard that it was done by the parents of these people bouncing in the court (that is Ngati Raukawa). After these two attacks on the migrating tribes, fighting commenced.

Now five tribes in this Court went to Otaki beside Te Watanui. Ngati Awa left the places where they had been staying along the coast. A fight took place at Pakakutu and a pah was taken. Taranakis were in the pah. Kopeka who had been sent away by Hakeke was in the pah. After that was the fight at Haowhenua that was taken. The Chief of this pah was Tautara (Taranaki). The next was at Kena Kena. The Ngati Toa and Ngati Tama were beaten and Puaho's son was captured. All the pah occupied by these tribes were attacked and the result was they all dispersed.

Ngati Ruanui returned to Taranaki. Ngati Awa went to Chatham and Middle Island. Reretawangawanga and his son Rangitake and Tuwainene remained at Waikanae. Wharepouri and Te Puni and Kopeka went to Wellington.

I think other Ngati Raukawa would have been exterminated altogether during the fighting with the assistance of the five tribes and Heu Heu and Pohipi's people, they were saved. It was through Te Whatanui and chiefs of the five tribes that their assistance was given and by which they are alive to see this day. After the great fighting between all these tribes Whanganui and Taupo people went away.

Ngati Apa, Rangitane and Muaupoko lived together with Ngati Raukawa. Some time after this christianity had been introduced. It commenced with Ngapuhi then came to Ngati Apa, Rangitane, Muaupoko and Ngati Awa. We embraced christianity, that is Ngati Apa and Ngati Awa. Ngati Raukawa at this time did not believe it.

We were told by the missionaries not to presume to do mischief (it is through that that the maori tribes are separated from each other), you should accept christianity and then all will be at peace and each tribe return to its own part of the country.

Matahau a Ngati Raukawa went to preach to his tribe and they said we'll roast you and your books. That man then ran after the Ngati Awa to enrol himself in their tribe. A man named Paora came from the Ngapuhi and he preached along with Matahau to Ngati Awa. Then the Ngati Raukawa thought they would attack the Ngati Awa.

Whatanui said to my father it will soon be time for us to fight against the Ngati Awa. Hakeke said I'm going to Kapiti to sell my pigs. I don't want to fight. The fight against the stranger tribes ended at Haowhenua. Hakeke went to see Panora pah at Urihe. She was a Chieftainess of the Taranaki tribes and he said to her 5 days from this you will be attacked by Ngati Raukawa. You will not hear of my name being mixed up in this work. I fought at Haowhenua because your people Ngamahama (indecipherable) their hand against me first. Tohiroa a Chief of Puketapu then spoke and said keep to what you have stated and leave it only to Ngati Raukawa to tramp on me now we have accepted christianity. he said I will keep my word.

4 nights after instead of 5, Ngati Raukawa went to Waikanae along with Uopokohiri and a fight took place in the early morning. Our canoe with 30 men on board came from Kapiti. I was there. Rauparaha's boat also came. Puhi was with him. Our canoe landed on one side of Waikanae and enquired of Ngati Raukawa if they had any Muaupoko [or] Rangitane with them. They said no. We left and the Ngati Raukawa were being pursued along the beach. Our canoe then returned to Kapiti. We were all armed with guns. We then filled our canoe with goods we got from the Europeans in exchange for pigs and then Hakeke said to Rauparaha I'll go home. He said wait because peace will shortly be made by Ngati Awa. Reretawangawanga and others will shortly come across.

While Ngati Raukawa were bolting from different places my father and Rauparaha were talking at Kapiti. We remained and in the morning 15 chiefs of Ngati Awa came off. Ngati Awa and Whanganui Chiefs then spoke to Rangihaeata and Rauparaha. Kemp has told you how peace was made. If it had not been for Hiko you would have been killed. Tohiroa said this to Rauparaha. I heard him. Tohiroa said to Hakeke I see you've fulfilled your promise. I see none of your people were in that fight.

In the morning we left in our canoe and arrived at Otaki. The Ngati Huia were there. We came on to Waikawa. Paora Porotiraha and Ngati Wehiwehi were living there. There were some Ngati Apa there under Turangapito their Chief. They were talking about building a strong pah. Hakeke said Turangapito what did you come here for. He said I came to see after you. I did not know you would come this way or be eaten up by Ngati Awa. Hakeke said peace has been made. Ngati Awa have stated all they had to say before Rauparaha and myself. If that had not been done it would have been right to build the pah. The men were building it, the women had gone.

Hakeke went then to see Taratoa and stated that Ngati Awa had told all to Te Rauparaha and that peace was made. Ngati Apa then dispersed to Horowhenua and Rangitikei. It was a bad act of Ngati Raukawa at Waikanae after peace had been made at Horowhenua, but they were beaten. We did not think it would be right to withdraw our feeling of regard to the Ngati Raukawa. Our Chiefs kept to it. The Chiefs of these 5 tribes did not take advantage of the enemy by in front to attack Ngati Raukawa in the rear. Had we done so they would have been eliminated.

They did another evil thing in killing Putakarua. After his death a war party of 1200 men came down from Taranaki, Waingangongo, Waitotara, Whanganui. Ngati Apa did not take advantage of the assistance of an army of 1200 men to upset their peaceful relations with Whatanui. There were 400 Ngati Apa, 340 Upokoriri together at Rangitikei. They all had guns. Hakeke was not glad to see Ngati Awa who had been attacked by Ngati Raukawa coming down. Nor did he think to take advantage of their presence. The Chiefs of Rangitikei and Whanganui urged Hakeke to allow the Ngati Raukawa. He always replied it will not be right. You must go to Kapiti and see Rangitaki before I can say any more. I will leave Napier here and you can fight it out by talking. There were 20 along with Napier (men and women). Hakeke brought those 20 into presence of the assembled tribes.

I did not see any of the parents of the Ngati Raukawa now in court were present at that time. They were out of sight. Some talking went on when Taratoa went into the presence of the Chiefs. If Taratoa and his party had been killed those of Raukawa living at Otaki and Waikawa would have bolted.

Court rose for ½ hour.

Court resumed at 1 p.m.

Kawana Hunia Ngatiawa would have joined with them also Waikanae and Wellington there was nothing said about killing Teratoa then Matakatea Hanatana and Teratoa had a peaceful interview and there the matter ended.

Hakeke said to Matakatea do not seek revenge for Putakarea Wirimu Naera then stood up he said Putakarea and Arawaroa were killed after the people had embraced christianity and therefore I think we ought to take revenge for the death of these people.

Arch Deacon Wwilliams then stood up he said hearken Ngatiapa I am not willing you should agree to the proposal made by Ngateranui and Taranaki and as for you Naera it will not be right for you to go and attack the Ngatiraukawa.

I wish Whanganui Ngateranui and Taranaki to agree to what Hakeke and I have said. Taratoa is here before you and you have talked with him never mind although Whatanui is absent at Waikanae after he had done speaking he called all the people together in order to hold service.

There was a great Chief called Heirekau brother of Heuhue present and I will now say what passed between him and Matakatea. Heirekau said where is your war party going to? You are not a match for me. Matakatea said It is not right we should be talking this way now I am prevented from proceeding further but it will for you to provide a place where we can meet. When these men had finished speaking Mr Williams commenced his service and then he concluded and five days afterwards the war party went back. It was a mark of good feeling on our part to Ngatiraukawa who where living among us. Iwikau went back to Taupo and then he fulfilled the desire of Matakatea the discussion took place at one time and the arrangement at another Iwikau told the people at Taupo about the discussion with Matakatea.

A large war party under Whakarau, Tauteka and their Chiefs went out they came down to Whanganui. Matakaea heard of it and said that is the end of our discussions at Rangitiki and then he started - stated - the Taupo people were going as supporters of Ngatiraukawa.

The Taranaki party collected at Waitotara there were 800 when the Taupo people came in sight they had great fight and not one escaped they fought all day the name of the place where they fought at Pataka. Iwikau wanted to strengthen Ngatirakawa who doing harm the only people where the Taupo and Raukawa in revenge for this defeat the Taupos murdered Maniherea when he went up to preach after all these tribes had embraced christiantity Raukawa and Taupo crawled into after that murder the Missionaries urged them to embrace christianity after Raukawa embraced christianity they continued to live here with us and all the tribes ? in accordance with what the missionaries said.

I'm not going to speak of the sale of Rangitiki. Major Kemp has stated about the sale of this block but I have a few words to say. After the maori embraced christianity they leased land land between Otaki and Rangitiki was leased the Ngatiraukawa proposed to lease all the land. Muaupoko Rangitane Ngatiapa and Whanganui heard of it. iI then said to myself some men will be humbled by this work I then said to my tribes be granted upon any of these lands let them be sold because I know what the proposal of Raukawa to lease the land means. My father said to me speak for I have not long to live. I urged all my people to sell the land and I knew there would be trouble. I then wrote to Mr McLean at Taranaki and he came here. Hakeke died before he arrived. He found me at my pa at Awahou where he forced Ngatiawa Whanganui Ngatikahungu and Rangitane Muaupoko assembled I proposed to sell in order to put a stop to leasing. When Ngatiraukawa heard of it they all came up to Rangitiki to protest against the sale.

Maori 25 Minute book 1. Page 82 –84inclusive.

Ngatiraukawa spoke to Mr. McLean and Honi Te Inaua and objected to my selling any land this side of Rangitikie and said if Huria wants to sell let him do so on the near side of Rangitikei. Honi and McLean replied that it rested with them.

Ngatiraukawa returned home and I said to Mr McLean and Honi I will not cease urging my desire about these lands.

He said soften down your intentions and I will endeavour to get Ngatiraukawa to do the same.

I told him I would not.

Rangitanui has gone home.

These are the only people who are mad, these Ngatiraukawa.

Mr McLean said you are corrected in what you said.

Perhaps the Ngatiraukawa are afraid of the Waikato Tribes.

I said no, let them go to their own place.

There were many of the Ngatiruanui and Taranaki who were taken prisoners by Waikato and who have been liberated and their land given back to them.

All the Whanganui and Ngatiapa agreed to sell the land on the northern side of Rangitikei and I said to the three Tribes this is wrong this sale they propose is (?).

Those two Tribes sold their land and got the money. I and the other 3 Tribes never (unsure of words) altogether included.

I told Mr McLean that this was not arranged by me and I will not take your boundary inland.

I told him he was acting in the same way as about Tairoa’s land at Arahura.

You and Governor Grey included the Ngatitoa in the sale of the Ngaitahu land.

Puaha asked you for some of the land of Tairoa on account of the death of Pehi.

I told him I objected to his principle.

Pehi and his people went to kill Ngaitahu.

I saw that Ngatiraukawa were collected at Rangitikie and I got up to drive them off.

I did not do so in a peaceful spirit.

I will have a fight about the land between Rangitikie and Otaki.

I am not fighting about one piece only.

When they found there was likely to be a quarrel they wrote to the chiefs of many tribes.

I had made up my mind then to take extreme measures with the Raukawa because what the missionary said was different to what Governor Grey said so I thought I would make a disturbance after the Tribes had assembled.

Taratoa spoke to me and he said do not let us have any disturbance let it be a war of words.

I said perhaps you intend to humble me at Manawatu or other places.

I said Taratoa I think we had better upset all the good arrangements come to by the old chiefs. He said it would not be right to do so.

I said perhaps so who knows whether you will cease to humble me about this land.

It was my intention to have a disturbance with Ngatiraukawa.

Some of Taratoa’s people said it would not be right and some of mine said so.

When I heard members of the five Tribes say this, I said mine is the best because I think some new laws will be imposed upon us by the Europeans.

I then spoke to Major Kemp.

I said to him let us put down what some of our friends are saying.

Kemp said it is right but let us give it careful consideration.

I also said let us cease to be friends with Raukawa.

Raukawa all this time were leasing lands. There was no court then, that is how the Ngatiraukawa are able to ask if any notice was given by us through Kemp’s advice that I held back and did not object to the leasing when we had made up our minds but in the meantime the Grants and Leases had been given.

Had I been allowed to have my way I should have objected to the Leases being granted in various place.

When the Europeans began to fight against the Maoris I thought to myself Europeans fight about their disputes and they are Christians.

Some years after this Taratoa went up to Rangitikie and said to us let us stop disputing give your attention with regard to the three Tribes if the Raukawa are equally peaceful as these three tribes I might agree to lease the lands.

While I was going into the matter some of the Ngatiapa said let us agree to what Taratoa says.

They only did so to get money.

I listened in silence to what they said and they went on with their leases and land was leased between Manawatu and Rangitikie.

It came to the time when the rent of one of the Leases became due.

Hoani Meihana and Kerei were angry because Ropia and Ratana had withheld some of the money.

I said to Ngatiapa see what you have done in consenting to this it is not clear between relative or even strangers.

Hoani, Kerei and Puti went up to Whanganui and Kemp and I spoke to them and said it was a great suffering between yourselves and relatives and I said go back to Rangitanui Muaupoko and the people of Wairarapa people and let us all fight against our Tribe the Ngatiapa on account of the grievance.

When the fighting gets pretty hot Kupa and I will step in and put a stop to it instead of doing what we told him to do he went to Ihakara and then Ngatiraukawa went to build a Pah at Rangitikie.

Rangitani joined with them that is why I did not fight, had it been my relative Ihakara we would have fought it out.

When I saw some of my people there I did not fire.

I said it will not be right to go on let us take it before the Court.

Ngatiapa and Whanganui asked me what I meant.

I said I wanted the land brought into Court in one block from Rangitikie to Kukutauraki.

I want to know what title has to this land to enable him to put up a Pah.

The 5 Tribes said it would take too long to bring it before the court and must take it some other way.

I then sat down.

The Chiefs of Wanganui then spoke.

I heard of something bad that (end of document) page 84.


November 25, 1872


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