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audrea beddie,
fletcher / stewart photograph album,
levin r.s.a. anzac concert show - levin,
princess peanut,
ron meinung,
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In the palace of the King - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
In the palace of the King - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
In the palace of the King - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Death of the Sheik - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
In the Poodles' bed-sitting-room - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Princess Peanut and the Sheik - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Audrea Beddie & Ladies Chorus - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Handsome Harry & Charlie Poodles - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
In Soldiers' Canteen - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Chorus & Finale of Act One - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Ron & Alf with the donkey - of the show  "Princess Peanut", 1958
Trixie Cottingham and Audrea Beddie - of the show  "Butting In", 1959