Peke atu ki ngā rauemi

Pūnaha whakarōpū

Ngā tūtohu
a.n. hunt,
tony hunt,
Tūtohu Hapori

Tuku kōrero mai mō te whakararu

Ngā rauemi e whai pānga ana

Foxton Silver Band in Invercargill in 1956
Foxton Little Theatre performance of Wasn't it Odd
Foxton Basketball Teams in the forties
Foxton school bus on its side, 1965
Foxton Surf Club in its early days
Flaxmills of Foxton about 1921
A Stevenson  with load of dressed flax
Workers at Ora Mill about 1930
Foxton Racing Club early meeting
Manawatu Herald office, Foxton, in 1904
Foxton 1888-1988 - Settlement
Foxton 1888-1988 - Sport