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During the service a proces­sion led by the Cross borne by a choirboy moved from one part of the church to another for the conduct of the induc­tion ceremony. The procession comprised members of the ves­try, the clergy, the vicar-elect, churchwardens and the Arch­deacon of Rangitikei, Ven. H. S. Kenny, who conducted the service attended by his chaplain, Canon H. E. K. Fry.

The service included the in­stitution of the vicar by the Archdeacon and a period of silence for the prayers of the congregation to be offered. This part of the service was later described by Rev. W. H. D. Warm who represented the Ministers' Association, in his remarks at a function held after the ceremony, as the most impressive part of the ceremony.

The induction ceremony which followed comprised the hand­ing over of the keys of the church to the new vicar and his tolling of the church bell to signify his taking possession.

In his address the Arch­deacon spoke of the import­ance of the parish in the Church of England system, stressing that what was hap­pening in the parish was of greater importance than anything that took place in the synods of the church.

At a supper held in the church hall after the ceremony Archdeacon Kenny, the vicar's warden, Mr. W. G. Benning, the Rev. Warin, and the Rev. Joblin all spoke briefly and informally. They were introduced by the people's warden, Mr. D. Richards.

Photo: Parishioners of St. Mary's Anglican Church had an opportunity to meet the new vicar, Rev. V. W. Joblin. L.Th., at supper after the induction ceremony last night. Left to right are Mrs. Joblin, Snr., mother of the vicar, Rev. Joblin. Mrs. Joblin, Ven. Archdeacon H. S. Kenny, Mr. C. Richards (parishioners' warden), and Miss Adrienne Joblin.

The Archdeacon paid special tribute to the work of Canon G. Y. Woodward who had been a tower of strength to the parish during the weeks be­tween the departure of the Rev. E. K. Norman and the arrival of the new vicar and to the lay readers who had assisted to keep the work of the parish going during that period.


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Multi-Page Document
June 25, 1959


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