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The minutes of the previous meeting were read confirmed and signed by the Mayor.

Deposit Forfeited

A letter was read from the Valuer General re application for Govt. Valuation Roll for the Borough was held over.

A letter was read from Mr. Park Solicitor asking on behalf of Mr. C Williams a refund of Mr Williams deposit (£3) as a candidate – at the late election. It was moved by Cr. Mackenzie and seconded by Cr. Hankins, and carried "that the Auditor General be written to and his opinion asked re Mr C Williams deposit and that Mr Williams be asked to stay proceedings for the present."

A letter was read from Mr L G Bowen asking for a grant towards the upkeep of the Levin Fire Brigade. Matter held over until next meeting.

With regard to a complaint by Mr Brewster Honourable Secretary of the Levin Band that the use of the rooms could not be always obtained it was resolved in the motion of Cr. Hudson seconded by Cr Mackenzie "that owing to the fact that these rooms are constantly in use by the County and Borough Councils they be reserved in the future for their exclusive use."

A letter from Mr Hislop complaining of neglect on the part of the nightman was read. It was decided that Mr Hislop be informed that attention had be given to the matter in question.

A letter was received from Mr F L Garland apologising for breaking up footpath etc without previous permission.

A letter was read from Mr R Butt explaining on what authority – he erected verandah and also asking the Council to permit him to construct a culvert and asking the Council to pay for the labour in connection with the same. Crs. Hankins and Prouse thought that the request should be granted but it was ultimately carried on the motion of Cr. Mackenzie seconded by Cr Hudson that Mr Butt be written to stating that if Mr Butt pay all costs he may, under the supervision of the surfaceman, put in hisculvert.

Mr W M Clarke wrote asking that the tree opposite the door of his shop be removed. This caused some discussion which was closed by the following motion being carried. Proposed by Cr Levy and seconded by Cr J Prouse "That Mr Clarke's request be referred to be Tree Planting Committee with power to act."

Letters were received from the Surveyor General and the Town Clark of Martinborough respectively re map and levels of the Borough. It was decided to write to Pahiatua for further information.

Moved by Cr. Hudson seconded be Cr. Hankins and carried "that the Levin Clerk give notice to all owners of properties where overhanging trees are a nuisance to the streets and roadsin this Borough requesting them to have same topped to trimmed to the satisfaction of the Surfaceman."

Moved by the Mayor seconded by Cr. Mackenzie and carried "that the Mayor and Councillor Hudson be appointment by this Council to make the necessary arrangements with the Bank for an overdraft."

Moved by Cr. Hankins and seconded by Cr. Palmer "that the action of the Mayor in completing the engagement of the Ranger at a salary of five pounds (£5) per annum and all droving fees be approved and further that the Clerk write to Mr Wilson in reference to complaints made as to the manner of carrying out his duties."

Moved by Cr. Palmer and seconded by Cr Hawkins "that tenders be called for widening of Winchester Street about 20 chains more or less formation only". Carried.

Moved by Cr Hudson seconded by Cr. Ryder "that Mr P Bartholomew be requested to put the footpath and road at Weraroa where the tram line crosses same in good order at once, otherwise permission to cross same with tramline will be withdrawn." Carried.

Moved by Cr Hankins seconded by Cr. Hudson and carried "that a letter be written to the Kitson Light Company complaining of the delay in erecting the lamp in Oxford Street and that the Kitson Co be informed that it the work is not completed within fourteen days this Council will cancel the arrangement entered into."


July 2 1906



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