Minutes of Council Meeting 3 September 1906
- Description
Present: Councillors Hudson (in the chair) Hankins, Hall, Levy, Palmer, R. Prouse, Mackenzie and Ryder
The Mayor wrote explaining his absence (attending the Conference of the Municipal Association in Wellington being the reason). Cr. Palmer explained satisfactorily his absence from the previous meeting.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Correspondence – Amongst the letters was one from Mr Jas Prouse Chairman of the late Cemetery Committee dealing with matters in connection with the Cemetery. The Mayor also wrote upon the same subjects. A letter was also read from the Department of Lands and Survey intimating that by warrant duly issued the Levin Borough Council had been appointedTrustees of the Levin Public Cemetery (See N.Z. Gazette No. 69 16th August 1906 page 2178).
Moved by Cr. Hankins and seconded by Cr. Mackenzie “That the letter from Mr James Prouse Chairman of the Cemetery Committee be referred to the Reserves Committee to deal with, and that the Committee be requested to report as to the advisability of deciding on a new site for a cemetery. Carried
Mr Carson wrote offering site for a rubbish and gravel reserve for £75. Moved by Cr. Hankins and seconded by Cr. Ryder “That the Reserves Committee be requested to furnish a report in respect to a rubbish and gravel reserve”. Carried
Requests for crossings in Oxford St were received from Hing Lee and Amos Mudgway. Moved by Cr. Palmer and seconded by Cr. Mackenzie “that the required permission be given to Jhing Lee and A. Mudgway to erect crossings at their own expense, the same to be done under the supervision of the Head Surfaceman”. Carried
Re crossings out of repair it was resolved on the motion of Cr. Levy seconded by Cr. Hall “That the owners of crossings reported on by the Road Overseer be requested to place same in order immediately on pain of removal of same”.
Fire Brigade
The Sub-Committee appointed to confer with the Levin Fire Brigade recommended that the Council should grant the Brigade a gratuity of twenty five pounds. On the motion of Cr. Mackenzie seconded by Cr. R. Prouse the report and recommendation was adopted.
The Treasurer reported with regard to the Borough finances as follows:
Receipts from all sources date (31 August) £184.10.5
Expenditure £ 289. 1.6
Sanitation fees received to date £ 37.10.3
Dead Horse
Crs. Levy and Mackenzie reported that a dead horse had been buried in the paddock belonging to the Public School. No permission had been obtained from any of the Council’s officials or the School Committee. On Cr. MacKenzie’s motion seconded by Cr. Levy it was resolved “That notice be given that the horse buried in the school ground be removed and buried or burned outside the Borough”.
Fire Brigade Bill
The Mayor wrote drawing attention to the Fire Brigade Bill now before Parliament. The Council made no recommendation.
Legal Opinion
The opinion of Mr Martin Chapman as to the legal position of the Levin Borough Council and the Horowhenua County Council respectively, with regard to the Levin Water Races was placed before the Council.
A draft Agreement relating to adjustments between the Levin Borough Council and the Horowhenua County Council was read and considered by the Council and the following resolutions were passed:
Crs Hankins and Mackenzie “That the word “legally” be inserted after the words “that shall be” in clause No. 1 referring to the Building of Offices now vested in the Borough Council”
Hankins & Mackenzie “That in Clause 1 referring to Council Offices the words “and valued at £350” be struck out.
Mackenzie & Hankins “That the Borough Council reserves the right to refuse at anytime to maintain the water races within the Borough should it be decided that the said Borough Council is not liable for such maintenance”.
Notice of motion by-laws
Notice of motion by Cr. R. Prouse “That there be added to the by-laws under the heading “Licensed Carriages etc” Part VII a new clause relating to breadth of tyres; the said clause to have a separate heading to be numbered “53” and to read as follows:
Provisions as to breadth of tires of wheels of licensed and unlicensed vehicles (without springs).
No person ply with, drive, or conduct any cart or vehicle on any roads or streets within the boundaries of the Borough unless the tires of the wheels thereof shall be of the breadth hereunder respectively specified, that is to say – if drawn by one horse, then of the breadth of not less than 21/2 inches.
If drawn by two horses then of the breadth of not less than 3 inches, and if drawn by 3 horses to 6 or less than 6 bullocks of the breadth of not less than 4 inches, or if drawn by 4 or more than 4 horses or more than 6 bullocks, then of the breadth of 5 inches.
Notice of Motion by Cr. Ryder
That in by-laws Part 4 (in respect of streets,[??] number 20, the words “Beach Road” be struck out and the words “Keepa Street” be inserted in the place thereof.
Accounts passed
Accounts passed for Payment
Nation & Co. Advertisements etc. £3.16.6
Gapper & Co. Kerosene 9.6
Perry & Co. Tub 8.6
West Coast Sawmillers
Assn Timber 1.14.6
Miss Goldsmith Typing by-laws 3.0.0
H. Hook Cartage 2.6
N. Akenson 2nd progress payment 26. 01.9
Winter & Close 1st ditto 12.15.0
A. Edwards Carters Wages 3. 02.0
G. Astridge Nightman 16.00.0
J. Hook Surfaceman 12.03.0
P. Patton Lamplighting 5.00.9
P.W. Goldsmith Clerk 8.00.0
Levin Fire Brigade Grant 25.00.0
£ 117.14.0
T.B. Hudson
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