Mr Matthew Matamua speaking at official opening of the reunion
Object type:Image
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Photo B8 in album. Negative of this photo is B8 (in negatives envelope).
Memo written with blue ink pen beside photo - Saturday Official Party. Matthew Matamua speaking
Mr Matthew Matamua speaking at official opening of the reunion 1 colour photo print
Members of the official party seated on chairs (L to R) - Judy Keall (M.P.), Sonny Sciascia (original builder of school), George Brown (first chairman), Rachel Brown, Aroha Sciascia, Mrs Garland (obscured), George Dowd (reunion chairman), Peter Garland (obsured, School Principal), Alice Dowd, Malcolm Guy (obscured, Mayor), Betty Guy.
Saturday at Taitoko School 25th Reunion, July 1994.
Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.”
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