21st March 1873
- Description
Friday March 21st 1873 p.224-231
Place The same
John Rogan Esq Judge Present Hori Tautare Assessor
Henau Te Herekau - said I apply for an Order for a Certificate of Title for a portion of Tuwhakatupua to Ngatituranga, Ngatirakau, Ngatiteao, boundaries pointed out
The Court said that the land within the boundaries is outside the block known as Manawatu Kukutauaki and that this claim would be called on in its proper place
Te Koro Te Oni said I hand in a list of persons which we have agreed should be in the Certificate and also of those interested - there are two lists one is of those who claim this land
The Court said that in consequences of the illness of one of the Judges this case will be adjourned until tomorrow
Claim read - Tracing produced
Hoani Meihana sworn I belong to Rangitane and live at Manawatu - I have heard the claim read - this land is at Manawatu This plan shows the land in connexion [sic] with other lands - the proper plan was seen at Masterton It has been surveyed - I have a claim to this land also the persons whose names are in the Gazette There are others also - This is a list of others -
Manahi Paewai
Puie Hakopa
Hoani Meihana
Wireaha Tamaki
Matui Te Kotoi
Hare Kakopa
Mariana Paewai
Katerina Whareraupo
Makareto Whareraupo
Meri Kokopu
Ihaka Rangimaureora
Atenata Te Wharekiri
Hare Whaitiri
Haketa Te Awe
Hareka Pouina
Taituha Torenga
Paue Keturnga
Eraita Te Rore
Rora Parekiri
Wireaha Tamaki
Hapakuku Paewai
This is a tribal application. Ngatipoutou is a hapu of Rangitane Ngatitemihi is also Those are all the persons I know of - there are one or two others which I wish to add -
Ihapera Paewai
This is all I have to say all the persons are fully aware of this - and all agreed to the list
Huru Te Hiaro said - These names are of one hapu
Atenata Wharekiri - I object to Te Huru's statement because the greater portion of my land has been sold by him
Piripi I belong to Rangitane - I object to Hoani Meihana's proposition
Hoani Meihana said I do not admit either Piriripi or Huru
Hera to Panau - I wish to have my name in the land
No others appeared as objectors
Huru Te Hiaro sworn - I belong to Rangitane and live at Manawatu - I object to the name of Wireaha I wish him to consent that my name should appear in the list. I cannot trace my genealogy - Wireaha is a relative of mine We claim through one ancestor - the land described is a mountaineous country and we live at the base of the hills on this side of the mountain Raukawa is its name - We live with Wireaha on the river and have cultivations there
Hoani Meihana said Wireahas claim is only admitted because he lives there and he has no other - I do not admit Hurus claim through Wireaha - This is the remainder of a large block and belongs to the Hapus which I have mentioned If Ngatikoro were admitted I should admit Huru but Ngatitekoro are excluded
Huru Te Hiaro - I am also related to Ngatitenuhi - but I cannot trace any connexion [sic] - there are others who can.
Pripi called
Hoani Meihana said - I will hear Piripi's claim if it is correct I will admit him
Piripi Tuapa Sworn I belong to Rangitane and live at Rangitikei - I claim through my ancestors - Hikap......oepa (of Rangitane) (of Te Maro Rakairoa f of Te Heru Kokiri of Te Waihoe of Hinekiherangi f. of Piripai Tuapa) Another ancestor is Marama (of Rakau of Rangihukeiho of Te Konohi of Tamaka of Hinekihirangi of Piripai Tuapa) My mother was born at Manawatu She lived on this land
by Hoani Meihana - Is Kekemupa the name of a hapu? of ancestors and afterwards the name of _____________ Do you not also claim to N'..... Mihi ________
I claim a common ancestor
Do you not claim to Te Mihi directly?
I do
Trace from Te Mihi?
I cannot trace any genealogy in that line.
Kerei Te Panau
Hoani Meihana said - I will hear what he has to say before I will admit Kerei
Kerei Te Panau Sworn - I am a Rangitane and live at Manawatu - I wish to refer to Te Mihi Hapu - the name of the Tapuna Te Mihi is the name of our ancestor (Te Mihi of Te Amanga of Tangaio of Mata of Kerei Te Panau) I have lived on this land my principal place of residence now is Puketotara Since I became a man I have lived here at Puketotara
Patoromu Tekaka said I am a Rangitane and live near Kauiki close by the land described in the application it is on the Mongolian Stream - I claim ............ ancestry - I cannot trace my genealogy
I was bought up as a foster child I have always heard that I belong to this land - I have cultivations on this land any my cattle are there - together with those whose names are in the list handed in I do not know where I was born - I do not know my father.
Hoani Meihana - Patoronui lives permanently at another place.
by the Court - I believe the 2 hapus named are the descendents of my ancestor - I am prepared to bring persons to prove my genealogy
....rihapati said I wish my claim to be admitted - through Rangitane - I will trace my genealogy
Please note - family tree needs to be inserted here.
X'd by the Court - Ritimiua has lived on this land before me
Wi Mahuri - said I have a claim to this land through ancestry All the persons named are from one ancestor one father and one mother - my ancestors cultivated
Case adjourned until 2 P.M.
Court adjourned until 2 P.M.
At 2. P.M. The Court resumed
Hoani Meihana - I put in a list of proposed grantees for Ngatipoutoa - we would like to have two Grants
The Court decided that Huru, Piripi & others had not proved their title or established their claims to be inserted in the Grant for the Kauhanga Block and that Certificate would be ordered in favor of the persons whose names are contained in the lists handed into Court by Hoani Meihana - when these parties shall furnish a proper survey thereof
Kauhanga No. 1
Fees charges
Hearing £1
Certificate 1
C Grant 1
Ordered that a Certificate of the Title of
Manahi Paiwai
Pine Hakopa
Hoani Meihana
Arapata Iria
Matiu Te Kotoi
Heremia Wirihana
Mariana Paewai
Katerina Whareraupo
be made and issued to the governor when a certificate plan thereof shall be furnished by the said parties - No Restrictions
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