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Mayor’s Memo – Levin Adventure Park

Collis and Helen have been supported in their development of the park not just by Council but also by local businesses, individuals and funding agencies; The Levin Adventure Park is a wonderful example of what can be achieved when people are committed to a project and work cooperatively to achieve an outcome for a community.

The Park is a legacy for the District. It is enjoyed by local children and visitors and has transformed what was an unattractive part of town into an oasis. But the work doesn't stop - new equipment appears regularly and there is ongoing maintenance.

All this comes at a cost, and on-going community sponsorship of the Park is vital to its upkeep and development. For this reason, any offers of financial, assistance are important and welcomed.

Supporting the Park is not just about money. Just as important is keeping the Park a safe and enjoyable place for families.

One of the greatest contributions you could make is to be vigilant about what goes on there and report any problems immediately, to the Police. Take your children to the park and play with them there. And make sure they and their friends know about sharing and being fair.

The Blakes continue their commitment to the Park. I hope that the community will also continue theirs.

Tom Robinson
District Mayor


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Multi-Page Document
March 8, 2003


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