14th and 15th Nov 1872
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Thursday Nov. 14th 1872
His Honour Judge Rogan Presiding
His Honour Judge Smith
Assessor: Hemi Tautau
Clerk to the Court: M Grey
Native Interpreter: T Young
Court opened at 10 a.m.
Karaitiana Korou: I wish to know if the lines shown on the map join those of lands sold in Wairarapa.
Mr Grimwell stated that the lines shown on the plans join the 70 Mile Bush on the top of the Tararua range.
I oppose the claim of Ngati Raukawa to the Southern portion. They can have as much as they can sit down upon. I can point out the part that Ngati Raukawa should have and the portion I claim. I object to Ngati Raukawa as to the Tararua. I claim on behalf of my hapu the Namura Tribe. Makatukutuku is a small stream which runs into the Ohau is the commencing point. Taumatataotane to the source of the Otaki from thence to Awariki on summit of Tararua thence to the source of Waimanawa thence to Ruamahanga thence to Ngapuketunia and thence to the Ohau and to Makatukutuku the commencing point.
Hoani Wirikaki: Stated that Ngati Raukawa would not agree to that boundary.
Karaitiana: Stated he would call Marakaia Tauaroa and Ihaia Whakamaru as witnesses in support of his claim.
Objection Challenged
Tamatea: Appeared and said I speak on behalf of Rangitane. I have applied to have the title of my land investigated in this Court.
Martini te Whiwhi: Of the Ngati Toa Tribe appeared and said I belong to the Ngati Toa and Ngati Raukawa Tribes. I stand forward to support the Ngati Raukawa.
Tamihana Rauparaha: I join with the Ngati Raukawa in their claim to this land.
Wi Maka: Of Ngati Kahungunu said I oppose the claim of Ngati Raukawa. I appear for Muaupoko, Rangitane also Keepa and Kawana Hunia. I have no letter of authority from Keepa authorising me to appear.
Hon. Mr Parata: Ngati Toa and Ngati Awa claim jointly with Raukawa.
Peeti Te Aweawe: A chief of Muaupoko asked the Court to leave the Horowhenua Block out of the investigation and said I belong to Rangitane, Ngati Kahungunu, Whanganui, Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Raukawa tribes as well as Muaupoko.
Objections challenged for the last time
Hoani Meihana: I have been appointed by the Muaupoko to conduct their case in Court. Mr Grimwell knows this as they have gone outside. I am not in a position to go on with their case. If they come to him today he would come into Court and go on with it.
Hari Wirikaki: On behalf of Ngati Raukawa objected to Hoani Meihana to the Rangitane having any claim to the land. Hoani might be admitted on account of his wife being Ngati Raukawa but the whole of Rangitane could not be admitted. Hoani then stated he would appear and act for Rangitane and contest the claim.
Huru: Appeared and asked for an adjournment until 10 o’clock in the morning as both parties had to come to an agreement.
Hari Wirikaki: And the Ngati Raukawa agreed to an adjournment as an arrangement was pending between the parties.
The Court adjourned until 10 o’clock in the morning.Friday Nov. 15th 1872
His Honour Judge Rogan Presiding
His Honour Judge Smith
Assessor: Hemi Tautau
Clerk to the Court: M Grey
Native Interpreter: T Young
Court opened at 10 a.m.
Mr Grimwell: Appeared and asked for an adjournment of the Court until the next day as matters of importance could be arranged. He stated that the General Govt. had found a telegram to him on the subject and probably the other natives who are at variance would come into Court and present their claims (Keepa and Hunia’s people).
Hari Wirikaki: Did not object, he would agree.
Karaitiana Korou: Agreed to the adjournment
Court adjourned until Saturday the 16th Nov. 1872
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