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Page 15 – Shannon Railway – 2 b/w photos & 9 colour photos

Top to bottom - a) Railcar (‘Blue Streak’ ?) at Shannon Railway Station, c.1970 ? {b/w original}

b) Derailed freight train after collision with milk tanker north of Shannon, April 1983. {original} Close view of derailed container wagons (see photo f, same wagons viewed from different angle). Extracted from “Chronicle” newspaper article: Derailment occurred as a result of collision with a milk tanker on the Otauru Road rail crossing at about 8.40 a.m. on Friday morning (15 April 1983), the train was an express goods train travelling from Auckland to Wellington. The driver of the Manawatu Dairy Company milk tanker escaped with moderate to serious leg injuries, while the 3 men aboard the train escaped with minor injuries. {this article, with pictures, is in display folder marked: “Horowhenua Transport – Railways (2)” in Vertical File drawer (HHS rooms)}

c) Milk tanker in stream (in shadow) on other side of bridge, 1983. {original, colour} Wagons at the end of the train remained on the tracks as seen here.

d) Milk tanker and trailer unit in stream at rail crossing, 1983. {original colour} State Highway 1 (left), railway (right), Otauru Road rail crossing (top) with crew from fire engine hosing the area to remove spilt fluids. Similar to picture in newsclipping (mentioned above) the caption of which reads: By-standers and firemen look at the wreckage of the milk tanker. The cab of the truck was ripped from the vehicle and ended up on the other side of the track.

e) Derailed container wagons and vehicles parked on roadside, 1983. {original, colour} Looking south along Otauru Road (east side of railway line). (see also – Acc.#s2002.082.0008 same scene viewed from closer to derailed wagons)

f) Close view of container wagon held in air by twisted steel rail, 1983. {original, colour} The twisted steel rail belongs to damaged telegraph pole (as most clearly seen in picture in newsclipping dated: Friday, April 15, 1983, in display folder mentioned above). (see photo b, same wagons viewed from different angle).

g) Shannon Variety Players dressed in costume on station platform, 1986. {original, colour} Celebrating the Wellington-Manawatu Railway Centenary, Sunday, 26 October, 1986. Left to Right – ...?..., ...?..., Pam Locke, ...?..., ...?..., Lynne Collecutt, ...?(child)..., Justin Allan (wearing tartan sash), Colin Collecutt, Hillary Allan, ...?..., ...?..., Noeline Allan. Members are in period costume awaiting arrival of steam train carrying officials and steam train enthusiasts involved in the re-enactment of the “Driving of the Last Spike Ceremony” at Otaihanga (as occurred 100 years earlier to complete the Wellington and Manawatu Railway Company’s line) and the “first through train” which ran on 29 November 1886. (see also – Acc.#s2002.082.0010a similar photo)

h) Steam locomotive (side view), Shannon, October 1986. {original, colour}

i) Steam locomotive (front view) looking north, Shannon, October 1986. {original, colour} Crowds of people line both sides of track.

j) Steam & diesel locomotives heading north out of Shannon, 27 October 1986. {original, colour} Roof of the Albion Tavern (hotel) is visible in background. This is the train’s ‘second run’ from Wellington to Palmerston North return on Labour Weekend as part of the Wellington-Manawatu Railway Centenary. The diesel locomotive was added for this run because of difficulties experienced on Paekakariki incline on return to Wellington during ‘first run’ yesterday, due to weight of 17 carriages and 800 passengers. (see newsclippings: Steam’s Glamour Enthrals; and, Glamour of Steam Relived, both dated 27 October, 1986)

k) Steam locomotive with passenger carriages, Shannon Railway Station, 1986. {b/w original} Returning south on ‘second run’ with diesel locomotive assistance on Monday, 27 October, 1986. Freight train on second track (left).

Any use of this image must be accompanied by the credit “Horowhenua Historical Society Inc.”


April 15, 1983 to October 27, 1986

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colin collecutt,
hillary allan,
justin allan,
lynne collecutt,
noeline allan,
pam locke,
shannon centennial collection,
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Librarian Mrs Pam Locke issuing books to Mrs Joan Mark, 1981
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Another view of borrowers at issues desk, Shannon Library, 1981