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The Rev. E. K. Norman, D.S.O., M.C., B.A., vicar of St. Mary's Parish of Levin for the past seven years, has been ap­pointed vicar of the Parish of Tauranga. Mr. Norman will take up his new appointment in about three months' time. His successor has not yet been announced.

"Both Mrs. Norman and I are very sorry at the thought of leaving Levin as we have made so many good friends here," Mr. Norman told "The Chronicle" this morning. "But we know we cannot stay here for ever and the work is the same wherever we go."

Canon Brierley, whom Mr. Norman will succeed in Tauranga, and who is retiring on account of ill health, was vicar of the parish in which Mr. Norman lived as a boy at Napier – “so I know him quite well," he added.

Born at Napier, Mr. Norman had almost completed his theological training when war broke out. He saw six years' war service, studied at Cam­bridge, and was ordained by the Bishop of Newcastle at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Prior to taking up his Levin appoint­ment, Mr. Norman served at Waiwhetu, in the Hutt Valley, for a period of three years.

While serving overseas Mr. Norman rose to the rank of Lieut-Colonel, being command­ing officer of the 25th New Zealand Infantry Battalion, serving in the Middle East and Italy.

Important Events

The laying of the foundation stone of the new St. Mary's Church in 1954, and its subse­quent construction, together with the shifting of the old church, were classed by Mr. Norman as some of the most important events during his residence in Levin. Another gratifying fact was the great increase in congregations.

Other items of interest in the parish during his term, said Mr. Norman, were the mission conducted in August last by Archdeacon E. A. Cow­ing and the fact that this year was the 60th anniversary of the consecration of St. Mary's Church in Levin. The actual date was April 16, 1898, the ceremony being performed by Bishop Wallis.

Mr. Norman confessed that only once previously had he visited Tauranga - about 13 years ago, The Parish of Tau­ranga is in the Diocese of Waiapu.

Mrs. Norman, who has played an active part in organisations connected with St. Mary's, was born at Hunterville. "Her main job though has been looking after four children," said "Jr. Norman with a smile. The Chil­dren are Elizabeth (aged 10 years), Rosemary (8), Alison (4) and Judith (1).


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March 9, 1959


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