17th March 1873
- Description
Monday March 17th 1873
Place: The Same
Present: The Same
Te Wahi O Aorangi Claim Called
Tracing of Oroua Produced
Tapa Te Whata: Sworn I belong to Ngati Kauwhata and live at Oroua I claim a portion of the land described on the map begining at Kairakau? going across the map to Waikuku? turns there and goes along Taonui stream to the Oroua River and by that river to the commencing point, My Claim or Application describes the eastern boundary as being a line. I thought the Governments boundary line was the Taonui Stream. Previously I claimed over the Whole Block but I have lately arranged with Ngati Tauira to reduce my claim as I have described it, I want an order for the land as I have described it. This land is occupied by us, We have cultivations and Kainga's on this land. I live at Awahuri on the other side of Oroua but my cultivations are on the block. Whitianga is a Pa on the block Kairiri? is another there are other cultivations but these are the principle I only know of the Ngati Kauwhata living there, this land has belonged to Ngati Kauwhata for 30 years. We derive our claim by conquest and by gift, the father of Hamuera (Kokiri) gave it to us. At the time of the Migrations from Maungatautari a part diverged at Rangitikei and came to Oroua at a place called Pariwharariki? where we made some prisoners, we arrived at Kiwitea? and attacked the village the people ran away Kiwitea? is not within the boundaries of the land I defined. We then crossed over the river on to this land and came to a village we made prisoners of these people I have forgotten the name of the village, we did not kill the people of Pariwharariki? only one man was killed he was a bad man the people of the second village were spared likewise we followed the course of the Oroua to Manawatu to the village of Tuwhakatupua where we killed the people, we killed these people at the desire of the other people of this block with whom they were at envy. We then went on making raids on the villages on our way down the Manawatu River. We returned with the prisoners we had taken at Te Rotonuiahau where we sat down, we found some people there and we were addressed by Kokiri the father of Hamuera who said "The only dowry I have to give with my daughter are the two places Whakaari and Aorangi" this was addressed to Ngati Kauwhata, this was given as payment for returning his daughter and we the Ngati Kauwhata remained and occupied the land we have remained in possession from that time.
Objectors Challenged:
Hamuera Te Raikokiritia said I object.
Hoani Meihana said I object.
Roru Talutaugata? said I object.
Kawana Ropia? said I object.
Peeti Te Aweawe said I object.
Mr Grindell said I object on behalf of the Government as to certain boundaries.
Hamuera Te Raikokiritea: Sworn I object to the whole statement made by Tapa his statement refers to the whole block of land before any was sold. This is in the nature of a reserve. The land Tapa means is the land sold to Mr Featherston some 2? acres. I object to Tapa's statement as to his having acquired this land by conquest the land is mine and does not belong to the claimant how shall I proceed to ....pact this claim?. The statement made by Tapa referring to Kokiri's gifting is outside of the boundary of this land Te Rotonuahau is the name of that place. I gave Te Rotonuiahau to the grandfather of Eru. This land or Whakaari I did not give. Kokiri was Eru's grandfather. I took out of the hands of Hoani Meihana this block and received from Huria? & Kemp money for 7500 acres, 7500 acres remained. The boundary of the portion sold commenced at Ohungare? and extended up the Oroua River to a point which would be enough to include 7500 acres, The land is mine and I divided between Tapa.
Peeti Te Aweawe: I apply that the Court grant us permission to retire and endeavour to settle this matter out of Court.
Hoani Meihana: I wish to divide this land into 3 pieces. One for Rangitane, One for Ngati Kauwhata and One for Ngati Tauira. I admit the Ngati Kauwhata claim over the whole but in 1870 a division of this land was made in Runanga, but all the people interested were not present and therefore did not agree. Hamuera sold a portion, Tapa claimed more than was his by allotment and so I sent in a claim for the whole.
Kawana Hunia: I think the court ought to hear the statements of objectors before it grant the application made by Peeti Hakeke.
Kawana Hunia: Sworn I am a Ngatiapa and live at Parerua? I object to a portion of the statement made by Tapa I wish to explain the right of conquest stated by Tapa. I will begin at the migration of Te Whatanui and his people, The old man alluded to as practising witchcraft and for which Tapa said he was killed did not die there he died at Rangitikei. Tapas party came on the incidents unaware when they were snaring birds when Tapa's party arrived at Manawatu Ngatiapa then believed it was a party the woman Ruateketi was taken by strategy? Ngtaiapa heard of it and came in great strength to seek revenge for the old man who was killed at Pariwharaki? The chiefs of that party were Hakeke, Aperahama, Mohi Make and Others, they followed their Ngati Raukawa people but did not catch them, two were nearly caught they escaped and informed Te Whatanui. He gathered his people at Karekare, Whatanui said do not fight about this and returned one woman which had been captured by the party alluded to in Tapa's statement. Whatanui and his people then returned to Kapiti. Kete and Kiai were the women returned to Ngatiapa, Ngati Kauwhata and Ngati Wehi Wehi returned and came to Kaipokopu and had a friendly interview there with Hakeke. Ropiha's father Auahi arrived, Auahi brought Ngati Kauwhata & Ngati Wehi Wehi to Rotonuiahau on the Oroua. I heard from my father who was with Hakeke that Rotonuiahau was given by Kokiri' to Eru's Grandfather and to the two Hapu Ngati Wehi Wehi and Ngati Kauwhata. These hapu's heard of the word of Kokiri Ngati Tautara and Ngatiapa N .....l...e hapus of Ngatiapa?. Ngati Kauwhata then returned to Kapiti they confirmed Kokiri's gift, they then came back again and went to Oroua to live with Te Hakeke Te Hanea, some of Ngati Kauwhata returned again and I saw them there, this was at Te Mahau a little below Te Rotonuiahau I saw Tapa's father & Eru's grandfather there. At that time I was grown up, I was able to work. These are the places that were cultivated by Ngati Kauwhata before going to Horowhenua and at that time Ngatiapa cultivated above them, their cultivations were not common to both they were divided, Ngatiapa's Cultivations commenced at Karangatikio and went inland all the cultivations above that point belonged to Ngatiapa
Court adjourned until 2:00pm.
Kawana Huria - Continued - Ill now refer to places mentioned by Mutainga and Awahuri - How he came to be there - After the arrival of Mr Mason Missionary - he was ten years with us Kereopa came from the seaward with others (Awahi - Matini, Henare) They settled at Awahuri - Kereopa went to Parawanui - He told Hania - my father - that he and his people were going to live at Awahuri My father said we better erect a church for going there that Mr Mason may minister to you Mr Mason lived at Whanganui Several hapus lived at Te Awahuari They nominated one to be their teacher A portion of N Kauhata & Rangitani lived at Puketotara lived at the mouth of the Oroua and Hoani Meihana was their teacher - After 10 years residence Hera... Herepitu said he would retire to Maungatautari with Takana and Te Kawa. Ngati Tauira Ngati Kauwhata some of them remained there permanently they cultivated together with N Melulai N Mawhai & another Te Whata the father of Tapa was there also with others cultivating Those who have arrived recently I know nothing of their claim The cultivation that were occupied by us were occupied by these people (Ngati Kauwhata) when we returned to Rangitikei It was arranged that Kereopa, Hoani Meihana and others should remain to cultivate with Ngati Kauwhata This was when Kingi Hori and others went away. In the year that Auraki died my father said to Kereopa my son is an adult and will shortly return to cultivate this land above Whitianga I have waited for many years my fathers statement is still in my ears but I have never acted on it. During last year I heard of a runanga of Tapas called to divide the land - the upper portion for Ngati Kauwhata the lower portion Ngati Tauira & Rangitane, I then considered that the word of my parents to Kereopa was not obeyed I objected to this arrangement and remonstrated with Hunia and others, I claimed land inland. The cultivations below Whitianga have been occupied by Ngati Kauwhata but those above Whitianga Ive still retained. I said to Ngati Kauwhata you may cultivate on the portions below Kauiri but you must not go above. In the year that the Kings Flag was hoisted for the 2nd time at Otaki, Wi Hape and others came and lived at Kai Iwi a little above Whitianga, Hamuera heard of my disagreement and said then, we'll sell 7.500 acres, a number of Ngati Apa's came to Tapa's Kainga to Runanga - Te Awahuri is the name of the Kainga, Kooro got up and enquired from Hamuera what was the object of the meeting - I replied I came to object to this runanga - Koro and Tapa referred me to Hamuera I said no, this lower portion was sold by Hamuera and the upper portion ........... to be heard by the Court We left the land all right, Kooro referred to the runanga they did not agree I was not present. Kooro made a proposition to join with Hamuera I said to Kooro and also to Mr Macdonald that I meant to maintain my claim to Kopiro Paekau Otoko Te Whinanahapainga Tukiapaoaka - extending up to Ruapuha, these are the cultivations referred to by me previously as occupied by Te Hakeke, It was agreed that the land should be investigated by the Native Land Court. Keropa and others (Ngatiapa) are based at Awahuri - he belongs to Ngati Tauira and other hapus - There are many other hapus that have claims who may come forward to support them if they like.
The Court: Said that as the Oroua claim had been before the Court before it would not be called MC Y2 / 24Y. Hoani Meihanas claim to Aorangi read -
Hoani Meihana sworn - I am a Rangitane and live on the land before the court, My reason for puttng the whole of this land in the gazette for investigation was because it was the piece that was left out of the sale of the adjoining lands. Ngatiapa Rangitane and Ngati Kauwhata are living there, In 1870 some of Ngati Kauwhata and Rangitane went to a Runanga at Awahuri. I, Hunia & Te Ropiha were not present, I heard afterward of that faltering, the result of that meeting (I heard) was that the land had been divided into three parcels. It was announced that from Ohungarea to mouth of Oroua following Manawatu to Weke - thence to a line to a point opposite Ohungarea This was the portion alloted to Rangitane Again from Ohungarea to Ruapuha was the portion alloted Ngai Kauwhata, Ngati Tauira. It was thought that in the upper portion there were about 15000 acres and that about 5000 acres were to be to the Raupitare from Ohungarea downwards. I thought that their was a great discrepancy in the areas of the two blocks and I sent in a claim to have the whole Block investigated by the Court. I do not accept the arrangement made by the Runanga, Eru Tahitangata said the subdivision is not a fair one. I am a Ngati Kauwhata & Wehiwehi.
Kawana Ropiha: Said I am a Ngatiapa, I object to the division in the middle, that between Ngati Kauwhata & Ngati Tauira, no actual division has been made yet. I object to Hamuera's proposition.
Peeti Te Aweawe: Said I object to the division made by the Runanga, I was present giving 15000 to Ngati Kauwhata and only 5000 to myself, I object with Hoani Meihana.
Te Kooro: Said I wish to remind the Court that this division is a fair one, the division was made deliberately with love and affection for one another and was not done with any ill feeling. Ngati Kauwhatas application was made in 1869, they thought their case would be opposed, they applied that it should be brought before the Court. We do not want all the land but that our disputings should cease and that after a fair investigation by the law our claim should be settled. Hamuera & Wiremu heard of this they said the claim to the Land was not to be investigated by the Court.
Agreement handed in.
Court adjourned until 10:00am tomorrow.
- Date
- March 17, 1873
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