Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook 2 - 13 March 1874
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Friday March 13th 1874
Place – the same Present – the same
Wairarapa – continued
Meretini Cook – sworn
I live at Manawatu. I belong to Ngatiraukawa.
I know the Wairarapa block of land. My ancestors and my parents are the owners. It belongs to my hapu – Ngatituara and Tuhourangi. Hape and his people.
On the arrival of my ancestors here with Ngatiraukawa, my parents divided – some Ngatiraukawa went to Heretaunga – Napier and Te Rauparaha and my parents came here. They desired to come here because of the number of whalers which visited this place. They wished to obtain powder and other goods. They did not come under the authority or protection of Te Rauparaha. My ancestors and parents had authority – arrived here – my father and Te Rauparaha killed the people on this land. My father was not a slave that they should direct him. This land was conquered by Te Rauparaha.
I have a claim to this land therefore – my hapu’s have remained permenantly on the land. I removed to Manawatu because of my marriage with a white man. I said to my pakeha, let us go there and let over land at Manawatu so that we may be free to come here on to this. Mr. Cooke did not consent. I have repeatedly asked my children to come here but they would not consent.
Rakapa said that this is the authority and that she has cultivations there. It is not correct. It is a lie. That is all I have to say.
Karipa – sworn
I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngatituara and Tuhourangi.
I know the land called Wairarapa. This land belongs to me and my ancestors to Horohi and Hurai also my parents Piripi. I don’t know Ururoa, Matene, Tamehana, Poria as living on that land.
Ururoa’s kainga is Te Rahui.
Te Rauparaha and others were living at Kapiti and Porirua and Wairau. Those were the places he lived at. Did not live at Wairarapa. Had he lived there, he may have called it his kainga. Wairarapa was my prarents and now Ngatituara and Tuhourangi are the people who live permanently there.
Our land is all this (pointing on the map) here our fathers caught ----.
Arapere said – I have nothing to say.
Hape Te Horohau said – this concluded the evidence on his side.
Adjourned for Matenes’s address.
Takapu No. 1
Ordered that in pursuance of the judgement given on the 11th March last that a memorial of ownership in favour of
Hapi Te Rangitewhata, Hohua Te Ruinui, Te Karatia, Te Oti Herei Te Hora, Hohaia Te Pakau, Nepia Te Rau, Honi Wahia Hakaraia, Tuhere Kiriona, Tia Te Rau, Witorihana Rupuha, Te Kooro Taharakau, Te Kiriama Kaiaho, Hunia Matenga, Te Hopa, Wairau, Moihi Te Humu, Akuhata Te Kapukai, Apera Te Tewe, Ngatio Te Ngaru, Matene Manuniowaka, Mihipaka Taterea, Puhiwahine Manahera, Tamara Te Hape, Ngehorihori, Ruriana Ngapuke, Iripapeti Matiu, Areta Te Popo, Meakaringi Popo, Hakiaha Paketene, Hare Teimana, Parekaurau Menehira, Pia Kakaria, Rangiwhata Matenga, Te Kapa Te Karaha, Maikora Taia, Kireona Whamara, Ahenata Hapi, Te Watere Te Karaha, Taia Rupuha, Kita Hamane, Henare Korouaputa, Te Houiana Ngapuke, Te Hanara Te Tewe, Te Manahi Hina, Hakaria Te Weraamahuta, Menehira Te Ngaropa, Te Popo Hoia, Tamihana Te Hoia, Karepa Te Kapukai, Karanama Te Kapukai, Nikorima Te Haenga, Poni Wahio Te Rakumia, Kapo and Te Hutana
Takapu No. 2
And that memorial of ownership in favour of
Karanaina Whawha, Watene Tiwaewae, Roera Hukiki, Wharetine Tuainuku, Te Hitau Tuainuku, Ngawiki Tuainuku, Hare Wirikake
Wairarapa continued
Matene Te Whiwhi addressed the court for the counter claimants.
Hape Te Horohau addressed the court for the claimants.
The court said that all the evidence had been heard and taken down and that at a future day it would announce when the judgement would be given in this matter.
Hare Wirikake said these are the names in whose favour the order should be made
Hare Wirikake, Maka Pukehi, Winara, Waretini and Te Ranginui
Horomona Toremi said in this land a large number of claims have been included and we have never been consulted.
Pineaha said – I wish to go and lay off my piece in this land.
Hare Wirikake – I am prepared to show that these claims are not included within the land described on the plan.
The court instructed the claimants and counter claimants to go on the ground with the interpreter and surveyor.
Harurunui – a7 – r3 – p0
Hakarai Te Wera – I recognise the land described by this plan. It is outside the township on this side of the Otaki River. There are two other claimants with me – Hakaraia and Metera. These are all.
Our right is by occupation without interference for a long time – very many years. I live now at Porotawhao. I went there about 4 years ago. Nobody disputed my occupation of this land years ago.
Objectors challenged.
Teimi Ransfield said – I have brought this land from the parties. Part of it is mine and granted.
Wyles said – I made the survey of this land. I have complied with the instructions of the ----.
I have a claim for survey amounting to two pounds £2.0.0
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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