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Present: His worship the Mayor (W.B.R. Gardener) & Crs. Hudson, Hall, Levy, Palmer, Mackenzie, R. Prouse & Ryder.

Business of Meeting

The meeting which was called by the Mayor, was duly summoned & constituted, the business being to make a Special Order declaring Kent Street extension to be a Public Street.

Declaring Kent St. Extension a Public Street

Moved by The Mayor & seconded by Cr. Hudson the following resolution: -

“Special Order” – That this council by this Special Order in pursuance of the powers & provisions contained in “The Municipal Corporations Act 1900”, do hereby declare the street made through Section 44 Levin Suburban Block I Waiopehu S.D. (the same being an extension of Kent St.) to be a public street within the meaning of the said Act”.

After discussion the resolution was carried unanimously.


Basil Gardener – Mayor

Dec. 21? 1906

(It appears that these minutes may have been signed retrospectively)



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