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Minutes of Special Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber on Monday the 28th May 1906 to consider the questions of appointment – Bankers etc.

PRESENT: His Worship the Mayor (Mr B. Gardener) and Crs. Hall, Hankins, Hudson, Levy, MacKenzie, Palmer, J. Prouse and Ryder


The question as to which bank the Council should deal with was first considered. Cr. Hankins moved and Cr. Ryder seconded “that this Council open their banking accounts with the Bank of Australasia – Levin. This was carried by seven votes to two. Councillors MacKenzie and Palmer voting against the motion.


The Council then went into Committee to consider the applications for the positions of Poundkeeper and Night-soil man.

On resuming it was moved by Cr. Hankins and seconded by Cr. Palmer “that the report and recommendation of the Committee be confirmed that Mr Musgrove be appointed Poundkeeper and Mr G.W. Astridge be the employee of the Council for the removal of night-soil.” This motion was carried.


Moved by Cr. MacKenzie seconded by Cr. Levy “That the Council calls for applications for the position of Town Clerk, such position to include Treasurer and Collector, Returning Officer, Inspector of Nuisances and Health and Inspector of Public Buildings or other positions he may be appointed to at a salary of 2 pounds per week”. Carried.


Moved by Cr. Hall, seconded by Cr. MacKenzie “that the next ordinary meeting of the Council be postponed from the 4th June to Friday the 8th June and that applications for the position of Town Clerk close on the latter date at 4 o’clock pm”. Carried


Proposed by Cr. MacKenzie seconded by Cr. Hudson “that Mr Prendergast be appointed Borough Solicitor”. Carried.

This concluded the business.



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