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One of Levin's business establishments is specially interesting to artistic and cultured minds, and that is the large and well-known stationery, bookselling, and fancy goods shop so ably conducted by Mr. F. W. Jones, in Oxford street, which has during the few brief years it has been established gained steadily in popularity and interest by reason of the capable system under which it is managed, and the innumerable features of novelty with which it has become identified. It is a recognised centre for the supply of all articles usually associated with a first-class stationery and fancy goods shop, and those are arranged so as to illustrate the most effective methods of display and utility, the adaptation of this fine emporium to the most acceptable ideals, of an up-to-date stationery and fancy goods depot being carried out by the proprietor in a manner that adequately attests his knowledge of the trade and of public tastes and requirements. A very large stock of commercial and general stationery,is held by Mr. Jones, notwithstanding the unfortunate war conditions, and just here it may be pointed out that large purchases made in the early stages of the shipping difficulties enables him to supply local residents with numerous lines that are either not procurable at other shops or that the prices demanded are far in excess of what the public should pay - or are called upon to pay - so long as Mr. Jones supplies last, and this is a matter local residents should commit to memory. The establishment is also a noted one for magnificent art treasures in china and glassware, pictures, dressing, and writing cases, clocks, work cases, picture frames in silver, bronze, and fancy woods, albums, inkstands, and an infinity of elegant bric-a-brac, while of all athletic goods the number is legion. Mr. Jones is agent for the sale and distribution of the Evening Post and several, other dailies, while the number of magazines received regularly at his establishment amply demonstrates the wide connection throughout the district this business enjoys.

With the object of giving the outside town and country dwellers an accurate idea as to Levin's resources and beauty spots, Mr. Jones will post free, on receipt of 9d, six handsome views of different parts of the town and district to any address in the Dominion. These views are worth 3d each, but this offer is a special one to advertise the town, and it remains open for one calender month, so write today and secure some of these fine views.


January 26, 1918


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