14th Mar 1873
- Description
Thursday March 14th 1873
Place The same
Present The same
Mr Buckley renewed his application of yesterday viz to ascertain when the court would be prepared to take the land excepted by the judgment already delivered - and asked that the investigation or the application in respect of the Block excepted (Horowhenua) might be entertained on Tuesday (week) the 25th instant
Application granted
Claim called - Tracing produced
Kerei Te Panau - Sworn - I belong to the Rangitane tribe and live at Puketotara - the boundaries described on the tracing correspond with those in application. This land was reserved from the sale of the Manawatu Block It is a portion of the Ahuateiranga It belongs to the persons named in the application and others - These are the names of the persons in whose favor we wish the Court to Order a Certificate of Title Kerei Te Panua, Ihaka Rangimauriora, Te Wirihana Kaiuokopuna, Hoani Meihana, Huru Te Hiaro, Turia Te Panau, Tutari Tuwete, Peti Te Aweawe, Wi Waka Te Rangi, Hoana Te Moemata. I cannot give the names of the other persons interested.
Piriki Tuaka said I belong to Rangitane and I object to a Certificate to the persons named I have a claim to the land - am a co-claimant with those named by Kerei
Kerei Te Panau said I admit Piripi's claim
Wi Mahuri said I have a claim to this land
Kerei Te Panau said this is a child of the sister to Tuerei - he is one of the persons I named
Wi Mahuri said Tuterei does not represent me in the land - I wish my name in the Grant
Hoani Meihana said we had better arrange this matter outside
Court adjourned for an hour
Hoani Meihana said we desire to have four Certificates of Hokowhitu of equal areas - I have made a mistake I want one Certificate for 40 acres and the other 3 to be of equal areas - we have not fixed the divisional lines
Case adjourned until 10 A.M. tomorrow to enable the parties to agree as to subdivisional lines and have them marked out on the plan.
Hare Wirikake said I apply for a Testamentary Order to succeed to the interest of Parakaia Te Ponepa
Maaka Pukehi sworn I belong to the Ngatiturangi tribe and live at Otaki I apply to succeed to the interest of Parakaia Te Ponepa in this land - the Crown Grant has been issued - I produce it - dates 21st January 1870 - Parakaia is dead - I learnt so by telegram - I am a nephew to the late Parakaia - he had no children. I am the child of his elder brother Pukehi - my father and Parakaia were the children of
Parakaia's wife is dead - Parakaia did not leave a will - he gave directions to his people. I was four years at Ngapuhi - when I returned I found Parakaia nearly dead this was in 1871 - I mean he was ill Parakaia wished to see me - Parakaia wished me to live with him as his child - this was not the first time he had done so - Parakaia ............ Then his wife was taken ill of the same complaint she died - Parakaia then came and lived with me - I was married - he wished us to go and see this land - He wished to show it to my wife We saw the land and then went to Papakiri We then returned to Otaki - he gave us the Crown Grant and said that when he returned from Waikato my name should be inserted in it I agreed - shortly before he went he gave the grant to me - I accompanied him as far as Papakirikiii - He never returned from Waikato - Parakaia received some money from a Policeman as part payment for a portion of this land of which he gave me a share - Parakaia signed the conveyance to the policeman - I have heard that a portion of Paretao has been sold but I do not know what we have dealt with the land since - I was told by Parakaia that I might sell the portion of the land which was for me and I sold 2 acres
John Purcell said I am the policeman referred to by Meaka - I have not received the conveyance for the piece on which I paid money.
Hare Wirikake said I opposed the claim of Maaka Pukehu I claim the Crown Grant for this land being in the name of Parakaia - I make my claim in consequence of letters which I have received from Parekaia - Parakaia gave me all his interest in the land on my arrival here in 1867 on the 12th day of February of that year before the land had passed the Court - I have a number of his letters relating to this land I received them long before I arrived here There are persons here who can confirm my statement relative to Parakaia's fifth to me of the land Peeti is aware of it Parakaia's sister is also aware of it. She is present in Court - her name is Hera Tuhangahanga this letter I received subsequent to the passing of the land through the Court (letter produced dated April 27/69) the latter portion refers to the land I have here a number of letters which I consider valuable as to establishing my claim One of Parakaia’s sister is alive - She is by another wife - her name is Hera Tuhangahanga
Hera Tuhangahanga Sworn I am a sister of Parakaia we had one father but different mothers - I am the only surviving child of that father - Parakaia had no children and I have no children - I have heard what Wirikake has said - it is correct. Hone Wirikake was the first to survey the land for the purpose of bringing into the Court. I think this land should be for me - I do not consent to any one being before me - I think I ought to succeed to Parakaia's interest in this land - I heard by letter that Parakaia was dead - the letters were written by Nirae to me - the letter is at Otaki - I had some of the money received from Mr Stuart for this land - Parakaia died at Maungatautari
Ordered that Hera Tuhangahanga ought to succeed to the interest of Parakaia Te Ponepa in the Paretao Block
Fee charges
Test............. Order £1.00
Court adjourned until 10 A M tomorrow
- Date
- March 14, 1873
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